
To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay(19)3

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To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (19) - 3

The Explanation and Analysis of the Verses in Chapter 3 of 1 JOHN

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

4. The differences between the children of God and the worldly people (3:1-24)

(1) The difference in the life and the hope (3:1-3)

In this chapter, the Bible compares the differences between the children of God and the worldly people. By comparing verse 1 and verse 3, it can be seen more clearly that this is the central thought of this chapter.

The Bible always pays attention to the differences between the children of God and the worldly people (Exo 11:7; 2Co 6:17). Without the differences, there won’t be the testimonies. However, what are discussed and emphasized in this chapter, are to bring up the characters and conducts that the children of God should have. All that are not in consistent with or opposite to our special hope, status, life, and love, are what we should not do.

A. The honored status of the children of God -- at present (3:1)

1 JOHN 3:1 How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.


Here, the apostle exhorts the believers sincerely to think highly of their own position. “How great is the love the Father”. How high the position that God had exhorted us already! He made us to be as His own children. How can we still not pay attention, not be satisfied, and not give thanks? How could we still fight for and boast of other worldly position? The reminder is given here, because it is known that the essential reason for the believers to long for, seek or fight for the worldly vanity so that to lose the capability to be consecrated, is because they haven’t realized the honor of the children of God, do not know how to conduct themselves with dignity, and are willing to wallow in the mire with the world. This situation is similar to Esau who despised his birthright.

“that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! ” :

This sentence points out the position and duty of the believers. We are “called children of God” not only on the status, but also in the practical life; “ that is what we are”.

“The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. ”: Since they do not know God, they certainly will not think highly of the status of “children of God”. However, we must not follow or admire the worldly people because of this; instead, we should think highly of the grace of God and our status, and live the testimony that we should have. On the other hand, the reason that the worldly people do not know the love of God, might be because we do not live like the children of God.

B. The good hope of the children of God -- in the future (3:2-3)

1 JOHN 3:2-3 Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure.


Here, another special hope of the believers is also brought up. It is that we will be like Him when LORD comes again. “what we will be has not yet been made known” (refers to the spiritual body after the resurrection (1Co 15:35-41) ); that is, how much we will be like Him in the glories has not disclosed. According to (1Co 15:35-41), the glorious bodies of the believers in the future have different glorious splendor. Only by looking at a person himself, it will be known right away how much is his glories, and how much he is like LORD! The more one looks like Him in the spiritual life now, the more he looks like His glory in heaven in the future. Therefore, when we are on earth, we are still like in the furnace; with what kind of material and by putting on what kind of mould, then what we will look like in the future. While Jesus Christ is our mould. God put the life of Jesus Christ in our Christians as the mould. Our goal is to make every effort to be one in Christ, live the life of Christ, become the likeness of Christ increasingly.

Among many things to “be like Him”, what is most important is to purify oneself to be like Him. (At that time, there is a heresy which advocated that: Doing sins in the body won’t affect the spirituality.) If we hope to see LORD and look like Him, we must purify ourselves, live a godly life, live the holy life of Christ, and be as pure as Him.

“as He is”:

Here, the apostle implies that he had not seen the real glories of LORD “as He is”. Although he used to see LORD in the body and after the resurrection, that is not as glorious as LORD is. In another word, the glory of LORD that one will see is greater than what the apostle saw before in the vision. An evidence of this point is the different reactions of the saints of the ancient time in the visions. For example, when LORD appeared to and met with the disciples after His resurrection, the disciples were all well. However, in the Revelations, when John saw LORD, he fell to the ground; just as the prophets in the Old Testament, it is obvious he can not bear with the glory of LORD. It is apparent that the degree of the glory shown by LORD is different on different appearances. In (Mar 16:12), LORD appeared in a different form to them. It can be derived that the appearance of LORD to the disciples after the resurrection is not to the extend of the real glories of LORD, but appeared to them according to the extend that they can bear with (see also 1Ti 6:14-16)!

