(2006-08-22 16:28:16)
扁為國統會送"終"蘇起:為製新憲作準備 2006-03-01 07:51:49
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歐洲商務協會及美國商會一日午間聯合餐敘,並邀請國民黨立委蘇起針對終統議題發表專題演講。蘇起表示,終統不是單一事件,陳水扁總統不會以此為滿足,他真正的企圖是製定新憲,終統隻是陳總統後續一係列行動的冰山一角:「I would say this is not just one shot deal. It is just tip of the iceberg. The big iceberg is nothing do to with NUC. But the real issue is, in my view, new constitution.」
蘇起表示,綜觀陳水扁總統一係列的公開談話,三不五時提出正名、公投等議題,而製定新憲,是陳總統一路走來始終如一的立場:「The referendum pop up from time to time. Name change from time to time. But the only issue that consistently and every single time appeared in President Chen's major speech in last two years is constitution, new constitution. The man is very serious.」