
隨遇而安 順其自然


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 廖康: 從一首民歌的翻譯看美而不信

英國民歌Scarborough Fair 因Paul Simon 和Art Garfunkel 的演唱和1966 出的唱片而廣為流傳,又因次年電影《畢業生》用了這支歌,更使其不脛而走,甚至在中國大陸都非常流行。然而,這首歌還沒有理想的翻譯。懂英文的人當然不在乎,他們中也不乏反對翻譯詩歌之人。我從事翻譯和翻譯教學多年,深知譯詩之難。詩歌是運用語言的最高藝術形式,一種語言的美妙極難在另一種語言中體現出來。美國詩人弗羅斯特甚至說:“詩就是在翻譯中失去的東西。”盡管如此,這種不討好的事還是需要人來作。而且,許多前輩也的確成功地翻譯了許多外國好詩,不僅開拓了未諳外文者的眼界,還豐富了我們祖國的文字和文化。偶爾,甚至有人竟能完美地翻譯個別作品,令人心悅誠服。當然,更多的時候,詩歌翻譯隻是幫助我們了解外國文學,欣賞其比喻和意象,卻難以體會原作的韻律和節奏。還有一種特別情況,翻譯出來的詩歌似乎比原文還美,讓不懂外文的讀者驚為絕妙好辭。其實,與原文相比,翻譯雅過頭了,失了信。漣波譯的Scarborough Fair這首民歌,就是一例。且看其中四段:

問爾所之,是否如適 Are you going to scarborough fair?
蕙蘭芫荽,鬱鬱香芷 Parsley sage rosemary and thyme.
彼方淑女,憑君寄辭 Remember me to one who lives there.
伊人曾在,與我相知 She once was a true love of mine.

囑彼佳人,備我衣緇 Tell her to make me a cambric shirt.
蕙蘭芫荽,鬱鬱香芷 Parsley sage rosemary and thyme.
勿用針砧,無隙無疵 Without no seams nor needle work.
伊人何在,慰我相思 Then she will be a true love of mine.

囑彼佳人,營我家室 Tell her to find me an acre of land.
蕙蘭芫荽,鬱鬱香芷 Parsley sage rosemary and thyme.
良田所修,大海之坻 Between the salt water and the sea strands,
伊人應在,任我相視 Then she will be a true love of mine.

囑彼佳人,收我秋實 Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather.
蕙蘭芫荽,鬱鬱香芷 Parsley sage rosemary and thyme.
斂之集之,勿棄勿失 And gather it all in a bunch of heather.
伊人猶在,唯我相誓 Then she will be a true love of mine.


首先,為了押韻,原文的“She once was a true love of mine她曾與我相愛”被譯作“與我相知”,這是因文害義。“伊人何在,慰我相思”和“伊人應在,任我相視”犯的是同樣毛病。更大的問題是,原文中歌者要求以前的戀人要完成一係列不可能的任務,她才能成為他真正的戀人(女人唱時則把那戀人變為男性),譯文應用詩經體,雅則雅矣,卻未能表現出原詩的主旨。還讓人納悶,為什麽“勿用針砧,無隙無疵”就會“慰我相思”了?“良田所修,大海之坻”和“伊人應在,任我相視”又有什麽關係?原文要戀人用“to reap it with a sickle of leather用皮子做的鐮刀來收割”是什麽意思?這句為什麽被簡單地譯成了“收我秋實”?由於譯文用了詩經體,顯得古雅,令人敬而生畏。很多讀者明明有這些問題,卻不敢提問,暗自埋怨自己水平低,未解其中奧妙。其實問題出在翻譯,出在美而不信。


Are you going to Scarborough Fair? 你是否要去斯卡堡趕集?
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 請替我問候那裏一位美女;
Remember me to one who lives there, 歐芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,
For once she was a true love of mine. 她曾是真心愛我的姑娘。

Have her make me a cambric shirt, 讓她給我做件細麻襯衣,
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 不用針線,也沒有縫隙;
Without no seam nor fine needle work, 歐芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,
And then she'll be a true love of mine. 那她才是真心愛我的姑娘。

Tell her to weave it in a sycamore wood lane, 讓她用梧桐木紡麻襯底,
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 用一籃鮮花將麻衣盛起;
And gather it all with a basket of flowers, 歐芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,
And then she'll be a true love of mine. 那她才是真心愛我的姑娘。

Have her wash it in yonder dry well, 讓她在一眼枯井裏洗衣,
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 那裏泉水不湧,雨水不滴,
Where water ne'er sprung nor drop of rain fell, 歐芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,
And then she'll be a true love of mine. 那她才是真心愛我的姑娘。

Have her find me an acre of land, 讓她給我找一英畝土地,
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 在海沫之間,在沙灘之際;
Between the sea foam and over the sand, 歐芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,
And then she'll be a true love of mine. 那她才是真心愛我的姑娘。

Plow the land with the horn of a lamb, 讓她用羊羔的犄角耕地,
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 再播撒堤北幹癟的麥粒;
Then sow some seeds from north of the dam, 歐芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,
And then she'll be a true love of mine. 那她才是真心愛我的姑娘。

Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather, 割麥要用軟皮作鐮刀鋒利,
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 再用石楠花將麥穗盛起;
And gather it all in a bunch of heather, 歐芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,
And then she'll be a true love of mine. 那她才是真心愛我的姑娘。

If she tells me she can't, I'll reply, 如果她做不到,也別泄氣,
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 至少讓我知道她曾經努力;
Let me know that at least she will try, 歐芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,
And then she'll be a true love of mine. 那她就是真心愛我的姑娘。

Love imposes impossible tasks, 愛情總是要出一些難題,
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 隻要心誠就能夠把山移;
Though not more than any heart asks, 歐芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,
And I must know she's a true love of mine. 我要知道她是真愛我的姑娘。

Dear, when thou has finished thy task, 親愛的,當你破解了難題,
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 就來我這裏,把親事相提;
Come to me, my hand for to ask, 歐芹、艾蒿、香草芬芳,
For thou then art a true love of mine. 你就是真心愛我的姑娘。

唯一需要解釋的是Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,這不是語言問題,而是文化問題。在中世紀的英國,這四種花草象征堅貞不渝等美德。歌者反複吟唱它們,顯然是希望他/她的戀人要具有這些美德。我把這句放在每段第三行,是出於韻律的需要,而且自以為因貼近了“那她才是真心愛我的姑娘”,也讓中文讀者更容易猜到其隱喻。我的翻譯沒有漣波的那麽典雅,但自信更忠實於原文。

2009年5月27日 By 廖康

Scarborough Fair by Amy Nuttall


Scarborough Fair/Canticle
Performed by Andy Williams, Simon & Gargunkel


(By Lunamia zz)

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