Remember One Day I told You作者:思鷹Remember one day I told youlife is like a bus on the roadpeople come from different wayfate makes us knowLots of people get onand lots of people will goeverybody has its stopbut we are going to the terminalthe way maybe longthe way maybe coldthe way maybe dangerousbut we are going to the terminalWe should never stopas far as "I love you"if you die on the wayI'll hide that love in my soulstill go, still go...there I'll meet you...(1986-01)
(老公注解: 那天晚上, 從朋友家回來, 天已經很晚了,
我對嬌妻說, 但願這輛車永遠開下去...)
(翻出那本多年鎖在保險箱裏的已經微黃的老詩集, 回想當年的浪漫時光,
心裏依然暖融融的... 如今,四處飄泊, 風風雨雨, 闖蕩北美,生活已變得
如杯中清茶,淡淡的,久久的,回味無窮... 隻是想把這些不會再有的,
年輕時激情燃燒, 滾燙的詩句,一篇一篇地碼出來,留作紀念, 大概共有二,
夠碼上一陣子呢,放在網上比鎖起來好,可以隨時看著,憶著,感恩著。。。 出國19年來,銀行保險箱裏鎖著的主要是早年的情書及酸溜溜的小紙條,還有我在德國培訓時他寄來的吾妻89條優點的總結。。。哈哈。。。)By 明苑尋夢