(2) the different attitude to sins and evils (3:4-7)

“Everyone who sins”; that is, regardless of the unbelievers, the believers, or the pastors, whoever sins is against the law and there is no exemption. This verse is also directly against the heresy at that time, who said that one can sin on one hand, while is still holy on the other hand. These verses show that the believers have completely different procedures, standards and methods from the worldly people on dealing with sins and evils and doing the righteousness. Furthermore, due to the complete solution to the sins and evils, the believers not only are counted as “the righteous”, but also must “do what is righteous” as their duty and obligation. Regarding the difference of the believers from the worldly people toward sins, here, three points about it are discussed:

A. The standard of sins is different from the worldly people (3:4)

1 JOHN 3:4 Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness.


“breaks the law”; that is lawless and against the law. Here, the lawlessness is according to the standard of the words of the Bible, but it also includes breaking the laws of the government in the world. To disobey the words on the Bible is to disobey the will of God; that is sin. The standard of the believers about sins is based on the criterion of the Bible -- the standard permitted by God. The worldly people not only do sins, but also their standard of sins (what should be counted as sins) is disqualified considered by God.

The standard of conviction in the Bible is:

a. Anyone who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins (Jam 4:17; 2:9);

b. Whoever does not believe that Jesus is the Savior, sins (Joh 3:18);

c. Whoever sins breaks the law (1Jo 3:4);

d. All wrongdoing is sin (1Jo 5:17);

e. To fall short of the glory of God is sin (Rom 3:23);

f. Do not support and help the innocence; that is sin (2Ti 4:16; Lev 5:1);

g. To follow the ways of this world and of the devil is sin (Eph 2:1-3);

h. All kinds of evil desires and wrongdoings are sins (Mar 7:21-23; Rom 1:24-32; Gal 5:19-21).

In a word, the standard of the Christians about sins is based on the unchanging Bible. However, the standard of the worldly people about sins is based on the principles set by men themselves, and these principles change all the time, or lower the standard to cater the people. The believers not only should not do sins in the concepts of the worldly people, but also should obey the teachings of LORD and the commands and teachings in the Bible, which is the higher law.

B. The way of the believers to take away the sins is different from the worldly people (3:5)

1 JOHN 3:5 But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin.


If our standard of sins is very high yet without the proper ways to take away the sins, we will be more miserable than the worldly people. However, we have the salvation that the worldly people do not have. This salvation is through the appearance of LORD accomplished by His sufferings for sins. After our rebirth, we have the life of Christ in us; as to the laws that we can not obey by ourselves, now we can obey them by Christ in us.

Here, it still continues the meaning of verse 3, to encourage the believers to purify themselves, and not to be tempted by the heresies. Since this is the case, we should:

a. Once sins, one should confess sins and ask for forgiveness right away. Having the way of the forgiveness of sins, one still does not repent to seek the forgiveness; that is to commit sin on top of another.

b. Do not cover the sins and evils, pushing away the sins and finding excuses for oneself; one should confess sins honestly.

c. After one confessed sins and repented, he should not sin any more (Joh 8:11).

d. Do not lose heart because of doing a sin and give up oneself.

It is because he appeared so that he “might take away our sins”. we should accept His way of taking away the sins. “he appeared”; here refers to Lord’s first coming to be born and die.

“And in him is no sin. ”:

This verse shows that the birth and death of Christ is not because of his own sins, but all for the purpose that he might take away the sins of the worldly people. Regarding the innocence of Christ and his death to take up the sins of people, the Bible has proved from many aspects, such as:

a. the testimony of LORD Himself (Joh 8:46; 18:23),

b. the testimony of the High priest -- Caiaphas (Joh 11:49-52),

c. the testimony of Judas who betrayed LORD (Mat 27:3-6),

d. the testimony of Pilate (Mat 27:24-25; Luk 23:22; Joh 19:1-16),

e. the testimony of the wife of Pilate (Mat 27:19),

f. the testimony of the thief on the cross (Luk 23:41),

g. the testimony of apostle Peter (Act 2:22-36; 1Pe 3:18),

h. the testimony of apostle Paul (2Co 5:21),

i. the testimony of Stephen (Act 7:52),

j. the testimony of apostle John (1Jo 3:5),

k. the testimony of predictions of the prophets (Isa 53:4-6),

l. the testimony of John the Baptist (Joh 1:29),

m. the testimony of God Himself (Mat 3:17; Mar 9:7; 2Co 5:21),

n. the testimony of the centurion and those with him (Mat 27:54).

