地點:Trinity Lutheran Church
292 Orange St, New Haven, CT 06510
![]() 國際鋼琴比賽金獎得者 Pianist Jian Liu | 青年鋼琴家劉健於1980年出生於中國青島,他六歲就開始學習彈鋼琴, 十歲時就以優異的成績考入中央音樂學院附中,從師於張晉老師。十六歲的時候,他代表中央音樂學院附中參加了第六屆南密蘇裏國際鋼琴大賽, 在一輪一輪的比賽中,劉健以精湛的全麵的鋼琴技巧與演奏征服了所有的評委,1996年一舉奪得第六屆南密蘇裏國際鋼琴大賽青年組冠軍。(注:李雲迪是第八屆南密蘇裏國際鋼琴大賽青年組冠軍)。同時,劉健被亞利桑那州立大學的教授Caio Pagano收為弟子,從北京搬到亞利桑那州的鳳凰城,學琴,上高中, 考音樂係,並因成績優異而獲得全額獎學金。此後數年,他多次獲得各種州內、國內及世界大獎,如Grand Prize in the Phoenix Symphony Guilds Competition以及 the 3rd place in Horowitz International Piano Competition held in Kiev, Ukraine. 劉健曾與 Scottsdale交響樂團、Phoenix交響樂團, 及Ukraine國家交響樂團合作,並曾與Caio Pagano, John Perry, 及Maria Joan Pires等眾多藝術家共事, 並在中國, 日本, 葡萄牙, 烏克蘭及美國各個州演出鋼琴獨奏。2004年春季, 劉健以GPA4.0的優異成績, 以三個本科(鋼琴表演,電腦信息及供應連鎖店管理)畢業於亞利桑那州立大學(Arizona State University)。然後在耶魯大學音樂學院攻讀鋼琴表演碩士學位,從師於世界著名鋼琴教育家克勞德·弗蘭克(Claude Frank)教授。2006年5月畢業。之後,劉健繼續在耶魯音樂學院攻讀音樂藝術碩士學位,今年五月份將畢業,並且已經被弗蘭克教授聘用留校任教。 劉健彈奏的《黃河》,氣勢磅礴,充滿激情,他的演奏不張揚,十分內涵,豐富細膩,有一種內在的感人力量! Pianist Jian Liu was born in Qingdao, China in 1980, and came to America in 1996 and won the first place in the Sixth Missouri Southern International Piano Competition. Shortly thereafter, Jian came to Arizona in the summer of 1996 to study piano with Dr. Caio Pagano , regents' professor at Arizona State University . Jian graduated in 1999 from Desert Mountain High School in Scottsdale with scholarship honors. He had won various states, national and international prizes, such as the Grand Prize in the Phoenix Symphony Guilds Competition in 1997, 3rd prize in Horowitz International Piano Competition held in Kiev, Ukraine in 1999, and 3rd prize in the MTNA (Music Teachers National Association) Chamber competition in March 2002. Jian had performed with Scottsdale Symphony, Phoenix Symphony, and Ukraine National Symphony, and worked with artists such as Claude Frank, John Perry, and Maria Joan Pires. As an active performer, Jian had performed in concert series all over the world, including China, Japan, Portugal, Ukraine, and various states in the US. Jian finished his undergraduate studies from Arizona State University in the spring of 2004 with a GPA of 4.0 in three majors, Piano Performance, Computer Information Systems, and Supply Chain Management. In May 2006, Jian graduated from Yale School of Music with a degree in Master of Music. Currently, Jian is pursuing the MMA degree in Piano Performance and studying with Claude Frank at Yale School of Music. |
| 抒情女高音明苑女士 , 1982 年畢業於中國人民大學。現任全職食品開發研究員 , 並且是 耶魯大學中國學生學者聯誼會附屬組織彩蝶舞蹈團的藝術總監及連任五屆耶魯春節晚會總導演及卡拉OK評委。 明苑女士自1988年移居加拿大,曾經是渥太華東方藝術團及渥太華東方合唱團的團長。自1995年起,正式從師於著名意大利女高音歌劇演唱家 Maria Pellegrini ( 瑪麗亞 - 佩蕾格瑞妮 ) 學習意大利美聲唱法。並且經常受益於梁光漢教授, 王翹鈺聲樂教授,作曲家及鋼琴伴奏蔡惠 光老師的無私輔導。明苑的聲樂老師還有中國著名女高音歌唱家胡曉平女士,以及加拿大裏賈納大學音樂係聲樂教授女高音歌唱家 Lynn Channing 。這些年她與台灣作曲家及鋼琴家王怡雯博士以及旅美青年鋼琴家劉健多次合作 , 在康州各地音樂中心,大學音樂廳,及老人院每 年成功地舉辦多次 ” 從東方到西方 -- 獨唱獨奏音樂會 ” 。 她的音樂會曲目中多為外國歌劇詠歎調,和一些中國藝術歌曲及民歌。 2005 年明苑應邀到加拿大首都渥太華擔任 120 人華人合唱團《黃河大合唱》音樂會中“黃河怨”獨唱 , 並與旅歐男高音歌唱家張亞林合作表演男 女聲二重唱。去年的母親節 , “一個母親的夢想 — 女高音明苑獨唱音樂會 ” 成功地在南康州大學禮堂舉行 , 深獲各界好評。 