
遊子的談天說地, 關於我們生活的這個物質世界.


(2006-08-15 20:20:18) 下一個




但宗教本身似乎總是要發揮其超越"個人人生哲學"的作用.它有擴張性,有"MISSION",那就是在還沒有信教的人群中傳播其思想;它對社會一直在發揮某種影響,比如對很多事情,各教會的發言人都會出來評論,呼籲,表達一番.媒體對於宗教領袖的觀點總是留有特殊的報道空間.(遺憾的是首席科學家或者諾獎獲得者一般沒有同等的待遇. 通常教授們的觀點僅在其專業領域得到尊重.)






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小小艾 回複 悄悄話 頂風靈子的回帖!
真心希望你有時間看看這本書(以下鏈接可以ON LINE閱讀):
風靈子 回複 悄悄話 如果你願意用心去讀讀聖經,在你自己自由的思想空間裏細細體味其中的話語,再想想"know me before you judge me"這句話,你可能對到底是什麽剝奪了你的自由會有不同的領悟,也會發現你可擁有的自由其實可以不止那麽一點點。不經意路過,隨便地說說。-一個曾經的無神論者但現在對自由深有體會的人。
虔謙 回複 悄悄話 Inereting.
Not higher, not lower, faith (I would not say religion) IS part of life; and from certain perspective, faith is life.
uh-oh 回複 悄悄話 敏感話題。
jwayne_1 回複 悄悄話 religion is necessary for many people, for some reason.
怕疼的鯊魚 淺薄
壞小貓貓 回複 悄悄話 To hey3g,

"It is quite obvious on how religion has changed over history.Based on that trend, it is reasonable to expect that religion will have looser influence on people's life, although I am not saying it will disappear anytime soon."

I don't quite understand what your "looser influence on people's life" means.

Religion changes over history are sort of illusions. If you really study the Bible, Koran or ancient Egyptian Religions, and the history of the churches, you will find that basic faith or religious principles never changed, what changed are the perceptions and understandings of them.

And the reason of that to the religious people is simple, “we are not God(s)”.

Anyway, my way of judging the world is that you have to fully understand it to be critical or the judgments is kind of fragile.
hey3g 回複 悄悄話 To 壞小貓貓, thanks for your input. Just want to make some simple clarification:
1. I did not want to involve the strict definition of "philosophy" in this post. What I mean for 個人人生哲學 can be rather more conveniently understood as personal view of the world or personal practice and belief.It is my wishful thinking that "religion" might be better to be a personal view or practice than what it is now.
2.It is quite obvious on how religion has changed over history.Based on that trend, it is reasonable to expect that religion will have looser influence on people's life, although I am not saying it will disappear anytime soon.
Darwin I just back from US,you are right,question for the pastor:why God help just christian or not all their child include African people.
The answer is : pastor is a drover,he just stake out just his kine.
To compare the oriental civilization and western civilization,you can see what is the religion...
壞小貓貓 回複 悄悄話 To DuProcess,

"Religion is merely an expression..." is an understatement.

Here is the quote from Wikipedia:

"Religion is a system of social coherence commonly understood as a group of beliefs or attitudes concerning an object, person, imaginary being, or system of thought considered to be supernatural, sacred, divine or highest truth, and the moral codes, practices, values, institutions, and rituals associated with such belief or system of thought."

As you can see it, of course it is "not an end itself", but it is much more than ”..the means to the end".
壞小貓貓 回複 悄悄話 To hey3g,

I understand where you are coming from, but whatever you exprienced has nothing to do with "Freedom and Religion". Some people say, "I believe in God, but I don't like its fan-clubs." makes sense sometimes.

And also if you think that the religion is a part of personal philosophy, then, I think you are fundamentally wrong.

Even though that religion and philosophy have some overlaps, they are two different types of systems as I explain them below:

First, religions have rituals, there are ceremonies for important life-events and important times of the year in religions whereas philosophies don't have.

Second, philosophy tends to emphasize just the use of reason and critical thinking whereas religions might make use of reasons, but they also rely on faith, or even use faith to the exclusion of reason.

Third, in religion, reasoned arguments are ultimately traced back to some basic faith in God or religious principles which have been discovered in some revelation; where philosophors base their reasonings on rational arguments.

Finally, most religions tend to include some sort of beliefs in what can only be described as “Miracles” which are common features that you never find in any philosophy

Knowing that, you might have better understanding of why "The fan-clubs do what they do."..

To imply religon' invalidilities with its changes through the years is kind of naive. If it is really that simple, religons have gone long time ago.

世道變了 回複 悄悄話 嗬嗬,請保持冷靜的頭腦和正常的思維去對待你看到的一切:)

hey3g 回複 悄悄話 I was thinking that what I wrote here might offend you after I read your comments on another lead. Did not anticipate that I got your new comments so quickly.:)
Thanks for the words, really! I agree with you about the "SAME THING" and "the means to the end".That is what I believe too. :)
DueProcess 回複 悄悄話 Despite the fact that you are my new buddy, and the fact that I've enjoyed everything you've written so far, I CANNOT agree with you on this one. No offense.
A sheep does not have to follow the herd, but that doesn't mean it's headed in a different direction. You may want to choose to reach a point on your own initiative, but that does't mean those who take a different path are not aiming for the same thing. Religion is merely an expression, it is the means to the end, not an end in itself. Don't defile the end simply because you do not agree with the means. hehe