
隨遇而安 順其自然

Myology & Inspiration(2)

(2006-11-17 09:26:41) 下一個

  1. This life is not a dress rehearsal — it's the real thing!

  2. Put your heart, mind, intellect, and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of  success..

  3. Take an ordinary life and turn it into an extraordinary adventure!

  4. Commit yourself to constant self-improvement!

  5. Don't get so absorbed in earning a living that you forget to design your own life.

  6. Decide now how you want the rest of your life to turn out, and make it happen!

  7. Explore your heart and your mind, and take the time to choose your future!

  8. Take each day one small step at a time — they'll add up over time!

  9. "Believe that you can do it, under any circumstances. Because if you believe you can, then you really will. That belief just keeps you searching for the answers, then pretty soon you get it."  ( Wally "Famous" Amos)

  10. Judge your success not by financial gain, but by the degree to which you are enjoying health, peace, and love! These commodities can never be traded or bartered!
  11. "Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor."  ( Truman Capote)

  12. You are as young as you feel! Keep your back strong and healthy

  13. Make your workouts fun by listening to upbeat songs. They'll keep you going longer and encourage your mind to wander.

    By 明苑尋夢

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