C. The way of the believers to overcome the sins is different from that of the worldly people (3:6-7)

1 JOHN 3:6 No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him.


The previous verse only gives the passive way to overcome sins, while to “live in Him” is the positive way to overcome sins. The reason of all the failures is because of being away from LORD and drifting apart from LORD. If no matter what we do, our minds get back to LORD before and after doing it, and keep the connection with LORD through prayer or ponderation, we will be able to overcome the temptations. If we make every effort to be one in Christ, we will live in LORD and will be able to be away from sins and evils.

“continues to sin”:

It indicates to sin not for once accidentally, but used to sin.

“seen” :

It indicates to see spiritually. This verse indicates that one who used to sin has not really seen or known LORD.

Whoever knows God will know the righteousness and holiness of God, and will know to fear God, obey the words of God, and be away from sins and evils.

1 JOHN 3:7 Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. He who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous.


“Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. ”:

It indicates that they should not be led astray by the heresy of letting people live at ease in sins. There are some who misinterpret and misunderstand the truth of “righteousness through faith”, such as the extreme “fideism”. They advocate that as long as one has the faith, even he stays in sins at ease, even what he does are still the deeds of the Old Adam, even he does not do what is good and righteous, he is still a righteous man. This is an obvious fallacy. To be righteous on status might not be equal to being righteous practically in life; only those who do this righteousness is a righteous man. Here, the apostle points out clearly the truth, refutes the temptation of the heresy, and reminds the believers:

“Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. ” (1Jo 3:4)

“Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. He who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous. ” (1Jo 3:7)

“Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother. ” (1Jo 3:10)

Those who do not live the practice of the salvation and still conduct in the way of the Old Adam, even do evils and disobey the laws, do not belong to God.

“He who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous. ”:

Only those who do what is right are righteous. “Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God;” (1Jo 3:10) To do what is good and righteous is the duty of the Christians. Anyone who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.(Jam 4:17)

“just as he is righteous. ”: it is because LORD is holy and righteous. “… The LORD is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.” (Psa 92:15) Since we Christians have the righteous and holy life of Christ in us, we should trust in Christ in us to make effort to pursue holiness, and do what is good and righteous; in this way, one can really know LORD, believe in LORD and belong to LORD.

3. The difference in life and the nature (3:8-12)

A. Belongs to God or the devil (3:8-10)

1 JOHN 3:8-10 He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work. No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God. This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother.


“He who does what is sinful is of the devil”:

This is about the life belongs to God or the devil. There is a great difference between the life of the believers and that of the worldly people. The life of the worldly people is sinful and belongs to the devil; however, the believers are born from God. That is, their life belongs to God and is the life that is not sinful and shares in the holy life of God (2Pe 1:4). The worldly people take pleasures in doing sins; the believers will feel painful to do sins. The former ones are inclined to the evil; the latter ones are inclined to the good. If the believers continue to indulge themselves in sins in their life, they deceive themselves. It is because that is the display of the children of the devil.

“because the devil has been sinning from the beginning”:

That is, the devil sins without changing. From the beginning till now, it sins and tempts people to sin, and is the “forefather” on this aspect.

“The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work. ”:

We can only rely on the salvation accomplished by the appearance of the Son of God to overcome the devil. The salvation of LORD not only can make people take away the sins and evils, but also can destroy the deeds of the devil who tempts the people. All that make people sin are the deeds of the devil.

“No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God.”:

Note that: the word of “seed” is also used in (Mat 13:24; 1Pe 1:23). The Christians have the Holy Spirit live in them; the life of Christ can not sin. “cannot go on sinning”; indicates that the new life in the believers can not sin.

“This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother. ”:

The believers will sin occasionally because of following the sinful nature and living in accordance to the old life. What the worldly people have is the life that can not keep away from sinning; the believers already have the life that can keep away from sinning. However, the freewill of the believers should choose to obey this new life; they still can sin if they choose to follow the sinful nature. Whether one belongs to God or the devil; it can be told from the life and conducts: those who do what is righteous and love the brothers belong to God and are the children of God; those who do not do what is righteous and do not love the brothers belong to and are the children of the devil.

