
To Be One in Christ:We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay(22)II

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To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (22) - part II

The Explanation and Analysis of the Verses in JUDE

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

4. The parables (12-13)

In the above, it cites many historical facts to compare with the deeds of the false teachers and brothers; and puts them together with the above examples to show that they are the same kind who do evils. In the following two verses, it uses all kinds of parables to describe the situation of the false teachers.

A. The blemishes (hidden reefs) (12upper)

JUDE 1:12 These men are blemishes at your love feasts, eating with you without the slightest qualm--shepherds who feed only themselves. They are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind; autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted--twice dead.


“love feasts”: are routines in the church of ancient time. They have the love feasts before they break the bread to remember LORD. That is, the believers take the dinner together; and there is the gathering to remember LORD after the dinner (1Co 11:20-22; Act 2:46). This might be because of the influence of the Passover feasts, for LORD established the supper to remember Him during the Passover; it might be also because of the inconvenient transportation, that the believers have dinner together when they have gatherings for the sake of convenience that they have the love feasts. The believers nowadays have a dinner together, and it also could be called the love feasts. However, there is some difference from those at that time, for they will have the Holy Communion to remember LORD after the love feasts.

The “blemishes” is also translated as “ hidden reefs” (A.M.P.). It is saying that these false teachers are hidden reefs in the love feasts. It shows that the false brothers and teachers are mixed in the church. They look like the same outwardly as the ordinary believers, but are actually the black sheep, and are the hidden crisis in the church, just as the hidden reefs in the sea.

“reefs” in Greek refer to the reefs in the sea. The hidden reefs in the sea often cause the unexpected dangers for the navigation of the ship, which are difficult to take precautious against, for they are hidden deeply on the sea floor and are difficult to detect. In the like manner, those false teachers and brothers are mixed in the church, even share in the love feasts with the believers, are difficult to be aware of their hypocrisy. They are the crisis to the church, just as the reefs to the sailing ship. They might destroy the testimony of the church and do great harm to the faith of the believers.

(2) The shepherds who feed only themselves (12)

There are false teachers in the church of the last days, who through their hypocritical deeds grab the position of ministry. However, his motive to tend the church is only to feed himself. The word of “feed” should be used as feeding the believers spiritually and supply the needs of the believers, and also guild them to walk on the way that God want them to go. However, here, the false shepherds do not feed the believers on the truth spiritually; instead, they obtain material profit from the believers to “feed” themselves.

Therefore, the word of “feed” here describes that they only take their own benefit of the body into consideration, and with heavy-jowl and potbelly they forget their responsibility. They can not truly benefit others spiritually, for they do not have the spiritual experience at all. On the experience of truth and life, they have only the hearsay and echo what others said.

“without the slightest qualm”:

This is to describe that they do not have the heart to revere God at all. They are bold and arrogant, despise the judgment of God, and do not have the life at all. Therefore, in (2Pe 2:14), it says: “they are experts in greed--an accursed brood!” They even make up the theories that make it convenient for the believers to sin, and lure them to the wrong way, so that they can benefit and take godliness as a means to financial gain.

(3) The clouds without rain (12)

A. The clouds without rain show that they only have the good-looking appearance, but can not supply the real needs of others. They block the sunshine, while do not give people the rain. They have the outward appearance in vain, and give others empty hope without true benefit.

B. The clouds are frivolous. Their work has no root and foundation, drifts undecidedly, and can not pass the tests. Therefore, they are “blown along by the wind” (Jam 4:14).

In a word, using the clouds without rain to describe the false teachers, is to tell that their work is the same as their life, which are momentary. They only appear in the world for a short while and will disappear. When they leave this world, there is nothing kept to the eternity (Jam 4:14), and all disappear quickly as the clouds.

(4) The autumn trees without fruit (12latter)

For the tree in the autumn, it is time to bear fruit and to harvest. The autumn trees without fruit indicate that the time of bearing fruit has passed and it can only wait for the coming of the severe winter. Since they waste and refuse many chances that God let them bear the fruit of repentance, they can only wait for the eternal judgment of God.

“uprooted--twice dead.”:

This refers to the tree without fruit. It shows that the tree won’t be a tree any more, and can only wait for the burning. The destruction of the false teachers and brothers are also the same. They will be cursed, wait for the eternal fire, and won’t be saved.

(5) The wild waves of the sea (13upper)

JUDE 1:13 They are wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame; wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever.


