
  • 博客訪問:

綠卡滯外的護身符 N-470

(2011-04-28 11:15:12) 下一個
索引:1) Eligibility; 2) N-470; 3) Checklist; 4) Service Center

綠卡滯外的護身符 N-470
- pjiang -

在拿到美國綠卡之後,還必須等個三、五年才能申請公民。申請公民的條件,還有在美居留累積達 18 個月或 30 個月。在此期間,如果你在外停留超過 6 個月,你就打破了 Continuous Residence 的條件。那就是說,停留超過 6 個月之前的在美國境內居留累積的時間,將有可能置零,除非你有站得住的理由。

如果你在外停留超過了一年,此前積累的在美國境內居留的所有時間,就一定是被置零了,不管你是否事先申請了 Reentry Permit (RP). RP 的作用隻是保證你在外一年之後,仍舊能以綠卡的身份返美。

在這種情形下,想要保留之前的在美國境內居留的積累時間,你可以求助於 N-470 表格,如果你有資格的話。


最後提醒的是,N-470 的作用是保留之前的積累時間,不被 Continuous Residence 置零。如果你在境外停留超過一年,你還需要單獨申請 Reentry Permit. 這兩者不可相互替代。

當你是拖家帶口時,你的所有的家庭成員可以隨同你一起遊曆海外,而不需各自申請來保留之前的積累時間。他們也不受上麵的資格要求,唯一的要求是,是你的依附人,並且列在你的 N-470 表格上。
他們是否需要申請 RP,那是另外考慮的事兒。

在你確定是要填寫 N-470 表格的時候,我們開始往下走。
N-470, Application to Preserve Residence for Naturalization Purposes 的當前版本是 (Rev. 01/31/11) Y.
表格下載 http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/n-470.pdf
表格說明下載 http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/n-470instr.pdf

Part 1. Information about you. - 個人情況
Family Name - 姓
Given Name - 名
Middle Name - N/A
A Number - A號
U.S. Social Security Number - 社安號

Home Address - 住址
Street Number and Name
Apt. #
Zip/Postal Code
Mailing Address - 郵址
Street Number and Name
Apt. #
C/O (in care of): - 參見“移民局填表 ABC”
Zip/Postal Code

Daytime Phone # (Area/Country Code)
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
Country of Birth
Country of Citizenship

Part 2. Reason for Request. - 申請理由
My absence from the United States is:
通常情況多是選 C.
A. On behalf of the U.S. Government. - 政府
B. For the purpose of carrying on scientific research on behalf of an American institution of research. - 科研
C. For the purpose of engaging in the development of foreign trade and commerce of the United States on behalf of an American firm or corporation or a subsidiary thereof. - 商貿
D. Necessary for the protection of property rights outside the United States of an American firm or corporation engaged in the development of foreign trade and commerce of the United States. - 商貿中護財
E. On behalf of a public international organization of which the United States is a member. - 國際組織
F. Solely because of my capacity as a clergyman or clergywoman, missionary, brother, nun or sister of a denomination or mission having a bona fide organization in the United States. - 宗教

Part 3. Additional information. - 附加信息
1. Give the date that you obtained lawful permanent resident status.(mm/dd/yyyy)

2. Since lawful entry as a permanent resident, have you resided in and been physically present in the United States for an uninterrupted period of at least 1 year?

3. List all you absences from the United States since your admission as a lawful permanent resident. Begin with your most recent trip.
Date of Departure (mm/dd/yyyy)
Date of Return (mm/dd/yyyy)
Port of Entry Into the United States
Purpose of Trip

4. Explain the position of employment that requires your absence from the United States and the intended length of employment.

5. Is the name you provided in Part 1 different from the name that appears on your Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card?
If "Yes," note the information that is different. You must provide evidence showing the legal basis for the difference.

6. Since becoming a lawful permanent resident, have you ever filed an income tax return as a nonresident or otherwise claimed or received benefits as a nonresident alien under U.S. federal, state or local income tax laws?
獲得綠卡身份後,有否以非居民身份報過稅(填 1040-NR)?

7. Are other family members who are lawful permanent residents intending to reside outside the United States with you?
Give the following information about other family members who will reside outside the United States with you.
列出這些家庭成員(1. 綠卡身份;2. 陪同你在外)的相關信息
Name (Last/First/Middle)
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
Name (Last/First/Middle) Relationship - 非配偶子女不算
A Number (if applicable)

Part 4. Signature.
Signature of Applicant - 申請人簽名
Daytime Phone Number (with area code)
E-Mail Address (if any)
Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Part 5. Signature of person preparing form, if other than above.

  • N-470
  • 申請費 $330
  • 雇主信
  • 綠卡正反麵
  • 更名文書(選)
  • 獲得綠卡之後用過的所有護照



附 錄
[1] USCIS Official N-470

Last Rvsd 4/28/11

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