B. hate the brothers and love the brothers -- the hatred and the love (3:11-12)

1 JOHN 3:11-12 This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another. Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother's were righteous.


The believers’ loving one another is the greatest difference between the believers and the worldly people; this is the command of LORD heard from the beginning (Joh 13:34).

Here, the example of “Cain” is given as the warning, to show that to hate the brothers is to do evils and belongs to the devil; to love the brothers is to do good and belongs to God. Love is the nature of God; hatred is the nature of the devil. Since one has the life of God, one should not display the conducts of the devil. It is because the life, nature and conducts are related closely to one another. Since we are the children of God, the eternal life of God lives in us, we should live the life of the children of God.

Here, there are eight points listed to show that the worldly people -- children of the devil are inferior to children of God:

a. Do not know sins;

b. Do not keep away from sins;

c. Do not know LORD;

d. Do not do what is righteous (only have the mouth to talk about the righteousness);

e. Belong to the devil;

f. Can not keep away from sinning;

g. Hate the brothers (the believers);

h. Do not accept the enlightening.

4. The difference of life of love (3:13-24)

A. Why should we love one another ?(3:13-16)

The third difference of the believers from the worldly people is shown in the life of love in the masses. Since the previous verse takes Cain as an example to prove that the hatred of jealousy remains in the worldly people, here, the apostle encourages the believers to live the love of LORD to prove the difference between the children of God and the worldly people.

a. Love and hatred is the difference between the believers and the worldly people (3:13-15)

1 JOHN 3:13 Do not be surprised, my brothers, if the world hates you.


It is not surprising that the believers are hated by the worldly people. This verse is to comfort the believers that, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you (1Pe 4:12); but should look on them as the duty that the believer has to take.

“Do not be surprised, my brothers, if the world hates you. ”:

The reason that many believers do not think it necessary to love the brothers, it is because their deeds and life do not shine among the worldly people, do not refuse sins, and do not glorify LORD. Therefore, they won’t “be hated” by the worldly people naturally. His way in the world is very smooth such that he could not feel the goodness of the love of LORD. Therefore, it says here that: “Do not be surprised, my brothers, if the world hates you. ” On the contrary, one should be surprised if the worldly people do not hate him. It is because it is afraid that he wallows in the mire with the world (2Ti 3:12). Therefore, the “hatred” of the worldly people is one of the reasons to help us to love each other more.

1 JOHN 3:14 We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers. Anyone who does not love remains in death.


“love our brothers”:

It is the evidence that we have passed from death. “We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers.” The love of the brothers proved that they “have passed from death to life”, which is the evidence of having the life. When many believers believe in LORD initially, they especially feel the passion among the brothers.

“Anyone who does not love remains in death. ”:

The “death” here does not refer to the death of the body, but refers to the death of the spirit. Without the love, one is like the worldly people whose spirituality has died. The believers must have love; otherwise, they still have not been away from his “acts that lead to death” before (Heb 6:1); just as Lazarus after the resurrection, when he had not left the tomb and with the cloth around his head, although he has the life of a living man, but he did not live the life of a living man.

According to the Bible, there are several meanings of the “death”:

The death of the body: the body dies and the tent on the earth is destroyed (2Co 5:1-8).

The death of the spirit: as to those who are separated from God (Eph 2:1), LORD called them the dead men (Luk 9:60; Eph 4:18).

The eternal death: the final destruction at the end (Rev 21:8).

To die together: indicates that all things of the sinful nature should die together with LORD, such as the world, the sinful nature and the old self and so on (Gal 6:14; 5:24; 2:20).

The “death” in this verse refers to the death of the spirit.

1 JOHN 3:15 Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him.


“hatred” and “murder” are the same. Those who hold the hatred do not have the eternal life.

“Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him. ” This verse and the teachings of LORD Jesus Christ in (Mat 5:21-26) are the same, and give a completely new explanation on the sin of murder. Here, from the motives of the “hatred” and “murder”, the origin of “murder” roots in the “hatred”. The “hatred” is the starting point of the “murder”; and the “murder” is the utmost of the “hatred”. From the viewpoint of men, there is significant difference between “hatred” and “murder”; for “hatred” is the hidden thought in the inner mind, and “murder” is the action shown on the conducts. However, from the viewpoint of the omniscient God, “hatred” without “murder” is only because of a fear of the punishment of the laws, the revenge of others, or having no chance to take an action. However, if one let the sin of hatred continue to grow without removing it right away, he walks toward the sin of murder. “hatred” and “murder” are only the different stages of one road.

According to the contexts, this verse is derived from the murder of Abel by Cain to be as the warning to the believers. The reason that Cain murdered Abel, is the extreme expression of the “hatred”. The devil entices people to sin; no matter what kind of sins, he let the people prepare from the mind and emotions first, then gives people the boldness to sin on the actions. The hatred of Cain to Abel is the sin in the mind; the murder of Abel is the sin of the action. Cain let expanded his selfishness and self-love of the “self” which has the original sin to be against God, and let the “hatred” expanded; therefore, he committed the murder. Therefore, “hatred” is the most apparent sign of those who are not saved and who do not belong to God, while “love” is the most distinct mark of the believers. Those who have hatred do not belong to God, and do not have the eternal life.

b. LORD had laid down his life for us; therefore, we should love one another (3:16)

1 JOHN 3:16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.


This means that although we used to love someone before, we have not understand the true meaning of love at all; until we know that “Jesus Christ laid down his life for us”, we start to know what is love. Only being compelled by LORD’s love, we will truly love one another. And only the love being compelled by LORD’s love is the true love.

“Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” (Joh 15:12-13)

“This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. ” (1Jo 4:10)

“Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. ” (Rom 5:7-8)

What is “love”? Love is:

i. God gave His Son; Christ laid down his life for us.

ii. God gave His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

iii. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Only the love shown by the death of Christ on the cross, is enough to explain what is the greatest love, and the essence of love -- the love to give up oneself.

B. How to love one another (3:16latter-18)

Since love is the different character of the children of God from the worldly people, how should we put the love of one another into practice? Here, some principles are told about how to put the love of one another into practice:

a. we should take Christ as the model of loving one another (3:16latter)

“And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. ”

Note that the word of “ought to” means to be compelled by the obligation or the duty. It shows that since we have received such a great love of LORD, we should love the brothers all the same, and we are responsible to love one another by LORD’s love. We should take the love of Christ as the model of our love of one another; this is the important principle for us to love one another. How LORD loves us, and “laid down his life for us”; this is the highest expression of love. “laid down his life ”; that is the last thing that LORD gave up for us after he gave up all the glories in the heaven. Therefore, the incident that LORD laid down his life shows that to love us, he did not retain anything that he did not give up; and he is willing to give up all for us without any condition, without remembering our sins and evils. From the viewpoint of men, it is not worthy; however, LORD gave up all of them for us.

Here, we are exhorted to love one another with the love of LORD. What one can give up to others to the last point is one’s own life. If we are willing to give up our life for the brothers, there is nothing that we won’t give up for the brothers. However, in many cases, not only we do not have the love to be willing to give up our life, but also are not willing to give the time of an hour, a little wealth, or a little profit. Therefore, we can not love one another.

b. Do not have no pity on others (3:17)

1 JOHN 3:17 If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?


Note that the previous verse pays attention to loving the brothers by following the model of LORD. In this verse, it further points out what is to love others by LORD’s love; and what is not to love others by following LORD’s love. Here, the Bible not only points out what we should do, but also points out what we should not do. Thus, it will make those who do not practice LORD’s love unable to hide and sidestep their problems. Sometimes, if we only show what should do according to the truth in the Bible, it is not enough to make people become aware of their deficit. However, if after we point out what kind of deeds are right, we will also point out what kind of deeds are wrong according to the truth; that will make people to see their real situation more easily. Here, this method is used to illustrate the truth of love.

“anyone has material possessions ”:

It indicates that anyone who has this world's goods and sees his brother and fellow believer in need, yet closes his heart of compassion against him, he can not be counted as loving the brothers, for love is a sacrifice. How much is the “love”, so much is the “sacrifice”. If we consider that we have the love of LORD to give up the life for others, but do not have pity on the brothers in needs, that is completely self-deceiving.

