
continue the story

(2007-07-21 07:10:08) 下一個
Hong Kong was the only port call for that ship before its final destination, Taiwan.  With few hours to spare while stopping over then British colony and so called " The pearl of Orient", what most passengers did was getting off the boat and exploring this famous city.  But some unpleasant event happened to my parents during that short staying which might have been the reason why until now  I have not had desire to visit Hong Kong nor I care about what is going on in there either. According to my parents, there was a huge down fall came suddently while they were window shopping.  they tried to stand under a canopy to wait for it stops only were chased away by the shop owner.  I guess refugees were not welcome there unless you were British.

You can be rich but you can't live without heart.  Each time you lookdown on someone just because he is in less favourable situation than you are, you are downgrading yourself further.  It is petty that not too many people can see through that.xxxxxxx to be continued.
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