The first Lexus vehicles were manufactured in Toyota's Tahara plant, a highly sophisticated, computerized manufacturing plant in Japan.[156][200]Lexus production techniques include methods and standards of quality control that differ from Toyota models.[201][202] At the Tahara plant, separate assembly lines were developed for Lexus vehicles,[203][204] along with new molds and specialized manufacturing equipment.[204] Welding processes, body panel fit tolerances, and paint quality requirements are more stringent.[201][205] Lexus plant workers, typically veteran technicians, are identified via repeated performance evaluations and ranked according to skill grade, with limited applicants accepted.[206] The highest level takumi (Japanese for "artisan") engineers are responsible for maintaining production standards at key points in the assembly process, such as testing engine performance.[63] Production vehicles are given visual inspections for flaws, individually test-driven at high speeds, and subjected to vibration tests.[201]
At Lexus 'dojo' plant workers train on virtues to keep up quality, build elite team
Pockets Not Allowed At Lexus Hybrid Plant
對比之下,NISSAN INFINITI 起初在美國車廠的工人被允許帶著戒指、項鏈、和手鐲在裝配線上,無形中造成了各種各樣的質量問題