
做愛後, 請給我一杯水 zt

(2006-08-23 00:43:26) 下一個
做愛後, 請給我一杯水 送交者: 浦江客 忙碌了整個周末. 昨晚兒子睡下後才得空在沙發上坐下歇歇. 老公建議一起看一會兒“Good Will Hunting”. 這片子, 我以前在電影院裏看過兩遍, 很喜歡, 但裏麵有些對話總聽得不太明白. 前幾天VIDEO店大減價, 我幹脆把“Good Will Hunting” 錄像帶買了下來. 這回可以細細地品味. 電影劇本是影片中的男主角Matt Damon 和Ben Affleck原創的. 我很難想象Ben Affleck那樣的人能創作出那麽深刻的劇本. Matt Damon倒象是一個比較有深度的人. 聽說他前段時間很低調地結婚了, 妻子是一個侍應. Matt Damon應該是一個真正懂得感情的人吧. 片子不短, 昨晚沒看完. 午夜時分, 隻能關機睡覺, 第二天還要上班呢. 先生摟住我的肩, 我半個身體趴在他的胸口上. 我們這樣依偎著, 誰也不說話, 靜靜地回味電影裏的對白. 我思考著這一段: WILL問SEAN: “You don't regret meetin' your wife?” SEAN答: “Why? Because of the pain I feel now? I have regrets Will, but I don't regret a single day I spent with her… I don't regret the eighteen years we were married. I don't regret givin' up couseling for six years when she got sick. I don't regret being by her side for the last two years when things got real bad. And I sure as Hell don't regret missing that damn game.” 感人肺腑的一番話, 能無怨無悔地愛一個人愛一輩子是幸福的. 我又想, 畢竟SEAN和他的妻子幸福地生活了十幾年之後, 他的妻子才得了重病. 如果時間倒過來, 他的妻子結婚不久就纏綿病榻, SEAN是否還會覺得幸福, 是否還會無怨無悔? 又想起這一段: SEAN跟WILL笑談他的妻子半夜放響屁的事. WILL笑得眼淚都要出來了. SEAN說: “My wife's been dead two years, Will. And when I think about her, those are the things I think about most. Little idiosyncrasies that only I knew about. Those made her my wife. And she had the goods on me too. Little things I do out of habit. People call these things imperfections. Will. It's just who we are. And we get to choose who we're going to let into out weird little worlds. You're not perfect. And let me save you the suspense, this girl you met isn't either. The question is, whether or not you're perfect for each other. You can know everything in the world, but the only way you're findin' that one out is by giving it a shot.” 我想起先生的種種idiosyncrasies, 很有一些讓人難以理解, 甚至無法忍受. 那麽我跟先生到底是不是perfect for each other呢? 問題太沉重了, 我的眼皮也太沉重了. 我迷迷糊糊地睡著了.... 不知多久, 我做夢了. 夢裏感到一陣陣的燥熱. 我被熱醒了, 發現自己還躺在老公的懷裏, 老公居然還醒著呢, 一隻胳膊被我壓在頸下, 另一隻手正上上下下地輕撫我 – 難怪我那麽燥熱! 我雖然還是睡意朦朧, 情緒卻已被老公挑了起來. 自然而然, 我們盡情纏綿了一番. 盡興之後, 我稍事清理, 倒頭便睡. 我實在太睏了. 模糊中知道先生下床出去了, 管他幹嘛去呢. 未幾, 先生回來了, 我幾乎已經又睡著了. 有冰涼的東西碰我的手. 我勉強睜開眼睛, 原來是先生給我拿來了一杯水. “渴不渴?” 先生俯身低聲問我. 這一問, 我還真覺得好渴. 我接過水, 欠起身, 咕嘟 咕嘟地一口氣喝了個幹淨. 真舒服. “Really appreciate it.” 我由衷地說. 先生躺下來, 再次把我摟進懷裏. 我再次想起那個問題: 先生跟我到底是不是perfect for each other呢? 我又想, 什麽樣的男人會在做愛後想著給伴侶拿一杯水呢? 我想, whether or not we're perfect for each other, 因為這樣一杯水, I will give it a good shot.
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