
To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay (15)-9

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To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (15) - 9

The Explanation and Analysis of the Verses in Chapter 9 of HEBREWS

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

The Supremacy of Christ: (V) The accomplishments of the new covenant are greater than those of the old covenant (8:1-10:39)

2. Better blood as the sacrifice for sins (9:1-28)

(1) The blood of the sacrifices being offered in the old covenant was not able to clear the conscience of the worshiper. (9:1-10)

A. The tabernacle of the old covenant is earthly (9:1-5)

B. The priests of the old covenant are restricted to enter the tabernacle (9:6-7)

C. The gifts and sacrifices being offered in the tabernacle of the old covenant were not able to clear the conscience of the worshiper (9:8-10)

(2) In the new covenant, the blood of Christ has more complete accomplishment (9:11-14)

A. Christ came as high priest of the good things that are already here, and went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle (9:11)

B. Christ entered the Most Holy Place once for all by His own blood, having obtained eternal redemption (9:12)

C. The accomplishments of the precious blood of Christ are incomparable with the blood of goats and bulls (9:13-14)

(3) The blood of Christ is the basis to establish the new covenant (9:15-22)

(4) The blood of Christ purified the “the heavenly things themselves ”(9:23-28)

2. Better blood as the sacrifice for sins (9:1-28)

In the previous chapter, it shows how the new covenant of which Christ is the mediator is superior to the old covenant and replaces the old one, and how it is in accordance with the will of God in the predictions proclaimed by the prophets. In this chapter, a further comparison is used to show how the blood of the goats and calves sacrificed in the earthly tabernacle by the high priests of the Old Testament, is inferior to the precious blood of Christ sacrificed for sins, so that to prove that the accomplishments of the new covenant are greater than those of the old covenant. This can be discussed from 4 aspects:

(1) The blood of the sacrifices being offered in the old covenant was not able to clear the conscience of the worshiper. (9:1-10)

A. The tabernacle of the old covenant is earthly (9:1-5)

These verses seem to be irrelevant to the topics discussed. However, the author especially mentions the main holy things in the tabernacle of the old covenant one by one, and then talks about the work of the priests serving in such a tabernacle. It is to show that the sacrifices offered by these priests and all kinds of regulations related to it, are all “earthly” (9:1-10), and (9:9) “an illustration for the present time”.

Heb 9:1 Now the first covenant had regulations for worship and also an earthly sanctuary.


By comparing this verse with verse (8:7), it is apparent that this paragraph continues the words in (8:6), which is to prove that the new covenant of which Christ is the mediator is superior. In verses of (8:7-12), it cites the words of the prophets as a proof; while here, it compares one by one the tabernacle, the high priest, the blood of the sacrifices, and the related regulations in the new and old covenant as the proofs.

“Now the first covenant had regulations for worship ”:

Although the first covenant had its own rules and regulations for divine worship, it is not necessary to be the better one. It is up to whether it can match the regulations and tabernacle of the new covenant or not. It is obvious that the Hebrew Christians revere those precious holy things in the tabernacle of the old covenant, and the regulations proclaimed through Mosses. Therefore, the author explained to them in this way, that at first he admitted that the tabernacle and the regulations of the old covenant were set up by God through men, and are precious. Then, he pointed out the purpose of God to set up these things after all is only as the “illustration”, so that to make people understand the grace that God will give to people in the new covenant.

“and also an earthly sanctuary”:

Here, the word of “earthly” is especially added to show that it belongs to the earth -- this temporary and material world. This implies that the tabernacle and regulations of the old covenant are not permanent, for all the material things are temporary and are not everlasting. In fact, at the time when the author was writing this letter to the Hebrew believers, many holy things have been lost already. Even at the time when Solomon built the temple, the holy things left from the tabernacle were incomplete. After the Israelites were captured to Babylon, the ark of the covenant might have been lost already. Therefore, in the temple built under the King Herod, there was nothing in the Most Holy Place. (Although John in the vision in (Rev 11:19), saw the ark of the covenant in the temple in the heaven, there was no the material ark of the covenant on earth any more.)