Soprano Ming Yuan, a fulltime Food R & D scientist, the artistic director of Butterfly Chinese Dance Troupe at Yale, also a lyric -spinto soprano. She had worked with composer, conductor and pianist Huiguang Cai performed in many operatic concerts with Pellegrini Opera Company and cultural shows in Canada. Ming had work ed together with the composer, pianist I-Uen Wang Hwang, and also pianist Jian Liu from Yale School of Music , their special recital of “From East To West – Classic Vocal and Piano Music “ had successfully performed in West Hartford, Essex, Hamden, New Haven, Stamford, Southbury, Southington and Hartford, Connecticut USA. Especially in November of 2005, she was invited as the guest soloist in Yellow River Cantata in Ottawa, Canada, her appealing stage presence; the remarkable and glorious singing with deep emotion touched the audience and really made her a great success. Last May, “A Mother’s Dream – Soprano Ming Yuan Recital” was successfully held in The Recital hall at SCSU. It was well received in US and also back in China. Ming Yuan began her formal vocal training with Laura Dziubaniuk and the world acclaimed soprano Maria Pellegrini in 1995 in Ottawa, Canada. She was also coached by acclaimed baritone professor Leon Leung, professor Qiaoyu Wang from Tianjin Music Conservatory, and worked with the composer, pianist Huiguang Cai . Ming Yuan is a former Executive Director of the Ottawa Oriental Dance Troupe, the founder and first director of the Ottawa Oriental Choir. Her voice teachers also includes famous Chinese soprano Xiao-ping Hu from Toronto and Canadian soprano professor Lynn Channing of the Music Department in University of Regina. |
![]() | 王明珠,2007年9月畢業於耶魯大學音樂學院,碩士研究生學位,長笛專業。現就職於紐黑 文Neighborhood Music School。 王明珠出生於四川成都一個音樂家庭,自小學習鋼琴。後學習長笛。 2001 年 9 月, 以入學考試第一名的成績進入上海音樂學院管弦係, 2005 年 7 月畢業,獲學士學位。在校期間,每年均獲一等人民獎學金 。 2002 年起,擔任上海青年交響樂團長笛首席,上海音樂學院管樂團樂隊首席,並在 2003 年 12 月上海管樂周開幕式音樂會上擔任獨奏與 樂隊合作。 2003 年,加入上音新音樂室內樂團,代表學校赴奧地利,德國演出。 2004 年 8 月,參加由國家文化部主辦的首屆全國藝術院 校長笛比賽,獲青年組第一名。 2004 年底,在上海成功舉辦個人獨奏音樂會,引起當地媒體極大關注。此外還參加上海青年鋼琴比賽獲優秀 獎 。 2005 年初,考取由著名指揮家小澤征爾舉辦的第六屆音樂墅,擔任樂隊長笛首席。 2005 年 5 月,獲耶魯大學音樂學院全額獎學金赴 美留學。 2007年9月畢業獲得音樂碩士學位。 Mingzhu Wang, graduated from Yale School of Music, Yale University. Master of Music degree, Flute major. Currently she teaches at the Neighborhood Music School in New Haven. She was born in the capital city of Chengdu in Sichuan province, China. Raised in a musician family, she started to play piano first when she was 4 years old and later switched to flute. In September 2001, Miss Wang entered the Orchestral Department of Shanghai Conservatory of Music, she won the first place in the entrance examination. In July 2005, she received Bachelor's degree of Art with an outstanding academic achievement of winning the conservatory's most prestigious scholarship in every semester. In 2002, She entered the Shanghai Youth Symphony Orchestra (SYSO) and became the principal flute player of the Orchestra. In December 2003, she acted as the only soloist to cooperate with the SYSO at the opening ceremony of Shanghai Orchestra Week. In 2003,Miss Wang traveled with the Shanghai Conservatory of Music's chamber music orchestra to perform in Austria and Germany. Besides the major courses on flute, she has made a great achievement in piano perfo r ma n ce as well . In 2003, she took part in the Shanghai Youth Piano Contest and won the prize in the youth group. In August 2004, she won the First Place in China National Flute Competition for Collegiate Artists held by the Ministry of Culture of China. In the beginning of 2005, she entered the Rohm Opera Theater, which is an international music festival conducted by Seiji Ozawa and became the principal flute of the orchestra. In September 2005, she entered Yale School of Music with full scholarship. |
