Eligibility; 2)
N-400; 3)
Service Center; 4)
Checklist; 5)
More Info
入籍申請 N-400
- pjiang -
由持有綠卡到入籍,唯一的條件就是時間。一般來說,年滿 18 歲,滿足條件的話,可以在綠卡五年之後(在美國居留超過 30 個月)申請入籍;如果是已婚三年且配偶在最近三年保持其公民身份,你們一直在共同生活,可以提早至三年(超過 18 個月),--即使綠卡不是通過與公民的婚姻而獲得的。
例:王五同學在 5/22/1997 獲得了 EB 綠卡,於 10/22/1997 與公民成婚,且一直共同生活。王五同學可以在 10/22/2000 申請入籍,而不必等到 5/22/2002.
申請入籍可以提前 90 天提交申請,所以又有四年九個月、或兩年九個月一說。
這樣,王五同學的入籍申請可以早至在 7/24/00 提交,而不是原來的 2/21/02.
雖然你滿足了 Continuous Residence 的條件,在提交申請之前,你必須在該州居住了三個月。
根據 "Continuous Residence" 的要求,如果離境超過一年,之前在美積累的時間置零,居留時間從新起算。如果在兩年之內返美,不在美的最後 364 天可以折算成居留時間。
N-400, Form N-400 Application for Naturalization (Rev. 04/05/10)Y Expires 01/31/11. 填表說明在
Write your USCIS "A" - number here:
你的 A# 要填在每一頁的右上角
Part 1. Your Name. (The person applying for naturalization.)
A. Your current legal name.
B. Your name
exactly as it appears on your Permanent Resident Card.
C. If you have ever used other names, provide them below.
若無曾用名,在 Family Name 處填 "N/A"
D. Name change
1. Would you like to legally change your name?
你答 "Yes" 更名時,記得要去當地政府備案,並書寫新名
2. If "Yes," print the new name you would like to use. Do not use initials or abbreviations when writing your new name.
Part 2. Information about your eligibility. (Check only one.)
A [ ] I have been a Lawful Permanent Resident of the United States for at least five years.
B [ ] I have been a Lawful Permanent Resident of the United States for at least three years, and I have been married to and living with the same U.S. citizen for the last three years, and my spouse has been a U.S. citizen for the last three years.
公民配偶的三年期,注意兩個條件 1) 已婚三年且配偶在最近三年保持其公民身份;2) 一直共同生活
C [ ] I am applying on the basis of qualifying military service.
D [ ] Other
Part 3. Information about you.
A. U.S. Social Security Number
B. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
C. Date You Became a Permanent Resident (mm/dd/yyyy)
D. Country of Birth
E. Country of Nationality
F. Are either of your parents U.S. citizens?
G. What is your current marital status?
H. Are you requesting a waiver of the English and/or U.S. History and Government requirements based on a disability or impairment and attaching a Form N-648 with your application?
勾 "Yes" 如果因體障申請免試,請同時填寫 N-648
I. Are you requesting an accommodation to the naturalization process because of a disability or impairment?
I am deaf or hearing impaired and need a sign language interpreter who uses the following language: -
I use a wheelchair. -
I am blind or sight impaired. -
I will need another type of accommodation. Please explain: -
Part 4. Addresses and telephone numbers.
A. Home Address - No P.O. Box
B. Care of
C. Phone Number / Email
Part 5. Information for criminal records search.
A. Gender
B. Height
C. Weight
D. Are you Hispanic or Latino? - [No]
E. Race - [Asian]
F. Hair color - [Black]
G. Eye color - [Black]
Part 6. Information about your residence and employment.
A. Where have you lived during the last five years? Begin with where you live now and then list every place you lived for the last five years.
B. Where have you worked (or, if you were a student, what schools did you attend) during the last five years? Include military service.
自雇填 "self employed"
Part 7. Time outside the United States.
