
To Be One in Christ:We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay(17)2I

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To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (17) - 2 - part I

The Explanation and Analysis of the Verses in Chapter 2 of 1 PETER

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

2. Live a holy life (1:13-2:20)

(5) Crave pure spiritual milk (2:1-3)

A. Rid oneself of all sins and evils (2:1)

1 PETERS 2:1 Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.


“Therefore”, the reason is shown in the previous verses, which is because “you have been born again” (1:23). Since the believers have been reborn, they should get rid of all kinds of malice and deceit, which are from the sinful nature and the old self. The sins listed here are similar to “the empty way of life ” in verse (1:18).

a. “all malice ”: refer to wickedness or the cunning schemes to hurt others (Eph 4:31; Col 3:8).

b. “all deceit”: that is guile, including all kinds of dishonest and unreasonable deceit, or take advantage of others with crooked means and trickeries.

c. “hypocrisy”: that is insincerity and pretense. It originally refers to the acting of the actor on the stage; that is to use the superficial and pretending good deeds to conceal the evil motive and sins. This is one of the most common deeds of those who are not saved, including telling lies -- the hypocrisy on talks.

d. “envy”: does not like to see others better than oneself. To “envy” will make one have dangerous thoughts to others, so that to let one fall into bigger sins and evils.

e. “slander of every kind”: that is evil speaking, no matter in public or behind others.

Note that this verse is an imperative sentence. It is to firmly ask the believers to get rid of these severe sins. For in the mind of the apostle, everyone who is reborn should be done with every trace of these sins and evils.

“Therefore”, also connects the previous verses and the following verses. The previous verses talk about all kinds of spiritual blessings, such as, the imperishable inheritance for the believers, the grace to be given when LORD comes again, and the experience of the rebirth; the following verses talk about that we should therefore crave the spiritual milk so that we can receive the power to live the life of Christ with love.

This verse shows that the growth of the spiritual life of the believers should accord to certain procedure, and can not resort to trickery to serve oneself. We must firstly get to know and throw off the sins and evil to be reborn, then we can make progress. To grow up, one need to cleanse himself continually and throw off the sin that so easily entangles (Heb 12:1), and crave the spiritual milk, also receive the spiritual power. Sins not only hinder one to receive the life of Christ, but also hinder the spiritual growth of the believers. Therefore, we not only should get rid of the block of the sins to receive Christ, but also should get rid of the block of the sins to pursue the spiritual growth.

B. Grow up in one’s salvation (2:2-3)

1 PETERS 2:2 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation,


The newborn babies crave milk without other’s urging and advising; a reborn Christian will naturally crave “spiritual milk”. This admiration comes along with the life. However, if the babies do not crave milk, it might be because of the following reasons:

a. Because of the illness or stomach illness and so on.

In the like manner, if the Christian has spiritual illness or has been contaminated with sins and evils, that is the spiritual stomach illness; and he will not crave the spiritual milk.

b. Because the milk that one takes is not “pure spiritual milk”.

Just as the word that the Christian hears is not the pure truth, or the book one hears is not the pure teaching, as a result, it will result in the harms on the spiritual life and can not grow up.

The Bible uses the pure spiritual milk to show that:

a. The word of God is very important to the believers who has the new life.

b. The believers should accept the words of God with the attitude of the babies. Many babies cry out and wield arms and feet to show their eagerness to be nursed. The believers should admire the words of God and have this kind of eagerness. The difficulties of the believers nowadays are: they are not the new born babies any longer and should be the adults. However, the stomach of their spiritual life can only take the milk. As to such “big babies” , it is certainly difficult to ask them to crave the spiritual milk, for they are not willing to get rid of the sins and evils that block their spiritual stomach.

Note that: the apostle does not want us to be satisfied with milk, but want the believers to “crave” the words of LORD as the babies crave the milk. Milk can make the babies grow up; as to the adult, milk is a kind of tonic and can make people healthy. In the like manner, the words of God have two effects on the believers: on one hand, they make our spiritual life grow; on the other hand, they make our spiritual life strong and healthy. In (1Co 3:2; Heb 5:12-14), the truth of the initial stage is also compared to be the spiritual milk; it is obvious that there is difference of preliminary and advanced understandings for the believers to take the words of LORD. We should not stay at the stage of preliminary understanding, and should not be like the babies who can only take the milk, but not the solid food. All breast-feeding babies rely on the health of the body of mother and the sufficiency of milk; otherwise, the health of the babies will be affected. As to the poverty and weakness of the spirituality of the believers nowadays, on one hand, it is because the pastors lack the spiritual food; on the other hand, it is because the spiritual lives of the believers do not grow up and are always like the babies, who could not take the food themselves, but depend on the feeding from others. How could one not be the baby? If one can receive the light from the words of God and be fed by LORD Himself, he is like a tree planted by streams of water (Psa 1:3); he does not need watering by others, but can absorb the nourishment and yield the fruit in season. This is the growth that the believers should pursue.