“has no pity ”:

The needs of the brothers should arouse our sympathy and give us the chance to show our love. However, as a result of having no pity, not only the brothers in need will continue in suffering the pains, but also it will block our chance to grow in love.

“how can the love of God be in him? ”:

Note that here it is how can “the love of God” be in him, but not how can “the love of man” be in him. Since the two previous sentences are about things on loving others, it seems that it should be “how can the love of man be in him?” However, here, it says that “how can the love of God be in him? ” To address it in this way is to show that the result of no loving of man, will make us unable to love God. If we block the love to others, we will lose our love to God. The characteristic of the love of God is to let it flow out to increase it. If we block it and close it, as a result, it will become less and less till getting lost. Therefore, many people often feel their own needs, while never pay attention to the needs of others. However, in many cases, God put those who are poorer than us in front of us clearly, so that to teach us how to let our love flow out. However, we have no pity on others instead; thus, the love of God certainly is not in us. On the contrary, this sentence also tells us that the way to increase the love to God is to love the brothers, have pity on those brothers in needs; then our love to God will be provoked. See also the example in (Jam 2:14-16), which explains it well.

(Jam 4:17) “Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.”

“the love of God ”:

The character of the love of God is to love others initiatively. We must not close the love of God inside, and make His love unable to get to others. Therefore, if one sees the brothers in need and has no pity on him, that is to suffocate “the love of God” in him.

c. should have the practical performance (3:18)

1 JOHN 3:18 Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.


This verse talks about four situations of loving one another:

Love with words or tongues:

“Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue”:

This sentence does not mean that we should not show our love in words and tongues, such as: using words to support and comfort those who are in poverty and pains. But it is saying that let us not “only” with words and tongues; showing sympathy with words yet without heart, is the completely false love and the love belongs to the world. However, the love of the believers can not only with words and tongues; such a love not only can not provoke the love of each other, but also will extinguish the love of each other. It will make the people misunderstand that the precious love in Christ has no difference with the false worldly love.

Love with actions:

“but with actions”; that is, the love should be shown with actions. To take out one’s own wealth to help the brothers, is the true love. Once again, let’s have a look at the example in (Jam 2:15,16) “Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? ” All illustrate that all the spiritual virtues are reliable only with the practical performance.

Love in truth:

“but with actions and in truth”; The love with actions needs to be added with the truth. Although true love must show in the actions, the “action” itself might also be hypocritical. Therefore, not only the love must have the expression with actions, but also the actions must be in truth so that to be the clear proof of the love. If we have shown our love with actions, such as practically giving up our own benefit materially or mentally to help the brothers; but if when we do it, we have other selfish intentions, such as through the benefit given to others, to achieve one’s own selfish wish, and to obtain the praise from others or other benefits; this “love with actions” is not in truth or is not love at all. In (1Co 13:3), an action that looks like the action of “love”, is also mentioned: “If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. ” However, the Bible does not consider this kind of action as “love”, for if the action does not come from sincere love, it is nothing. Therefore, we love one another, not only with actions, but also completely for the sake of loving LORD and with the love of the brothers sincerely; that will meet the requirement of God.

Love in truth:

We love one another not only sincerely, but also in accordance with the principles of the truth. Our warm hearts should be within the category of the knowledge of the truth, so that to achieve the good results, glorify God and benefit people. The so-called love in truth means that:

a. Not only we should not be hypocritical and fake in all our good deeds, but also we should not do anything against the truth, such as helping the brothers with lawless or immoral methods, or with the unrighteous wealth, or sharing in others’ sins (1Ti 5:22). “To do good through the evils”, such a kind of “love” is absolutely not from the truth, but from the sinful nature.

b. Not only one should care about the good things materially or physically, but also should care about the spiritual benefits. If our love can only make others benefit materially, but fall deeper spiritually, or provoke the greed, laziness or indulgence more, nor such a love is in truth (2Th 3:10-13).

c. Be careful to do things in the light (2Co 8:21) so that our good deeds won’t get unnecessary slanders or arouse unnecessary misunderstandings and suspicions.

