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2012 (1)
- 沉痛哀悼四川汶川地震遇難同胞
這樣的悲痛我們無法替她們分擔,就讓我們相聚在一起,請參與到Yale ACSSY發起的燭光祈福之夜中,願燭光點燃生還者的康複希望,用燭光照亮逝者此去天國的路。
地點:Cross Campus lawn, Yale University (in front of Sterling Memorial Library).
1. 請盡量自己攜帶蠟燭、打火機或火柴(ACSSY將提供部分);
2. 出席人員請著黑色或深色衣服;
3. 現場接受現金和支票捐款。
Candlelight Vigil for the China Earthquake Victims
ACSSY, Yale University
“It seems to me you lived your life, like a candle in the wind
Goodbye, may you ever grow in our hearts” -- Elton John
On the afternoon of May 12, 2008, an earthquake measuring magnitude 7.9 hit Sichuan Province, a mountainous region in Western China. Till now, the death toll is 19,509 and could reach 50,000. Hundreds of thousands are injured and homeless. More than 20 million people are severely affected.
Our hearts are with them.
Our dear friends, please join us with your sorrow and love. Let's get together to pray, to mourn, and to bless the victims in the devastating earthquake.
TIME: 8:00pm to 10pm, Monday, May 19, 2008
LOCATION: Cross Campus lawn, Yale University (in front of Sterling Memorial Library)
1. Try to bring your own candles and matches (some will be provided on site);
2. Please dress in dark;
3. We will accept check and cash donation on site. All donations would first be promptly transferred to the Chinese Consulate General.
她說: "希望為死者點亮通往天堂的路,為生者點亮生命的曙光!
(By Lunamia 替ACSSY張貼 2008年5月17日於康州)