![]() | 青年大提琴演奏家翟慧莉8歲學習大提琴。1995年考入中央音樂學院附小,96年升入附中。師從陳圓教授。在校期間多次獲得等級 獎學金,六年連續獲得專業優秀獎學金。2002年以專業第一及文化課獎學金考入中央音樂學院管弦係。2004年轉入著名歸國大提琴家 朱亦兵教授門下學習。大學期間獲得等級及專業獎學金。2006年獲最高獎學金赴美國耶魯大學學習,師從青年大提琴演奏家王健的老師: Professor Aldo Parisot. 擁有豐富的室內樂合作經驗。2001年組成阿波羅四重奏,排練演出了貝多芬四重奏op.18第六首、柴可夫斯基第一四重奏 、肖斯塔克維奇第七四重奏等經典作品。2002年獲中央音樂學院第一屆重奏比賽第三名。2004年成為新成立的中國大提琴愛樂八位演 奏家之一。排練演出了包括巴西著名作曲家威拉-羅伯次的《巴西頌》等曲目。自1995年進入中央音樂學院附小開始,參加兒童交響樂團 (原紅領巾樂團),積累了豐富的樂隊合作經驗。曾先後擔任中國少年交響樂團、中國青年交響樂團、中國青年演奏家室內樂團大提琴聲部首 席。 2000年赴瑞士參加中國第一大提琴樂團,2003年赴美國耶魯大學、茱莉亞音樂學院、依斯曼音樂學院、克裏夫蘭音樂學 院等進行交流演出,2003年秋隨中國青年演奏家室內樂團赴西班牙巡演,2004年隨中國青年交響樂團赴德國波恩參加貝多芬音樂節。 在國內活躍於北京各大音樂廳及上海,廣州,寧波,福州,哈爾濱等城市的舞台。多次參加中央電視台春節歌舞晚會及文聯2005年迎新春 文藝晚會。2005年代表中央音樂學院畢業生錄製中央電視台“畢業之歌”大型文藝晚會。2006年被“That's Beijing“及《樂器》雜 誌作為最具潛力的新一代音樂家進行專訪。 Huili Zhai, began to study cello at the age of 8. She entered Central Conservatory of Music in 1995 and studied with Professor Chen Yuan. She won the fellowships every year during the period of the pre-college. She won the highest fellowship and entered the college of CCOM in 2002. Since 2004, she had been studying under Professor Chu Yi-bing who chaired the principal cellist of Switzerland’s Basel Symphony Orchestra and guest principal for Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra. Since 2006, she has been studying under Professor. Aldo Parisot at Yale School of Music. Huili has abundant experience of playing chamber music. As one of the creators, she made up Apollo String Quartet in 2001. They won the prize of the first string quartet competition at Central Conservatory of Music. Huili was the member of China Philharmonic cellos. Huili chaired the principal cellist of China youth symphony orchestra and China young artist chamber music orchestra. And she traveled Switzerland, Germany and US. |
| 著名男低音歌唱家何孝慶,是中國音樂家協會會員,1983年畢業於中央音樂學院歌劇 係,師從著名聲樂教育家學沈湘教授。何孝慶在華盛頓國會山莊,紐約林肯藝術中心和卡內基音樂廳等等都有精彩的表演。他的演唱吐字清晰 ,聲音堅實洪亮,高音輝煌華美,具有金屬般的穿透性。他熟練地掌握了意大利傳統美聲唱法,對不同聲區的音量音色控製自如,能輕鬆地演 唱三個八度,他不但能演唱幅度大力度強的西洋歌劇詠歎調,也善於把科學的發聲方法運用於風格各異的藝術歌曲和民歌(特別是中國作品)之 中。他曾在國內擔任多部歌劇主角,參加過已故作曲家施光南創作的歌劇《傷逝》的演出,並在歌劇《格達活佛》中飾演男主角,他多次在國 內大型演出中擔任獨唱、領唱,博得了中外專家和觀眾的一致好評。2003年8月何孝慶榮登美國暢銷雜誌《美國文摘》作為封麵人物並有長達10 頁的文章報導。最值得一提的是2002年,何孝慶受美國內政部邀請在自由女神像116周年生日典禮上精彩演唱《美國國歌》,在2001年的典禮 上是由世界著名男高音歌唱家帕瓦洛蒂擔任演唱。這是何孝慶生平第一次登上這個世界級歌唱家的舞台,也是第一位華人歌唱家甚至是亞洲歌 唱家在這裏演唱。 Renowned bass singer He Xiaoqing is a member of the Chinese Musician Association. Graduated in 1983 from the Opera Department of China Conservatory of Music, his advisor is the famous vocal educator Professor Sheng Xiang.He's singing showcases the clarity, full ichness and the metallic quality of brilliance and charm. He masters the Italian classic operatic singing skill with excellent control of volume and tone at three octaves. From the powerful western operas to varying styles of folk operas (especially Chinese folk operas), He has successfully performed at the Capitol in DC, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts and Carnegie Hall in NY. He played the lead singer in many Chinese operas including opera 《格達活佛 Buddha Geda》,《傷逝 Loss》 (Novel by great writer Lu Xun, music by modern Chinese musician Shi Guang Nan) and as a soloist or lead singer on many of China’s national stages with great receptions from the audiences. |
| 男高音歌唱家朱春澤, 曾在北京中央歌劇院演出多部中外歌劇, 並在音樂會擔任獨唱. 其中包括主演意大利歌劇《茶花女》(飾男主角Alfredo Germaont), 主演中國歌劇《第一百個新娘》(飾男主角庫爾班) 此劇錄有唱片發行. 他出身四代中醫世家, 現在康州行醫. |
Chorus Music: As Long As I Have Music