

(2006-09-01 16:28:33) 下一個
我們常收到客人的詢問,以下是我們最常用的方式。如此也可以幫忙客人了解自己的情形,幫忙客人自己做分析。 1, Dear Mr. Fan: This is XXXXXX. I was suggested by one of your client, XXXXX, to contact you regard to my green card application. According to her recommendation, you're extensively experienced in dealing with cases of National Interest Waiver. I am a Chinese passport holder and have worked in Dept. of Medicine, Univ. of XXXXX as postdoc research scientist under H1B visa since June 2003. I am currently a candidate for the postdoctoral fellowship from XXXXX Association, and my first-author paper will be submitted soon. For further information of my background, please check the resume attached. A free evaluation is greatly appreciated. Please let me know whether my case is likely to be successful, how long it may take, and how much it is going to cost me. Thanks a lot! Very looking forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, XXXXX 2, Dear Dr. XXXXX: Thank you for the resume and information. I always want to be conservative, so that client will not waste their money and time in the application. In order to further properly evaluate your qualification, please let me know the followings: 1. The Uniqueness of your qualification; 2. Why your qualification is better than other people and why only you can do the job and no one else can. You need to be specific and detail; 3. Detail your specific impact in your field, i.e. the application of your work/research result has already benefited your field or the industry. Please note that your impact/contribution can NOT be speculative or in the future. 4. Please let me know where can you obtain recommendation letters. Bear in mind that none of the CIS adjudicator has any knowledge or experience in your work. Therefore, you MUST use PLAIN language to describe your work/research. I will get back to you when I receive the information from you. Thank you very much. Thomas Fan, Esq. 3, Dear Mr. Fan: Thank you for your thoughtful idea in dealing with greencard application case, and I do appreciate your efficient working style. The answer to your questions are attached below. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks a lot! XXXXXX 1. The Uniqueness of your qualification; I got my Ph.D. in molecular and cell biology at National University of XXXXX in 2001, and joined Department of Medicine, University of XXXXXX in 2003 as research scientist. I have performed research in molecular and cell biology for 9 years, and I am particularly an expert in studying signal transduction, which is critical in biomedical research for drug discovery and design. Ten peer-reviewed articles were published in high-profile international journals, and these papers are highly cited (about 200 times) by scienctists all over the world. One more paper was recently submitted to Nature Cell Biology, and another manuscript is currently under preparation. I am a member of American XXXX Association, and a candidate for its postdoctoral fellowship in 2005. 2. Why your qualification is better than other people and why only you can do the job and no one else can. I am currently working in Prof. XXXX's laboratory at Department of Medicine. She is a medical doctor and a specialist on oncology and hematology. Her research interest is on Nitric Oxide/cGMP/cGMP-dependent protein kinase (G kinase) signal transduction pathway, which is a key regulator of vascular smooth muscle tone, and therefore blood pressure. Only more recently has it become clear that cGMP/G kinase signaling is also important for the regulation of other vascular smoonth muscle cell functions, such as migration, proliferation, differentiation, and regulation of gene expression. G kinase involves in vascular smooth muscle phenotypic modulation, which is important during the later stages of atherosclerotic vascular disease and during restenosis of blood vessels subjected to ballon angioplasty. To characterize the regulation of smooth muscle-specific gene expression by G kinase, research on its signaling cascade need to be carry out, and further study may involve the cross-talk of signal transduction pathways. In this case, my extensive experience in molecular and cell biology, and particularly expertise in signal transduction perfectly fit the job requirment. In addition, my previous research experience in physical chemistry and genetic engineering will further extend current research in cardiovascular biology to molecular genetic medicine. 3. Detail your specific impact in your field, i.e. the application of your work/research result has already benefited your field or the industry. Ten peer-reviewed articles were published in high-profile international journals, such as EMBO journal, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Oncogne, and Journal of Biological Chemistry. These articles are highly cited (about 200 times) by researches all over the world in prestigious scientific journals. Please let me know where can you obtain recommendation letters From professors at XXXX, my direct supervisor and close collaborator; professors at Harvard Medical School , Duke University and Johns Hopkins. If necessary, senior research scientists from pharmaceutical company. 4, Dear Dr. XXX: Thank you for the information. However, please once again detail your specific impact in your field, i.e. the application of your work/research result has already benefited your field or the industry. Please note that your impact/contribution can NOT be speculative or in the future. you have provided me with the information of publication citations. However, I need to know your specific impact. thank you. Thomas Fan, Esq. 5, Dear Mr. Fan: Following is my answer to your question. Detail your specific impact in your field, i.e. the application of your work/research result has already benefited your field or the industry. Oncogenes are genes that, when mutated or dysfunctional, lead normal cells to become cancerous. Stat3 is one of the oncogenes, which is constitutively active in various cancers. Activation of Stat3 contributes to the loss of cell growth control, therefore leading to carcinogenesis by preventing apoptosis. Therefore, the control of the inactivation of Stat3 is important to maintain normal cell growth. The effort in understanding the mechanisms that control Stat3 activation and inactivation provide useful information for cancer therapies and targets for drug design. Our laboratory pioneered in the study of negative regulation of Stat3, and demonstrated the repression of its activity by activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase. In addition, two more molecules were identified to repress Stat3 activation through functional interaction or in growth factor signaling. Research was also performed to analyse the structure of Stat3, and how interdomain interaction regulates its activity. XXXX 6, Dear Dr. XXXX Thank you for the information. This is a kind of introduction of your lab work. I need to know what is the impact of YOUR research/work result, unless these results were done by you. Please clarify. Thank you.   在這個評估的過程當中,一般來說最常發生問題的地方是申請無法有邏輯性的把自己東西表述出來。也就是說申請人無法正確的抓住重點。我之前提過,事實上很多人應該可以申請NIW,隻是不清楚怎麽表達自己。這是我們中國人在這方麵的障礙。例如#6,申請人一直無法把自己與工作單位分開來。CIS真正要知道的是申請人自己的成就。至於工作單位的成就是沒有直接關係的。希望大家能從這裏得到一些幫助。 --------------------------- 本文由範毅禹律師事務所提供 本律師事務所精辦各類勞工應聘及專業移民申請 (包括H-1,L-1,EB-1,EB-2,NIW,勞工卡,綠卡等申請)。所有申請由多位美籍律師及擁有15年經驗的範毅禹律師親自處理,我所並特設中英移民網站。內有最新移民新聞資訊及由律師主持的移民問答集,歡迎讀者流覽查詢。 www.Fan-Law.com CALIFORNIA : Fan & Fitzpatrick, P.A. 370 E. Glenarm St., Pasadena , CA 91106 Tel: 626-799-3999 Fax: 626-799-9966 COLORADO : Fan & Fitzpatrick, P.A. 1763 Franklin Street, Denver, CO 80218 Tel: 303-832-8900 Fax: 303-832-8901 MARYLAND : Fan & Fitzpatrick, P.A. 230 North Washington Street, Suite 400 , Rockville , MD 20850 Tel: 301-251-2636 Fax: 301-251-0313
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