The wild waves of the sea will make people upset and painful. This shows that the false brothers and teachers produce all kinds of disturbance. Just as James reproached the believers at that time that: “But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil.” And also: “For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. ” (Jam 3:14-16). All the wisdom of the false teachers is just as the wild waves of the sea; it only provokes all kinds of disputations and jealousy, and produces all kinds of disorders. They themselves have no root and foundation at all, and are false and frivolous, just as the wild waves of the sea, which can rise very high momentarily, but will disappear soon. How the wild waves of the sea foam up all kinds of filth and wastes in the sea, so the false teachers use the means and work of disturbance to show their mean deeds, foaming up their shame.

(6). The wandering stars (13latter)

The wandering stars are the meteors without track, which will soon collide to other stars or disappear in the universe. Since the conducts of the false teachers are not within the track of the truth, in the end, they will not be able to stand in front of God. There work will go to corruption soon, just as the wandering stars, of which the light will turn into darkness soon. When they are destroyed, there are deep darkness kept for them forever. God use the stars in the sky to describe the descendents of Abraham; the Christians now with the faith are the same, just as what Daniel said: “Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. ” (Dan 12:3). Since the false teachers do not have life and bear the name of Christians in vain, even have the status of the evangelists of the Christianity, they will be like a wandering star, like the devil, and will go to the eternal destruction!

5. The predictions (14-16)

JUDE 1:14 Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men: "See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones


The incidents about Enoch, the seventh from Adam, are recorded in chapter 5 of Genesis. In (Heb 11:5), when it mentions about the great men of faith in all different generations, it says that by faith Enoch was taken from this life. However, the record here not only mentions that Enoch walked with God, but also he gave the predictions according to the will of God. Therefore, it can be seen that those who walked with God in the Bible, are also the preachers that are used by God in the ancient time. Noah walked with God and he also preached the words of righteousness. Therefore, according to the record in the book of Jude, Enoch can be taken as the most early prophet in the Bible. His prediction is about the Second Coming of LORD Jesus. By comparing this verse with the above verse, it is apparent that it is about the Second Coming of LORD Jesus.

JUDE 1:15 to judge everyone, and to convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly acts they have done in the ungodly way, and of all the harsh words ungodly sinners have spoken against him."


This verse is completely consistent with other verses about the Second Coming of LORD Jesus, which is for judgment, but not for salvation.

“all the ungodly ”:

Although this might not necessarily refer to the false teachers and brothers, according to the context, this should refer to the false teachers mentioned above. Although what they do in the church now could deceive some of the people, there will be one day when LORD comes to make the judgment, their false spirituality and conducts will disclose. At that time, LORD will convict that all the harsh words ungodly sinners have spoken against Him. Nowadays as to those who are ungodly, and those who disbelieve and are the atheists or are the actual atheist yet with the sign board of Christianity, they talk about a lot of wrong principles according to their own proposition. Although there are some people nowadays who follow and support them such that they become one faction, they can be in power now when it is difficult to distinguish truth and falsehood. However, on the day that LORD comes again, He will convict all the harsh words they have spoken against God and give them the punishment that they deserve.

JUDE 1:16 These men are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage.


“These men are grumblers and faultfinders”:

They feel resentful that they themselves can not get higher position before people, get more respects, and enjoy more rights. They often grumble in private, and complain that God does not treat them fairly enough and people have impartiality. Before they behave by following their selfish and evil desires, they often cover their own sins with these grumblings, as if their evil deeds are because of the unfairness they get from people and God.

“they follow their own evil desires; ”:

They were dead in their transgressions and sins. Therefore, they can only live by following their own evil desires, and are controlled by all kinds of corrupted selfish desires of their sinful nature. This is the same as verse 4 that they change the grace of our God into a license for immorality. It echoes with the citation about the sexual immorality of those in Sodom and Gomorrah to show that the conducts of these people are completely corrupted. In chapter 2 of 2 Peter, it also talks about those false teachers never stop sinning and they seduce the unstable. They indulge in all kinds of evil desires and pleasures and think it as the natural needs, and they become the slave of the lusts without being aware of it.

“they boast about themselves”:

This is the character of the devil. The devil likes to exalt itself and boast about itself. The little horn in chapter 7 of Daniel, and the beast in chapter 13 of Revelation, all like to speak boastfully. Nowadays, it is getting closer and closer to the end, and the people of this generation more and more like to speak boastfully.

