
隨遇而安 順其自然

女兒已經跑在了我們的前麵,Relay For Life®24小時的籌款長跑

(2009-05-14 14:21:59) 下一個
女兒已經跑在了我們的前麵,Relay For Life®24小時的籌款長跑

在這個世界上還有什麽能比生命更寶貴?“為生命而接力長跑”是美國癌症協會(American Cancer Society)號召的全美為癌症患者籌款的運動。

我的十五歲的女兒早就報名參加了這個慈善活動。她和幾位高中同學一起組織了一個小組,叫做“什錦巧克力組”(Assorted Chocolates Team),專門策劃並參與Relay For Life□活動。前天晚上,我幫助做了兩個香蕉麵包,加上其他幾家媽媽做的自製烘培食品,“什錦巧克力組”的成員們昨天放學後,站在沃爾瑪商店門前義賣,幾個小時之後,她們就籌集了善款900多美元。

作為我們沿海地區的一個活動,所有的誌願者將參加本周六到周日的連續4小時的籌款長跑,地點是在鎮裏的集會中心Fair Ground。我不擅長長跑,也從來不是一個好的長跑隊員,但是,我也報名去參加“為生命而接力長跑”的活動,但願能夠跑下一個Mile,然後,給女孩子們搭個帳篷,放上睡袋,好讓她們在夜裏跑累了能夠休息一會兒,再接著跑,一直跑到星期天早晨七點鍾。做父母的應該支持自己的孩子參與這樣的慈善活動,這對孩子們的心理成長與社會責任感,組織能力都會有益處,不過同時,也真的心疼她們這些孩子們。據說,本周末是陰雨天(Showers),不知活動是否是風雨無阻?也不知能吸引多少人來慷慨解囊?



This year, hundreds of thousands of people will hear the words "You have cancer," and there's a good chance that some of them will be people we know and love. We have all been touched by cancer in some way ... and we all have the power to make a difference. That's why I have chosen to fight back right here in my own community by participating in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life®.

I want to invite you to join me in the fight against cancer by making a donation in support of my efforts. Further down in this message is a link to my personal Relay For Life® Web page where you can make a safe online contribution. Your donation helps improve the lives of cancer patients through support services such as free wigs, rides to treatment, and summer camp for children with cancer. You can also sign up to join my team and learn more about Relay and how it's changing lives.

Relay For Life® brings more than 3.5 million people from across the country together each year to celebrate the lives of those who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against a disease that takes too much. This fun-filled, overnight event empowers everyone to help fight cancer by raising money and awareness to support the American Cancer Society's lifesaving mission.

Thank you in advance for your support. Together, we will celebrate, remember, and fight back.

For state fundraising notices and the American Cancer Society's Privacy Policy, please paste the following link into your browser: http://www.cancer.org/docroot/SU/su_0.asp

Click here to visit my personal page.
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Click here to view the team page for Assorted Chocolates
If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:

(By Lunamia 5-14-2009 USA)

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