“by it you may grow up ”: by craving and absorbing the words of God, the spiritual life can grow up gradually. The words of God can cultivate, correct, mend, cleanse, and renew our minds, so that our spiritual life can continue in growing and become more and more stronger.

“by it you may grow up in your salvation”:

It is also translated as “by it you may be nurtured and grow unto [completed] salvation,” (A.M.P.).

Here, the salvation refers to the complete salvation in the future; that is, the believers separate themselves from the destruction and obtain the eternal life. We have been reborn already. However, regarding the whole content of the salvation, we actually have not experienced the complete salvation yet. Therefore, “by it you may grow up in your salvation”; it indicates that we make efforts to grow up so that to let the complete salvation be fulfilled and come true, and go forward toward the final goal of complete salvation. We must be clear that the rebirth is the premise of the eternal life; the salvation of rebirth brings in the promise of the eternal life. However, the salvation of rebirth does not equal to the salvation of the eternal life. “Once saved, always saved” is a misleading and wrong doctrine which is not in the Bible.

1 PETERS 2:3 now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.


This verse is cited from (Psa 34:8). The “Lord” in the verse (Psa 34:8) refers to “Sovereign LORD”. It is obvious that “Sovereign LORD” in the Old Testament is the “LORD” in the New Testament.

“you have tasted that the Lord is good” :

It is also translated as “Since you have [already] tasted the goodness and kindness of the Lord.” (A.M.P.).

“The goodness and kindness of the Lord” include all kinds of spiritual blessings. The salvation of rebirth is the greatest grace of LORD given to us. Here, “the goodness and kindness of the Lord” refer to the “spiritual milk” mentioned above -- the words of God. The words of God are also the grace from God, for the words of God often bring us all kinds of the grace of God. If we have tasted this goodness and kindness, we will admire and pursue even more. If we have a taste of all kinds of spiritual blessings brought to us through the words of LORD, such as receiving the eternal life, receiving the power, overcoming the sins, evils and the sinful nature, and the eternal and glorious hope in the future, we will be more earnest to make efforts to know the words of LORD and LORD Himself.

(6) Living stone and the chosen people (2:4-10)

This paragraph uses the spiritual house to illustrate the Christians, and a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that we may declare the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His wonderful light. Here, these verses are about:

A. Build up the spiritual house and the function of the spiritual house (2:4-5)

The previous verses talk about that the believers must live a holy life and grow up spiritually. This paragraph talks about that the believers are built into the holy spiritual house, which has the same meaning as the temple of the Holy Spirit talked about in other letters (1Co 6:19; Eph 2:21-22). All of them show that the Christians have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them. Since Christians are the members of LORD (1Co 6:19-20), we should show the glories of God, make others know God through us, and be the royal priests and worship God.

1 PETERS 2:4 As you come to him, the living Stone--rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him--


This verse is cited from (Psa 118:22). LORD Jesus used to cite this verse to warn the Jews and point out that the result that they refuse Him is inconceivable (Mat 21:42-44; Mar 12:1; Luk 20:17-18). Here, the Bible explains explicitly that the “cornerstone” in the Old Testament refers to LORD Jesus Christ.

The “living stone” shows that there is life. LORD Jesus Christ not only has the life, but also gives life to others (Joh 5:24; 3:15-16); He is the way of the life (Joh 14:6), the light of life (Joh 1:4), the bread of life (Joh 6:51), and the water of life (Joh 4:14); all who come to Him have the living hope.

“rejected by men”; “men” refer to the Jews. Although this living stone is unknown and discarded by the Jews, it is “chosen by God and precious to him”.

“chosen by God ”; that is chosen by God before the creation of God. “precious to Him (God)”; that is valuable and precious in the eyes of God.

1 PETERS 2:5 you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.


“you also, like living stones”; shows that how LORD Jesus is “living stone”, so the believers are living stones; how LORD Jesus is rejected by the Jews, but is precious to God; so the believers are unknown to the worldly people and are persecuted by the worldly people, but are precious to God. Christ is the example set by God for the believers. Not only LORD Jesus Christ is the living stone, but also the believers are living stones. And these people who are redeemed by Him to become the living stones are united to this living stone, which is as the cornerstone -- Christ, to be built into the spiritual house and the dwelling of the glorious God.

