Dear family and friends, The year2007 has coming to its end. It has been a special year for the Davidsons.We want to share with you our 2007stories and also wants to make this one of our annual traditions.
OnJuly 15th, our baby boy came to the world. Hewas 6 lbs 6 ounces, 21inches. Today he is almost 20lbs and 26.5 inches,at 95% of the height and weight. He is very low maintenanced and veryhappy most of the time. He is also very cute. We love him very much.It's amazing watching him grow everyday. Havinga child is truly life changing. We are still in the process of gettingused to the fact that we have become parents ourselves. He is ourlittle miracle. | |
| I continued to work at the computer company as a web content analyst.The company sell internet security products, parental control softwaresand proxy servers, etc. I could work at home with company providedcomputer at flexible hours and she enjoys it. My new year resolution is to lose the "baby weight" in 2008. Size 10 to size 3.
My husband is doing well with his work too. He had little bit health problem earlier this year but he is doing great now.
| My parent came to the States on August to help us out.They enjoyed the stayand were very happy to meet my hubby's parents for the first time. Theyleft Salt Lake City on late October and went to California to stay with my big brother and his family. We miss them very much.
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 one of the first few laughters caught on film September First visit to the California beach October I am a little eczema survivor. November mommy's little helper. December
Christmas eve, on our way to grandparents' Santa's little helper got tired....
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