C. The good things of the love among the children of God (3:19-24)

a. Knowing that one himself belongs to the truth (3:19)

1 JOHN 3:19 This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence


Since loving the brothers is in accordance with the truth, while if we love one another with actions and in truth, this proves that we belong to the truth. Since this is the case, our heart will be set at rest in front of God. However, besides this literal meaning, this verse also implies that we should not think that we will surely get the thanks or praises from others when we love the brothers according to the truth. On the contrary, we might get the reverse instead, misunderstood by others or attacked by the evil spirits from the devil, so that our inner mind will feel upset. What is most important in our deeds, is to know whether what we do are in accordance with the truth or not. If it is in accordance with the truth, regardless of the results of the actions and the praise or condemnations from others, we can all set our heart at rest in front of God.

b. Having clear conscience and confidence in front of God (3:20-21)

1 JOHN 3:20-21 whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God


This verse indicates that as to those who have practiced the love mentioned in the previous verses, whenever their hearts in self-accusation make them feel guilty and condemn them, they should know that God is above and greater than our hearts, and He knows everything. For God put the law in our hearts:

“one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. ” (Eph 4:6)

“(Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.) ” (Rom 2:14-15)

“… declares the LORD . "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts.” (Jer 31:33)

Furthermore, the believers have the Holy Spirit of Christ in hearts, our conscience is sharper: “if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God”. Such a confidence before God, is our highest rest and joy. Of course, these words are not for those who often sin such that their conscience is numb, but to those believers who are godly and love LORD, with the Holy Spirit in them.

c. Receiving from him anything we ask (3:22-23)

1 JOHN 3:22 and receive from him anything we ask, because we obey his commands and do what pleases him.


“and” shows that this is another good things which is continued the previous verse. Since our conscience does not blame us and we have confidence before God, our faith will be strengthened naturally. Thus, we will receive from him anything we ask.

Usually, if we sin, our conscience will accuse us. To pray under this situation, one can not have confidence to believe that God will grant what he asks. Such a prayer will not be answered of course.

“because we obey his commands and do what pleases him. ”:

This is to explain why we “receive from him anything we ask”. It is apparent that “anything” is not limitless, which is “anything” in doing “what pleases him” (Joh 14:13-14; 15:7,16;16:23-24).

1 JOHN 3:23 And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us.


Since in the previous verse, it says that we receive from him anything we ask, because “we obey his commands and do what pleases him”. In this verse, the apostle briefly speaks out the command of God, which is:

“to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ”:

This is the command that all the people should obey. Whoever obeys this command is in the light and becomes the children of light. This command also shows what we should believe in, that is “the name of his Son, Jesus Christ”.

“to love one another as he commanded us”:

This is a command especially given to the believers. The believers should love one another; this is not only an exhortation, but also a command from the Head.

Note that, in the first sentence of this verse, “this is his command”, where “command” is singular; however, the content of the “command” in the following includes two important parts, which are:

i. to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ;

ii. to love one another as he commanded us.

These two parts are included in one entirety, and is one command. In another word, if we only believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, we obey only half of this command from God, we must also love one another as he commanded us.

d. Living in God -- to be one in Christ (3:24)

1 JOHN 3:24 Those who obey his commands live in him, and he in them. And this is how we know that he lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he gave us.


The fourth good things of loving one another among the children of God, is to live in God.

The first sentence of this verse “Those who obey his commands live in him, and he in them”, directly explains what is in the previous verse “And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us. ” In this way, one lives in God, while God also lives in him; that is to be one in Christ.

How do we know that he lives in us? We know it by the Spirit he gave us. The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children (Rom 8:9,16). LORD Jesus promised to give the Holy Spirit to those who believe in Him forever (Joh 14:16). And the Holy Spirit poured out his love into our hearts (Rom 5:5), so that we can love one another.

On the other hand, the believers have the Holy Spirit live in us as the deposit that we belong to God. Since the Holy Spirit lives in us, that is, Christ lives in us; this proves that we are united with God in life. These words are the most powerful refutation to the fallacy of Gnosticism at that time that God and man can not get close. And the refutation of the apostle is based on the truth and the practical experience of the believers themselves.


1. Zhongdao Chen: “The Lectures on the Bible Studying of the Letters in New Testament”.

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