“spiritual house ” has several spiritual meanings:

a. Since it is called “spiritual” house, that is, where the Holy Spirit dwells in and completely takes the charge. The Christians should let the Holy Spirit of Christ be in charge in them completely.

b. Since it is called the spiritual “house”, it is a “building”, but not a piece of stone. A single stone can not show the achievements of the spiritual house; but every stone is connected together and built together to become the spiritual house.

c. “being built into ” shows that each stone should stand on its own position according to the arrangements of LORD. No matter on the top or at the bottom, one should obey the proper position in accordance to the arrangements and assignments from God; then the spiritual house can be built up. “you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house”; “you” refer to the Christians, who are redeemed by the blood of LORD.

“A holy priesthood”, this is another duty of the believers. In Christ, everyone is priest. Just as LORD Jesus is the cornerstone of this spiritual house on one hand, He is the great priest in heaven at the same time (Heb 8:1). The believers are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and also the priests. The priests should be consecrated. The priests in the Old Testament must be those who are consecrated; then they can serve God in the tabernacle. Therefore, the believers should be set apart from the world. However, in the times of Old Testament, not all the people can be priests, only the descendents of Aaron can be priests (Exo 29:1,9,29). In the New Testament, not all people can serve God, only those who are redeemed by the precious blood of LORD -- those who are reborn -- can serve God. Therefore, to be as “a holy priesthood”, is not only a duty of the believers, but also a right. The believers of the New Testament are not like those descendents of Levi in the Old Testament, and are not consecrated only according to the procedures of law, but according to the life; become holy through the redemption of Christ. Thus, the believers should live a sanctified life, so that to be worthy of the grace that they receive, and to worship, praise and thank God in prayers all the time.

According to verses (8-9), someone thinks that since all the believers in church are priests; therefore, there should be no pastors in church. This idea is not correct, which mistakes the pastors as the priests in the Old Testament. But according to (Eph 4:21), the pastors and apostles, the prophets, those who preach Gospel, and the teachers, are all the gifts and positions given to the church by God. In the church of the New Testament, all the church members should be the “priests” to serve God. This is irrelevant to whether there should be people with different gifts and duties or not in the church nowadays; and one should not be confused with each other about these two things. In fact, the pastors in the church nowadays are completely different from the priests in the Old Testament, for they do not have the special right to deal with the spiritual matters as the priests in the Old Testament. They are only concentrated on preaching more than others. The believers also should not look on them as the “class between two parties” who is between them and God. On the contrary, any leader of the church, no matter is the pastor or not, if makes the believers admire him too much, so that the believers only know to follow their teachings, even obey his teachings more than the truth in the Bible, he will really become “the class between the two parties”. And even though they do not have the title of the pastor, they violate the principle that all the church members are priests. Therefore, every “ministry of the Gospel” who is advanced in the gifts and is relatively beloved by the believers (Eph 3:7), should especially be watchful and self-controlled, and do not let himself substitute the position of LORD in the minds of the believers.

“offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” This verse shows the normal activity of the “spiritual house” and the work that the priests should do. In the Old Testament, the sacrifices of the calves and sheep offered by the priests are material offerings. However, the priests of the New Testament nowadays -- the believers -- offer the “spiritual sacrifices” through Jesus Christ. Such as:

a. offering the bodies as the living sacrifices (Rom 12:1).

b. offering sacrifices of praise (Heb 13:15).

c. offering sacrifices of doing good (Heb 13:16).

d. offering sacrifices of gifts from love (Php 4:18).

e. giving oneself up as the offering and sacrifices (Eph 5:2).

f. offering sacrifices of prayers (Rev 8:3-4).

g. offering sacrifices of the spirits being saved (Rom 15:16).

The reason that all of “sacrifices” are pleasing and acceptable to God, is “through Jesus Christ” to offer, and is offered by His accomplishments and graces. These are the activities that the priests of the New Testament should have in this spiritual house.

