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Intro ---- DJ-AIG commodity index Futures

(2007-10-12 11:15:30) 下一個

It sounds quivalent to mutual fund / index ETF versus futures pool / futures index ETF

As of date, the volumn on ECBOT is very thin about max 200 less a day.  But we will expect individual investors demand driven volumn higher.

It uses standard futures contract to do the similar thing to those used in OTC swap market.

Most individuals cannot afford to access OTC swap market to expose commodity market.

DJ-AIGCI Excess Return Futures Reference Guide

Commodities as an asset class have become a standard component of many diversified financial portfolios.  On a global basis, as of June 2006 there was an estimated $95 billion tracking commodity indexes, with an estimated $30 billion tracking the Dow Jones-AIG Commodity IndexSM ("DJ-AIGCISM")1.  A significant amount of this notional exposure is achieved through the use of swaps.  The CBOT DJ-AIGCISM Excess Return futures contract ("DJ-AIG ERSM") is designed to provide a highly liquid, standardized alternative to custom over-the-counter transactions on the DJ-AIGCISM.

The CBOT DJ-AIGCISM Excess Return futures contract is designed to provide a highly liquid, standardized alternative to custom over-the-counter transaction on the

Some key features of the DJ-AIG ERSM  futures contract are as follows

Designed to track the DJ-AIGCISMwhich is calculated on an excess return basis

Embedded fee that mirrors the mechanics of the over the counter(OTC) commodity index swap market

Qurterly expireations in the first calendar year with lised maturities up to five yeras

DJ-AIG ERSM  futures contract is designed to track the DJ-AIGCISM in a financial vehicle similar to those
used in the OTC swap market.

Prior to April  2006, the DJ-AIGCISM  referenced the NYMEX New York Harbor Unleaded Gasoline contract. During the April 2006
roll period, the DJ-AIGCISM switched to the Reformulated Gasoline Blendstock for Oxygen Blending (RBOB) contract --from

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