
Walking into uncertainty and coming out of it.

(2006-10-04 12:20:00) 下一個
If someting positive did come out from that situation and give me a bit of comfort was instead of getting chemo shots I would receive chemo pill treatment.  However, as the time went by the dosages were increased again and again.  One day, I had difficulty to recognize myself in the mirror.  The chemo pills had made me look like a dried out tree branch.  I could not sleep well in the night yet I was sleepy all the time. Rash covered most of my limbs.  I still had frequent tooth bleeding.  But the worst of all was my finger nails graduately turned to black.  My doctor was surprised to see my condition and declared that treatment was a failure.  A new and quite expensive drug was prescribed for me to try.  Months past yet the new drug could not lower my pletelet counts, allthough I did get normal finger nails bak.  The immediately danger I was facing were heart attack and stroke.  The doctor made decision to try the last option -shots-on me. 

During the period while I was struggling with the second medication.  The merciful Lord called on me.  I totally surrended myself to his grace.  14 months later, I became "the most positive patient this blood clinic has".   I will post my testimony soon in hopping that someone out there can have same strength , hope and most of all, the grace from our mighty God to go through any situation.
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