在五年中,必須最近有 30 個月在美國居留。"Continuous Residence" 是說,如果在境外超過一年,即使有申請 RP,其居留時間從零起算。
注:在兩年內返美,境外的最後 364 天可以算數。
A. How many total days did you spend outside of the United States during the past five years?
在境外停留超過 24 小時的旅程總天數
B. How many trips of 24 hours or more have you taken outside of the United States during the past five years?
在境外停留超過 24 小時的旅程次數
C. List below all the trips of 24 hours or more that you have taken outside of the United States since becoming a Lawful Permanent Resident.
Part 8. Information about your marital history.
A. How many times have you been married (including annulled marriages)?
若從未結婚,填 "0" 後略去本部份
離婚、喪偶者還有 F 問。
B. If you are now married, give the following information about your spouse:
1. Spouse's Name
2. Date of Birth
3. Date of Marriage
4. Spouse's U.S. Social Security #
5. Home Address
C. Is your spouse a U.S. citizen?
D. If your spouse is a U.S. citizen, give the following information:
1. When did your spouse become a U.S. citizen?
是出生即公民 [At Birth] (則略去 2、3 兩問),或其它 [Other]
2. Date your spouse became a U.S. citizen
3. Place your spouse became a U.S. citizen
E. If your spouse is not a U.S. citizen, give the following information
1. Spouse's Country of Citizenship
2. Spouse's USCIS ''A''- Number
3. Spouse's Immigration Status
Lawful Permanent Resident
Other - AOS, OOS, F-1/H-1 etc
F. If you were married before, provide the following information about your prior spouse.
1. Prior Spouse's Family Name
2. Prior Spouse's Immigration Status
3. Date of Marriage (mm/dd/yyyy)
4. Date Marriage Ended (mm/dd/yyyy)
5. How Marriage Ended
除了離婚[Divorce]和喪偶[Spouse Died],[Other]是指什麽(腦袋想痛...)
G. How many times has your current spouse been married (including annulled marriages)?
If your spouse has ever been married before, give the following information about your spouse's prior marriage.
1. Prior Spouse's Family Name
2. Prior Spouse's Immigration Status
3. Date of Marriage (mm/dd/yyyy)
4. Date Marriage Ended (mm/dd/yyyy)
5. How Marriage Ended
Part 9. Information about your children.
A. How many sons and daughters have you had?
B. Provide the following information about all of your sons and daughters.
在一欄指明共同生活 (With Me)、已亡 (Dead) 或丟失 (Missing")
Part 10. Additional questions.
A. General Questions.
1. Have you ever claimed to be a U.S. citizen (in writing or any other way)?
2. Have you ever registered to vote in any Federal, state or local election in the United States?
3. Have you ever voted in any Federal, state or local election in the United States?
4. Since becoming a Lawful Permanent Resident, have you ever failed to file a required Federal state or local tax return?
5. Do you owe any Federal, state or local taxes that are overdue?
6. Do you have any title of nobility in any foreign country?
7. Have you ever been declared legally incompetent or been confined to a mental institution within the last five years?
B. Affiliations.
8a. Have you ever been a member of or associated with any organization, association, fund foundation, party, club, society or similar group in the United States or in any other place?
8b. If you answered "Yes," list the name of each group below. If you need more space, attach the names of the other group(s) on a separate sheet(s) of paper.
9. Have you ever been a member of or in any way associated
是否參加過 [a] 共產黨、[b] 極權黨、[c] 恐怖組織?
a. The Communist Party?
b. Any other totalitarian party?
c. A terrorist organization?
10. Have you ever advocated (either directly or indirectly) the overthrow of any government by force or violence?
11. Have you ever persecuted (either directly or indirectly) any person because of race, religion, national origin, membership in a particular social group or political opinion?
12. Between March 23, 1933 and May 8, 1945, did you work for or associate in any way (either directly or indirectly) with:
a. The Nazi government of Germany?
b. Any government in any area (1) occupied by, (2) allied with, or (3) established with the help of the Nazi government of Germany?
c. Any German, Nazi, or S.S. military unit, paramilitary unit, self-defense unit, vigilante unit, citizen unit, police unit, government agency or office, extermination camp, concentration camp, prisoner of war camp, prison, labor camp or transit camp?