“flatter others for their own advantage”:

They do not have lofty characters; where there is profit, their words and deeds will follow the favor of the people on that aspect. In order to get the advantage, they’d rather lower themselves to flatter those who are rich and powerful. Such deeds are on the contrary to the true ministry. The apostle Paul said in (1Th 2:5) to the Thessalonians that he never used flattery. Although sometimes Paul also made commendations to encourage the believers to make progress, but he never flattered them or had dishonesty in order to get the advantage from others and made up some reasons to overstate or praise others so that to win the favor of others. Although the Christians should have the character of humility and gentleness, and should not boast about themselves, it is also unnecessary to show that they are low and pitiful to flatter the powerful and authority, so that to get some advantages. This is the deeds of the base person, but not the deeds of the Christians.

6. The exhortations (17-23)

In the above verses, all kinds of historical object lessons are cited; also, all kinds of parables and predictions are used to illustrate the acts and characters of the false brothers and teachers. After talking about these things, the apostle starts to exhort the true Christians to be more alert, keep their faith and holy life, and establish themselves on the truth. And also they should with the careful attitude help those weak brothers, or those who are tempted, so that they can turn back to the right way of the spirituality. This is the responsibility of the Christians. There are several points in this paragraph of exhortations:

(1) Remember the teachings of the apostle (17-19)

JUDE 1:17 But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold.


In (2Pe 3:1-2), after talking about all kind of dangers of the false teachers, it also exhorts the believers to remember the words spoken by all the prophets and the commands of LORD. Here, when it mentions what have been told by the apostles, it especially points out that the apostles are “the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ”, in order to show that what the apostles speak are indeed from LORD Jesus Christ who sent them, and have the authority to distinguish truth and falsehood. Therefore, we should keep the teachings of apostles in mind, so that we can tell what is right and wrong, in case we go astray.


The apostles have the prophetic vision. God proclaim the message through the apostle and point out long ago that the church might face the danger of the heresy and the false teachers. These “foretold” words came true when Jude was writing the letter, and they continue to give warnings to the church nowadays, so that we know what the apostles foretold and will be more careful to the church nowadays. There are all kinds of deeds of the false brothers to stumble others. We should not lose heart and should remember the teachings spoken by the apostles to strengthen our heart and refuse the temptations of the errors and the cunning schemes of the devil.

Although the warnings in advance are often easy to be misunderstood and attacked by others, it will benefit greatly those who hear it after things happened. When they think about the warnings in advance, they will put it into heart. A faithful ministry should follow the words of God given to him to warn the believers in advance what he has seen with his spiritual eyes before the coming of the crisis. This work needs a faithful mind, and the willingness to suffer for LORD. If we see the danger of the temptations to the brothers, we do not warn beforehand; and we might be at peace without any attack or misunderstanding. However, the brother who meets with the temptation might fall because we do not give the warning beforehand.

This verse implies that he acknowledges that the letter of 2 Peter is written by the apostle, for this verse is apparently cited from chapter 3 of 2 Peter.

JUDE 1:18 They said to you, "In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires."


Here, it does not tell what those scoffers scoff about. However, the following sentence is: “who will follow their own ungodly desires”. It implies that what they scoff about are the morality of the believers, who are not willing to be like them to follow their own ungodly selfish desires. Just as many people in this world nowadays, they scorn and ridicule the godly life of the Christians to be out-of-date or foolish; and reversely, they take their indulgence in selfish desires at will as freedom and knowing to enjoy the life. In chapter 3 of 2 Peter, the scoffers who scoffed the Second Coming of LORD Jesus. Their scoff had special relationship with the last days. They considered it ridiculous to believe there is an end to this world; and they thought that everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation. They considered the Second Coming of Christ, the end of this age and the judgment in the future as the words that they need not pay attention to. As to these scoffers and their scoff, the apostles gave the warning long ago. The Christians should keep these warnings in mind.

JUDE 1:19 These are the men who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.


“These” men refer to the scoffers in verse 18, who might be the false teachers and brothers mixed in the church at that time. However, it might refer to all the unbelievers and those who are against the Christians. The Bible calls these people “the men who divide you”. That is, they can not get together with the believers. They will get together with those who are similar to them naturally who follow their ungodly selfish desires to form a group that like to scorn and ridicule the godly believers. “who follow mere natural instincts”; that is, they do not have life. From (Joh 1:12-13), it is known whoever receives LORD is born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. Speaking in the other way round, whoever does not receive LORD is born of natural descent. There is no Holy Spirit living in such people.

(2) To build up oneself in the holy faith (20upper)

JUDE 1:20 But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit.