B. Two kinds of people’s relationship to the living stones (2:6-8)

The verses (6-8) cite the Old Testament of the Bible to explain the truth that LORD Jesus Christ is the “living stone” mentioned above; which mainly show that:

LORD Jesus Christ is the “living stone”, which is precious to those who trust in Him; while to those who do not believe, this “living stone” is not “living stones” any more, but is “a stone that causes men to stumble ”. It is because they are not willing to obey the callings of LORD, so they “stumble because they disobey the message”.

a. To those who trusts in Him (2:6)

1 PETERS 2:6 For in Scripture it says: "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame."


This verse cites verse (Psa 28:16) in order to show that:

i. The truth that Christ is “cornerstone” has been proclaimed by the prophets of the Old Testament.

Here, it shows that Christ is the living stone, which is on the basis of the verses in the Old Testament. Here, it only further illuminates what the prophets of the Old Testament did not explain.

ii. Proves how come this cornerstone (Christ) is precious to those who believe in Him.

It is because the prophets of the Old Testament have predicted clearly: “"See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who trusts will never be dismayed. ” (Isa 28:16) Since the prophet Isaiah had declared already, and here it’s been cited again. It is obviously that this “cornerstone” is precious and reliable to those who believe sincerely. Note that, comparing verses (6-7) and verse 4 above, it is known that the words of this verse are to prove what is talked about in verse 4. And it further points out that Christ who is rejected is not only precious to God, but also is precious to all the believers.

b. To those who do not believe (2:7-8)

How about those who do not believe ? Verses 7-8 continue to cite the Old Testament of the Bible, and prove what is the result to those who do not believe.

1 PETERS 2:7-8 Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe, "The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone, " and, "A stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall." They stumble because they disobey the message--which is also what they were destined for.


Verse 7 is cited from verse (Psa 118:22); while verse 8 is cited from verse (Isa 8:14). The citations of these two verses tell the two kinds of results of the cornerstone to those who do not believe:

a. No matter they believe it or not, this stone “has become the capstone”. In another word, their unbelief won’t make this stone lose its precious value. He is the One who is chosen by God and precious to God, but also become the capstone.

The cornerstone is the foundation to connect the two walls when building the house, which is the foundation and the most important place of the whole buildings. “The builders ” refer to the Jews who do not believe. Their unbelief won’t cause any deficit on the side of LORD Jesus Christ.

b. As a result of their unbelief, this stone becomes a stone that causes men to stumble (1Pe 2:8). Not only they can not stand firm by trusting in Him, but also they will stumble because of Him.

“stumble”: when LORD Jesus cited it in the books of Gospel. It is not only to stumble, but also who “falls on this stone will be broken to pieces”(Mat 21:44). That is, as a result that these people refuse Christ and disbelieve Christ, they will not only stumble in the truth, but also can not escape the miserable destruction.

Therefore, these verses mean that the salvation accomplished by Christ is Gospel to those who accept it, and is their salvation and the rock to rely on; while to those who refuse it, it is the “news of disaster”, and becomes the reason to convict them.

In other letters, the apostles also talk about that since the Jews do not believe in Christ, that will make themselves stumble on the rock that is originally supposed to be the stone to save them (Rom 9:32; 1Co 1:23; Gal 5:11).

“because they disobey the message”:

This verse explains the reason that those Jews who do not believe will stumble, is because they “disobey” the truth of the Gospel, and look on the salvation from Christ as foolishness (1Co 1:18). They stumble because they are self-conceited, exalt themselves above the truth, are hypocritical, hate the real light, and can’t understand the truth honestly.

“They stumble because they disobey the message”; that is, they can not stand on the words of God and can not pass the judgments of God. When LORD was on earth, He says: “There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; that very word which I spoke will condemn him at the last day. ” (Joh 12:48). Therefore, everyone who does not believe in LORD will be convicted by the truth of LORD.

“They stumble … which is also what they were destined for”. This verse shows that even though they disbelieve, that is also in the foreknowledge of God. It won’t do any harm to the eternal plan of God. Everything is in the eternal plan of God; and gradually comes true according to His will and His predestined procedures and times.

C. The special status and mission of the Christians (2:9-10)

These two verses point out the special status and mission of the Christians. The word of “But” in the beginning of verse 9 clearly separates the status of the Christians from the disbelievers in verse 8, which shows that the following honors and status can only be received by those who believe in LORD. Although the believers in the world are not considered important by the worldly people, they have special honor and glories in front of God which are given by God. Here, it talks about 4 special status of the believers:

a. A chosen people (2:9)

1 PETERS 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.


“A chosen people” is also translated as “a chosen race” (A.M.P.). “people” or “race” refer to a large group of persons, who have their own nationality and habits of life. The believers belong to one kind of race, are called “a chosen people”, are the assemble of the elects, and a race belong to God. We should have our special display of life. Note that: “chosen” shows that the one who choose them have special purpose and intention. According to (Joh 15:16), God appoint us to go and bear fruit. However, the election of God is different from the election of men; men only choose the good, but God choose the foolish, the weak, the lowly and despised (1Co 1:26-29), so that men have nothing to boast in front of God and completely give glories to God.

b. A royal priesthood (2:9) (see also Exo 19:5-6; Rev 5:9)

“A royal priesthood” has two kinds of meanings:

i. not only is priest, but also is king (2Ti 2:12).

ii. We are the priests to serve the King a royal priesthood -- the priest who has the honor to serve the King (Rev 1:6).