C. Continuous Residence.
13. Have you ever called yourself a ''nonresident'' on a Federal, state or local tax return?
是否在稅表上自稱過 "nonresident"?
14. Have you ever failed to file a Federal, state or local tax return because you considered yourself to be a "nonresident"?
是否因為認為是 "nonresident" 而不交稅?
D. Good Moral Character.
不足 $500 的交通罰單及計點,且與酗酒或毒品無關,也未導致逮捕的交通事故,不在此列。
15. Have you ever committed a crime or offense for which you were not arrested?
16. Have you ever been arrested, cited or detained by any law enforcement officer (including USCIS or former INS and military officers) for any reason?
17. Have you ever been charged with committing any crime or offense?
18. Have you ever been convicted of a crime or offense?
19. Have you ever been placed in an alternative sentencing or a rehabilitative program (for example: diversion, deferred prosecution, withheld adjudication, deferred adjudication)?
20. Have you ever received a suspended sentence, been placed on probation or been paroled?
21. Have you ever been in jail or prison?
Why were you arrested, cited, detained or charged?
Date arrested, cited, detained or charged? (mm/dd/yyyy)
Where were you arrested, cited, detained or charged? (City, State, Country)
Outcome or disposition of the arrest, citation, detention or charge (No charges filed, charges dismissed, jail, probation, etc.)
22. Have you ever:
是否有過 [a] 酗酒、[b] 賣淫拉皮條、[c] 販毒、[d] 重婚、[e] 走私人口、[f] 非法賭博、[g] 不付贍養費?
a. Been a habitual drunkard?
b. Been a prostitute, or procured anyone for prostitution?
c. Sold or smuggled controlled substances, illegal drugs or narcotics?
d. Been married to more than one person at the same time?
e. Helped anyone enter or try to enter the United States illegally?
f. Gambled illegally or received income from illegal gambling?
g. Failed to support your dependents or to pay alimony?
23. Have you ever given false or misleading information to any U.S. government official while applying for any immigration benefit or to prevent deportation, exclusion or removal?
24. Have you ever lied to any U.S. government official to gain entry or admission into the United States?
E. Removal, Exclusion and Deportation Proceedings.
25. Are removal, exclusion, rescission or deportation proceedings pending against you?
26. Have you ever been removed, excluded or deported from the United States?
27. Have you ever been ordered to be removed, excluded or deported from the United States?
28. Have you ever applied for any kind of relief from removal, exclusion or deportation?
F. Military Service.
29. Have you ever served in the U.S. Armed Forces?
30. Have you ever left the United States to avoid being drafted into the U.S. Armed Forces?
31. Have you ever applied for any kind of exemption from military service in the U.S. Armed Forces?
32. Have you ever deserted from the U.S. Armed Forces?
G. Selective Service Registration.
33. Are you a male who lived in the United States at any time between your 18th and 26th birthdays in any status except as a lawful nonimmigrant?
作為在 18 至 26歲之間的男性,你在美國居住期間,是否有過任何除合法非移民身份之外的身份?
Date Registered (mm/dd/yyyy)
Selective Service Number
* 在上述年齡段獲得綠卡的男生,必須進行 Selective Service 的注冊。有關詳情參閱“
如果你的公民麵試通知要求“Any evidence of Selective Service Registration”,而你是在 26 歲之後獲得的綠卡,你隻需解釋 "I was not required to register selective service for being over 26-year old at the time I was granted permanent residency".
H. Oath Requirements. (See Part 14 for the Text of the Oath.)
34. Do you support the Constitution and form of government of the United States?
35. Do you understand the full Oath of Allegiance to the United States?
36. Are you willing to take the full Oath of Allegiance to the United States?
37. If the law requires it, are you willing to bear arms on behalf of the United States?
38. If the law requires it, are you willing to perform noncombatant services in the U.S. Armed Forces?
39. If the law requires it, are you willing to perform work of national importance under civilian direction?
Part 11. Your signature.
