i think up until i was 28, i didn't really care about shoes... that was one theme i didn't get from SATC. what's up with those women and their crazy expensive shoes. shoe from payless shoes are just as pretty.
i dont know exactly when i got hooked on designer shoes, but i am hooked and hooked on them nice and good. lucky for my husband, i have wide feet (thanks mom and dad!

) so my shoe choices are limited. and if i ever came across a pair of heels that i could actually fit in, i'll get it. this year, the new "lace up" and "strap up" style really work for my feet. here are a few examples.
a. aldo heels 走路不穩。
b. aldo strap/bucle heel 。 這個 110 有點不值得。 穿上有點顯腳大。
c. Dolce vita vince from endless.com 。。在 bluefly 上看到要145。 endless 隻要 112。以為賺到了。結果後來發現 amazon 上隻要 $74. 傻眼了。
我選的是寶藍色。但實際是發灰的黑色。雖然很高,但是走路超穩。因為是 boot, 腳腕那裏很有安全感。 很supportive. 這就是傳說中穿上去比看上去舒服的鞋子。
d, miss sixty from endless。 超級舒服。很跟腳。 皮好軟啊。。。通常 miss sixty 的鞋子我都穿不下。 還有 fergie 和 lamb 我都超喜歡但是穿不下。。 收到這雙真是很高興。 另外, amazon 上也是便宜好多。再次傻眼。
e, chinese laundry from nordstrom. 適穿的時候,在地毯上走特別舒服。出了店門, 在水泥路上走了不到5分鍾就開始疼了。 :(
f, Cindy Says from endless. light like a feather...跟腳, 輕巧, 就是不好配衣服。 endless 上有非常好的 review, 但是實物真的是很奇怪!。 同樣傻眼的是, amazon 上便宜幾十塊。
g. dolce vita from nordstrom. endless 上要價比我付的便宜一半。 這個可以天天穿。非常 versatile. 可以走路很久。 很穩。
h. 合影。
展示一下我的鞋主偶像 jessica alba和 christina A 的shoe collection. 每天看一看,工作都好有動力!

收工。 閃人。還請不喜歡我的鞋子風格的 MM 少扔磚頭。