How to build up oneself in the most holy faith? That is, we should let the truth that we believe constrain and correct us; just as Jesus asked God to sanctify the disciples by the truth (Joh 17:17). In other letters, the believers are also encouraged to have the belt of truth buckled around their waist; that is, one should be controlled by the truth in one’s deeds, and should not be like those false teachers and brothers to act at wills. When we want to do at our own wills yet we are constrained by the truth, our life will be built up. We will be tempted by sins, evils, and the attraction of the selfish desires, so that our life will be built up continuously. This is the implication of being built up in the most holy faith. What can really build us up is not merely hearing the truth or reading the book, for if we do not obey the truth that we hear, see and know, and do not accept the constraint and correction of the truth, we won’t be really built up spiritually. Each time we are built up by hearing the truth, reading the spiritual book or the words of the Bible; it is all because we are moved by them and obey the movement. Otherwise, it is only the increase of the knowledge! While there is no practical construction in life.

“But you”:

“But” shows that here the apostle asks the believers to set apart from the false teachers, false brothers, and ungodly people. The false teachers act according to their selfish desires, and change the grace of God into a license for immorality. They are covetous of money, boastful of themselves, and self-justified. Their work looks impressive but lack real worth. However, the believers should show to be clearly different from them. The difference is that we build ourselves up in the most holy faith, to show that we are those who are constrained by the truth.

(3) Pray in the Holy Spirit (20latter)

That is to pray in the guidance and inspiration of the Holy spirit. In (Rom 8:26-27), it tells us that the Holy Spirit will help and guild us to pray so that our prayers will be answered. Just as the exhortation in Ephesians to the believers: And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Prayer is a spiritual war. The devil will certainly hinder the prayers of the believers. Therefore, the prayers should be in Holy Spirit, but not be in the emotions or feelings. To pray in Holy Spirit is easily to get answered by God, so that our faith will grow more and we are more eager to pray.

4. Keep yourselves in God's love (21upper)

JUDE 1:21 Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.


As mentioned in verse 1 of this letter, LORD Jesus Christ keeps all who are loved by God the Father. However, here, what is mentioned is the responsibility of the believers themselves. God loves us and will keep those whom He loves; however, those who are loved should keep themselves in God’s love. The grace of God is connected with the duty of people mutually. This verse pays attention to the choice that we make. If we use our freewill to choose God, we will be kept in God. We absolutely can not choose sins and evils, while hoping that God will keep us from sins and evils. “Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned? Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched? ” (Pro 6:27-28) We can not walk on the hot coals, hoping that God will keep our feet from being scorched. At least, we should not choose to walk on the hot coal, then we can ask God to keep our feet from being scorched. It is impossible that our feet walk on the way of sins and evils, while hoping that we will not fall into the net of sins. Therefore, we should keep us in God’s love, and let God’s love be like the fortress to protect and save us from all kinds of temptations from the devil. The protection of God does not replace the choice of people.

(5) To wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ (21latter)

This verse shows that we should live a life with the mind of looking upon and waiting for the grace, love, mercy and help from LORD until we see the LORD. Now we are saved because of the mercy of LORD, so that we can overcome sins and evils after being saved. To keep us from falling into the net of sins and evils, we should also look upon and wait for His mercy and guard. We should keep this attitude and do not consider ourselves strong and able to stand firm. We should wait for His grace so that to be kept safe; this is the way for us to overcome the temptations. Furthermore, “the mercy ” might also imply the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, which has been mentioned above.

“to eternal life”: that is to enter the eternal life. The Second Coming of LORD Jesus Christ is indeed the mercy and grace to those who wait for Him, so that they can be away from all kinds of worries and disappointment on earth. We should look on the Second Coming of Christ as the great mercy and grace that He gives to us, until the day of seeing Him.

(6) Be merciful to those who doubt (22-23)

After encouraging the believers to build up themselves on the most holy faith and wait for the mercy of LORD Jesus Christ to eternal life, the apostle exhorts the believers to help those who are weak spiritually with mercy and sympathy. Those who stand firm should help those who are shaken, but not scorn and despise them. To help others to stand firm is actually to help oneself. It is because when helping others, one himself will also learn more and practice more spiritually, so that to be more experienced in serving. At the same time, we should strengthen those who doubt on the faith. When we stand together for the truth, that will make the church stronger, the battle array of the truth stronger, and will benefit oneself indirectly.

In verse 22-23, it divides some of the weak believers into three groups. Although all of them are in the temptations, the degrees are different. Therefore, here, it instructs the believers to help them according to their case individually.