Part 12. Signature of person who prepared this application for you. (If applicable.)
Part 13. Signature at interview.
Part 14. Oath of Allegiance.
申請費 $595 + $80,75 歲以上的老者為 $595(免 $80 指紋費)。
Military Provisions 328/329 的申請,不分轄區,一律寄往
Nebraska Service Center
P.O. Box 87426
Lincoln, NE 68501-7426
USCIS Lockbox Facility, USCIS P.O. Box 21251 Phoenix, AZ 85036
Private Courier (non-USPS) USCIS, Attn: N400 1820 E Skyharbor Circle S. Floor 1, Phoenix, AZ 85036
Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Territory of Guam, Northern Mariana Islands
USCIS Lockbox Facility, USCIS P.O. Box 660060 Dallas, TX 75266
Private Courier (non-USPS) USCIS, Attn: N400 2501 S. State Hwy 121, Bldg. 4 Lewisville, TX 75067
Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, DC, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, U.S. Virgin Islands.
- N-400
- Applicable fee
- 2 Photos (name/A# on back in pencil)
- (option) 改名,Marriage certificate, Divorce decree, or Court document
- (option - 拿到綠卡後在美國之外停留超過六個月者)IRS tax return for past 5 years (or 3 years), or Rent/mortgage payments and pay stubs
- (option) A written explanation on a separate sheet of paper, if you answer "Yes" to any of Questions 1 through 14 of Part 10 of form N-400, or "No" to any of Questions 34 through 39.
- (option) 被捕過(無論起訴與否,也無論是否不留案底),有執刑或緩刑包括戒毒社區服務,皆須附所有法律文書之原件。申請人可附加解釋
- (option) 拿到綠卡後有過誤稅,所有 IRS 相關文書
- (option) 有欠稅,所有稅務機關的償稅計劃
- (option) Selective Service Registration info
For 3-year application
- Spouse' US passport, or Naturalization Certificate, or Certificate of Citizenship, or Birth certificate
- Marriage certificate
- (option) Proof of termination of all prior marriages of your spouse
- (option) Proof of termination of all prior marriages of you
- Tax returns, bank accounts, leases, mortgages, or birth certificates of children, or Internal Revenue Service (IRS) - certified copies of the income tax forms that you both filed for the past three years, or An IRS tax return transcript for the last three years
申請公民依然有 FBI 的 Name Check,並且 180 天規定不適用於此。申請人需要提交指紋,還有公民考試,麵試(英語口試),宣誓等程序。
年滿 50 歲並且持有綠卡 20 年以上,或年滿 55 歲並且持有綠卡 15 年以上者,不必參加英語考試,但必須參加自選語種的公民考試。
年滿 65 歲並且持有綠卡 20 年以上者,不必參加英語考試,但必須參加自選語種的簡化公民考試。
答案分別是 Y 和 N.
附 錄
USCIS Official N-400
A Guide to Naturalization (M-476)
Document Checklist for Form N-400, Application for Naturalization
Naturalization Eligibility
Child Citizenship Act Program Update
Last Rvsd 8/12/10
My daughter is 17 (will complete 18 by next year April), and she completes 5 years as Permanent Resident this month as me. Can she apply for citizenship together with me? or have to wait till complete 18 years old? If she can do now, what I should answer Part2 information on N-600 Form? And question of Part5--C(nonimmigrant?), D (granted ajsutment status?)
I appreciate your advice.
"33. Are you a male who lived in the United States at any time between your 18th and 26th birthdays in any status except as a lawful nonimmigrant?
在拿到綠卡之前,作為男性在 18 至 26歲之間是否在美國?"
似應翻譯為“ 你是否在18-26歲之間以除了合法非移民身份以外的任何身份在美國?”
以免歧義。 謝謝。