
We Can only Trust in and Rely on God

(2007-02-03 21:38:02) 下一個

We Can Only Trust in and Rely on God

All the strength and power come from God. We all know that those who rely on themselves are like the trees away from the water source.

“But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. ” (Psa 1:2-3)

People are often weak, and are easy to be led away by their own selfish desires. And they like enjoyments and indulgence, and do not like to be constrained. This tendency is shown on their understandings of the faith and truth, and produces the following FALLACIES:

1. Since the rebirth is by righteousness through faith and absolutely has nothing to do with the good deeds, after the rebirth, to enter the eternal life does not need the good deeds either.

2. Since the rebirth is the grace given freely with the only condition of righteousness through faith, and is well-established and won’t be lost, to enter the eternal life is also well-established and won’t be lost.

3. There is “saved” in both “to be reborn to be saved ” and “to enter the eternal life to be saved”. Also, the rebirth is the premise of entering the eternal life; and the rebirth brings the promise of the eternal life. Therefore, some verses are used by some people as the basis of “Once Saved, Always Saved”, though there are many verses that are clearly contradictory to it.

If interpreting “saved” in “Once Saved, Always Saved” as the rebirth and the new life brought by the Holy Spirit through the rebirth, that passes reluctantly. However, if interpreting “saved” in “Once Saved, Always Saved” as entering the eternal life, this saying is a fallacy and does harm to people, and is completely contradictory to many teachings in the verses of the Bible.

However, to make the concept of truth clear makes many people upset, even to object fiercely. Some said: “ Thus, some people will fall.” If what a person trusts in and relies on is his own eternal life, he will surely fall. The truth that we must learn is: we can only trust in and rely on God.

The people who like to get close to God, are those who like the light and do not like to walk in the darkness, and those who like the truth only and do not like the unrighteousness. God also let such people -- the honest and humble people with reverence to God get close to Him.

Those who only want to have a guarantee of a comfortable life to make money and get the promotion, and those who only want to satisfy their own selfish desires, can not find God and get close to God.

God is the rock that we rely on, and is root and source of the strength. We can only trust in and rely on God. Our eternal life lies in trusting in and relying on God, obeying the will of God, making every effort to be holy and be one in Jesus Christ.

The history of that the Israelites went out of the Egypt is the warning to our Christians:

We all know that the Passover lamb is the typology of LORD Jesus Christ. The blood of the Passover lamb saved all the Israelites out of the land of Egypt where they used to be the salves, just as the precious blood of LORD Jesus Christ saved us out of the land that we used to be slaves binding by the sins and death completely.

The promise land for the Israelites is Canaan; the promise land for our Christians is the heaven, and the eternal life.

The Israelites had Moses as their leader and mediator to lead them to walk through the desert; we have the Spirit of LORD Jesus Christ to lead us to walk through the way of being holy and being one in Jesus Christ, and He is as the Mediator and intercedes for us all the way.

However, the Israelites often grumbled and longed for the life in Egypt, though that is a life of slave. Nowadays, there are also quite amount of Christians who are weak and often grumble, and are not willing to walk on the road to be holy. On one hand, they want the benefit of the promise; on the other hand, they do not want to throw away the secular pleasures. Therefore, the theories such as “Prosperity Theology”, “Once Saved, Always Saved” and so on become the articles of faith that some Christians stubbornly refuse to let go. Also, they use it to confuse the truth and to resist the warnings of the watchman fiercely.

In the end, how many people entered the promise land of Canaan? In the end, how many people enter the heaven? Do you have the faith in God as that of Joshua and Caleb? Do you have the determination to be holy and one in Jesus Christ?

This message is written and enlightened under the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is to let us know that only to trust in and rely on God, make every effort to be holy and be one in Christ is the guarantee for us to enter the promise land -- heaven and eternal life!

All thanks, praises, and glories be to God!

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