JUDE 1:22 Be merciful to those who doubt;


The first group of people are those who have doubt. These people might accept the truth originally, but they are confused by the wrong principles such that they have doubt; or they have accept the faith and are led astray by the false teachers such that they have doubt. These people do not follow the false teachers or accept the wrong faith, but they start to doubt the faith that they receive. To these people, we should have mercy on them and sympathize them. To “be merciful ” indicates that those who have strength sympathize those who do not have strength; those who are strong sympathize and help those who are weak; those who are rich help those who are poor; and who have firm faith strengthen those who have weak faith. The believers should not be proud and despise those who have doubt, and should not consider themselves in the right and have the attitude of superior when they show sympathy to the weak. The word of “mercy” is in both verse 21 and 22. In verse 21, it is saying that one should wait for the mercy of LORD Jesus Christ; in verse 22, it asks the believers to have mercy on those who doubt. Since the believers themselves stand firm by looking upon and waiting for the mercy of LORD, they should have the same mercy to sympathize those who doubt and are shaken. Just as what LORD says: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. ” (Mat 5:7).

JUDE 1:23 snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with fear--hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.


The second group of people: “snatch others from the fire and save them” . It is obvious that their problem is more severe than those who doubt. They not only are shaken in the faith, but also start to walk on the wrong way. Therefore, the apostle says that we should snatch them from the fire and save them, for they have been burning in the fire already and need to be snatched from the fire and saved soon. In the book of Amos, the Israelites are called a burning stick snatched from the fire, which was close to the destruction, but was kept by the mercy of God (Amo 4:11; Zec 3:2). To those who are tempted, we should know to try to rescue them from the dangers. It is dangerous to rescue people from the fire, which is risky and might need sacrifice, for we ourselves might get burned. In the like manner, if we want to save someone from the wrong way, we might be misunderstood and attacked, or suffer the loss.

To the third group of people, we should show mercy, mixed with fear -- “to others show mercy, mixed with fear” . “with fear” indicates that one should be careful and be afraid that one himself might be involved to offend God. The third group of people are in the most severe situation who are trapped in sins. It is obvious that they fall into sins. “hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.” It is apparent that they are tempted by the lusts and sins. Therefore, the apostle exhorts those who have mercy on them and want to help them to be watchful, in case they share in their sins and will be contaminated by their sins. This verse can be put together with verse 4: how the false teachers “change the grace of our God into a license for immorality ”; and verse 7: just as the people of Sodom “gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion.” By comparing all these verses, it is known that those who are tempted are influenced by the wrong principles from the false teachers, such that they indulge in the evil desires and sinful nature.

“the clothing”:

In the Bible, the clothing could be used to represent our conducts (Isa 64:6; Zec 3:3-4; Rev 3:4; Eph 4:22). Here, as to these people who fall into the temptations of sins and evils, their clothing are stained because of the lusts. This clothing symbolizes their corrupt conducts because of sins. As to those who want to help them to turn back, although they can sympathize them, they must not be contaminated by the filth and should hate their sins and evils. The Bible always makes these two points clearly that: we do not hate the sinners, but we hate the sins done by the sinners; we do not sympathize or tolerate sins and evils, but we should sympathize those who are entangled by sins and evils, and help them to turn to Christ.

7. The concluding remarks (24-25)

JUDE 1:24 To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy--


Here, the apostle shows his faith and praise to God as the conclusion of this letter. “keep” has been mentioned for three times in this letter. “falling” indicates to fall accidentally, but not deliberately. God can keep us from falling, but not keep us from sinning deliberately and falling into the danger deliberately. From the beginning to the end, being kept by God is mentioned, which is a characteristics of this letter. However, we must use our freewill to choose God instead of ourselves; then we will be kept by God. Although there are many temptations and tests in the world, we do not overcome by our own strength, but by relying on the guard and care of LORD. LORD says that “He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him”. “who come to God through Him”; refer to those people who walk on the way through LORD, but not walk on the way of sins and evils. These people will be kept by LORD.

“to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy”:

“without fault ” pays attention to the perfection of the salvation from Christ. Although we are all the corrupt sinners, in His grace, we can be without fault.

“with great joy”: Although we are weak and often fail, as long as we look upon His mercy and keep away from the failure, so that when we stand before his glorious presence, we won’t be shameful but with great joy.

“the only God our Savior”:

Here, the Savior is called the only God. It shows again that LORD Jesus Christ and the only God are equally glorious and are One (1Ti 1:17; 6:16). We should stand in front of God, and we should also stand in front of our Savior Jesus Christ.

JUDE 1:25 to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.


Except the living God, no one else can be worthy of such praises. We know the living God “through Jesus Christ our Lord”; our praises are given to God also “through Jesus Christ our Lord”. “before all ages” is the past in eternity; “now and forevermore” is the future in eternity. Only God is the living God forever to ever, and only He is worthy of such praises.


1. Zhongdao Chen: “The Lectures on the Bible Studying of the Letters in New Testament”.

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