On one hand, we have the honor and glory of a king; on the other hand, we are the priests who serve the King of the kings. Therefore, we should think highly of our status more than the vanity of this life. However, note that: this “ royal priesthood” does not refer to a certain stratum in the church, but every believer in the whole church.

c. A holy nation (2:9)

According to (Eph 2:18-19), it is known that everyone who believes in LORD, no matter the Jews or the gentiles, are in the same nation. Here, the Bible points out that the nation is “holy”.

“Nation” shows the category of the power. All the nations on earth do not obey the authority of God. The church became the “nation” that God carry out the authority, to let the will of God pass without any hindrance.

Note that: “a royal priesthood” and “a holy nation” are connected. Since being as the priests, one must be holy. In the Old Testament, the priests must be consecrated to God first before serving God, and the priests serve God in the Holy Place. These show that the believers nowadays must have the sanctified life and work.

d. A people belonging to God (2:9)

God promise the Israelites to be their God; they will be a people belonging to God (Exo 19:5-6), who are the typology of the Christians to be saved in the New Testament. Now all the Christians are a people belonging to God (2Co 6:16-18; Rom 9:25-26). “A people” refer to those who are under the regime of God, are protected by God, and support God to be as the King of us. We are the people to do the will of God respectively, devote to Him and worship Him. These are the status and the special responsibility of the Christians.

These four special graces are for the noble purpose, which is “that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light”. What kind of position God gives us, He will give us the corresponding responsibilities; what kind of environment God puts us in, He wants us to take up the spiritual responsibility for the current circumstance. God gives us the honorable duties so that we can fulfill His lofty will, so that we will show the bright virtues and proclaim the “virtues” of God through us.

“out of darkness into his wonderful light”; the Bible uses the “darkness” to represent the deeds of the sins and evils (Rom 13:12; Joh 3:19). The worldly people are called the people belong to the darkness by the Bible (1Th 5:4); while the believers are called by children of light (Eph 5:8). God call us to get out of darkness into His wonderful light. Thus, we who are called by him should be away from the darkness completely and enter the light. “into his wonderful light”, that is to enter the light of God. “God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.” (1Jo 1:5); He can make everyone in Him to be the children of light.

e. The people of God who have received mercy (2:10)

1 PETERS 2:10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.


This verse compares the situation of the believers before and now, and let the believers see in what kind of situations they receive the grace, in order that they will live good testimonies and proclaim the virtues of God.

What kind of persons we were “once” before? We “were not a people”, but the slaves of the sins. It is absolutely not easy to be the people of God. Just as the nations in this world, if we want to obtain the citizenship from other nation, it is not easy to do. However, now we become the people of God and can become a member of the kingdom of God. It is because “once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” In another word, it results from the grace of God. Since God have exalted us with such a grace, how can we receive His grace in vain (2Co 6:1) and do not glorify Him in everything we do?

3. The duties of the believers in this world (2:11-3:12)

The previous verses talk about the position and honor of the believers in font of God, and the responsibilities and duties of the believers should have toward God. These are about the relationships between the believers and God. While this paragraph is about the relationship between the believers and other people, including the nation, the society and the family and so on. One can also refer to the teachings of LORD and the similar teachings in Ephesians and Colossians; all of them are the teachings from the Holy Spirit on the principles of the believers to live a life on earth:

(1) The believers should abstain from sinful desires, live good lives, and show good deeds among those who do not believe (2:11-12)

These two verses instruct the believers how to glorify God among the pagans. The “pagans” refer to the outsiders of the church, who do not believe in LORD. This name is originally used by the Jews to call all the foreigners; however, it is apparent that the apostles borrowed this name to call all who do not believe. Here, it points out that what is most important for the believers to the pagans is to glorify God among them.


1. Zhongdao Chen: “The Lectures on the Bible Studying of the Letters in New Testament”.

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