
  • 博客訪問:


(2007-09-28 10:24:47) 下一個
索引:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

- pjiang -

原來的移民縮語詞匯表已經有一年了,老師加了幾個,小改了幾個(如 OPT 原釋為"學生畢業後實習"不太準確)。


AAO - Administration Appeal Office of USCIS
AD - Approval Date
ADIT - Alien Documentation, Identification and Telecommunication System 內詳
AILA - American Immigration Lawyers Association 內詳
AOS - Adjustment of Status 身份調整 內詳
AP - Advanced Parole - 回美紙(證)內詳
ARC - Alien Registration Card
ASC - Application Support Center

BEC - Backlog Elimination Center 勞工部勞工證積案處理中心
BIA - Board of Immigration Appeal

CBP - please refer to USCBP
CIS - please refer to USCIS
COS - Change of Status 身份轉換 內詳
CP - Consular Processing 與 I-485 相對應的領館綠卡申請處理 內詳
CPT - Curricular Practical Training 課程實習工作(F-1) 內詳
CRU - Case Resolution Unit
CSC - California 移民服務中心
CSR - Customer Service Representative 客服代表

deion - description 因為 script 屬禁字被濾 (改 descrip-tion)
DFLC - Division of Foreign Labor Certification 勞工部勞工證核發部門
DHS - Department of Homeland Security 國土安全部
DIY - Do It Yourself
DOL - Department of Labor 勞工部
DS - Duration of status (D/S) 隨身份有效 (F-1)

EAD - Employment Authorization Document 工卡 內詳
EB - Employment Based 職業移民 內詳
EOS - Extension of Stay 身份延期 內詳
EVL - Employment Verification Letter 內詳

Family Registry - 戶口簿
FB - Family Based 親屬移民 內詳
FL - First Lady
FP - Finger Print 指紋 內詳

GC - Green Card
GX - 恭喜

Household Register - please refer to Family Registry

ICE - please refer to USICE
IJ - Immigration Judge 移民法官
IO - Immigration Officer 移民官
ISO - International Student Officer 學校管理國際學生的老師

LC - Labor Certificate 勞工證 (辦技術移民時)
LCA - Labor Condition Application 勞工條件申請書 (辦H-1時) 內詳
LD - 領導,指配偶而不顯示性別,不象老婆 LP、老公(勞工)LG
LPR - Lawful Permanent Resident 綠卡持有人在美身份
LUD - Last Updated Date 最後的更新日期 內詳
LZ - 樓主 (Lou Zhu), 特指本 thread 的第一貼
兩分錢 - (mytwocents)*

MTR - Motion to Reopen 重新審理 內詳

NBC - National Benefit Center
NC - Name Check 背景調查 內詳
ND - Notice Date 內詳
NIV - Non Immigrant Visa
NIW - National Interest Waiver 國家利益豁免 內詳
NOID - Notice of Intent to Deny 拒絕意向書
NON RIR - 普通勞工證申請
NSC - Nebraska 移民服務中心
NVC - National Visa Center (in NH)

OOS - Out of Status 內詳
OP - Original Post, please refer to LZ
OPT - Optional Practical Training 學業實習工作(F-1) 內詳

PD - Priority Date 優先日期(排期) 內詳
PERM - Permanent Employment Certification 勞工證
POE - Port of Entry 入境口岸 內詳
POJ - a way to reach IO via the phone 內詳
PP - Premium Processing, or Passport
PPS - Premium Processing Service 加快服務 內詳
PR - Permanent Resident 永久居民
p老師,皮匠 - (pjiang)*

QQH - 悄悄話 (private message) 內詳

RA - Research Assistant
RD - Received Date 內詳
RFE - Request Further Evidence 補材料
RIR - Reduction in Recruitment 快速勞工證申請
RP - Reentry Permit 白皮書 內詳

S/S - Same or Similar (occupational classification) 內詳
SC - Service Center (one of CSC/NSC/TSC/VSC)
SEVIS - Student and Exchange Visitor Information System
SSN - Social Security Number 社安號 內詳
SWA - State Workforce Authority
色班,色小,主任 - (色大膽小)*
射線,收音機 - (radiology)*

TA - Teaching Assistant
ted - submitted 因為 submit 屬禁字被濾 (改 sub-mitted)
TSC - Texas 移民服務中心
天平貓 - (天平上的貓)*

USCBP - U.S.Customs and Border Protection 海關邊境保護局 內詳
USCIS - U.S.Citizenship and Immigration Service 移民局 內詳
USICE - U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement 移民及海關執法局 內詳

VB - Visa Bulletin 簽證公告 內詳
VO - Visa Officer 簽證官
VSC - Vermont 移民服務中心

WOM - Writ of Mandamus 內詳

小白兔,兔妹,兔俠 - (xiaobaitu)*

YMMV - Your mileage may vary (You may not get the same result as others)

ZT - 轉貼 (Zhuan Tie)
ZZ - 轉載 (Zhuan Zai)
知姐,高妹,高班 - (知名度比較高)*

* 括號內為網友之 ID

附 錄
[1] 移民縮語詞匯表

Last Rvsd 4/8/10 (1)

[ 打印 ]
閱讀 ()評論 (3)
tutai 回複 悄悄話 謝謝pjiang :我上個星期已經接通移民局的電話了,移民局接話的工作人員說:“沒有這個案子號碼。我這裏的數據庫裏也沒有這個案子,可能在另外一個數據庫裏,現在還是在處理的期限內。一個星期後再來電話”。移民局怎麽是這樣辦事情?今天我再次登上網去看,還是原來的樣子。怎麽辦?下個月中我要回國了。
卡好 回複 悄悄話 ted - submitted 因為 submit 屬禁字被濾 (改 sub-mitted)

I am confused by the "ted" for a long long time, now I finally find the answer.
however, why the word "submit" would be filtered?
radiology 回複 悄悄話 你的blog的內容也很豐富!