Heb 9:2 A tabernacle was set up. In its first room were the lampstand, the table and the consecrated bread; this was called the Holy Place.


“A tabernacle was set up”:

It is also translated as “For there was a tabernacle made”; or “For a tabernacle was erected”.

“A tabernacle was set up … this was called the Holy Place. ”:

That is the Holy Place which is connected with the Most Holy Place, and is covered with curtains. Here, it does not mention the holy things in the courtyard such as the bronze altar and the basin; but starts from the Holy Place. It might be because the holy things in the Holy Places are more precious than those in the courtyard, also only the priest can enter the Holy Place, which is certainly a place more sacred and important. Since the author is not talking about the tabernacle in every details here, but only cites some important things; that is why it starts from the Holy Place. The holy things mentioned here are:


is made of a talent of pure gold, and is placed on the south side of the Holy Place. The lampstand has a shaft in the middle with 3 branches extending on each side (Exo 25:31-39;26:35). When Solomon built the temple, he made 10 gold lampstands (2Ch 4:7). They were once taken to Babylon, and then brought back to Jerusalem (Ezr 1:7). Here, the “lampstand” is in singular, which refers to the original lampstand in the tabernacle.

The lampstand is the only source of light in the Holy Place. The priests must keep it burning (Lev 24:4). It is the typology that the truth of the Gospel of Christ is the true light of the world (Joh 8:12; 2Co 4:4); it is the light of the work of the church (Joh 11:9-10;Eph 5:13); and the light of the life in men’s hearts (Joh 1:4-9; Eph 5:8). The church should hold high the truth of the Gospel (the words of God) to shine in the world (Mar 16:15; 1Ti 3:15). Therefore, the lampstand is also the typology of the church (Rev 1:20).

“the table and the consecrated bread”:

The table is made of acacia wood and overlaid with pure gold molding around it, and is placed opposite the lamp stand on the north side of the Holy Place (Exo 40:24). There are 12 loaves of bread of the Presence set out on the table continually; the bread is changed every seven days and only the priests can eat it in the Holy Place (Exo 25:23-30; Lev 2:5-9).

The bread of Presence is the typology that Christ is the bread of our life. In the whole journey of the Israelites in the desert, this table and bread went along with them. In the like manner, Christ who is as the bread of our life also goes along with us and supplies our spiritual needs. This table and bread is also the typology of the “Lord’s supper” regularly held in church that only those who became the “priests” already -- the believers can partake it (1Co 11:26-27). The table and bread is placed opposite the lampstand to show that we should remain in His light and commune with Him, and also commune with each other (1Jo 1:3-7).

Heb 9:3 Behind the second curtain was a room called the Most Holy Place,


“the second curtain ” refers to the curtain that separates the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place; it is the typology of the body of LORD. When Lord died on the cross, this curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom (Mat 27:51); the way to the Most Holy Place was opened because of his death as the sacrifice (Heb 10:20).

“Behind the second curtain was a room called the Most Holy Place, ”

These words show that in the tabernacle of the Old Testament, there is still the separation between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. The way to the Most Holy Place had not been disclosed yet. In the tabernacle of the Old Testament, the communion between God and men is not completely without the separation.

Heb 9:4 which had the golden altar of incense and the gold-covered ark of the covenant. This ark contained the gold jar of manna, Aaron's staff that had budded, and the stone tablets of the covenant.


“the golden altar of incense ”:

Here, although it mentions the curtain first and then the golden altar of incense, it is not saying that the golden altar of incense was put inside the Most Holy Place. It is only said that “which had the golden altar of incense”; it does not mean that the alter is in the Most Holy Place, but means that it belongs to the Most Holy Place. Although the golden altar of incense was placed outside the curtain, it is in front of the atonement cover inside the curtain, and in the Bible it is called “the altar before the LORD” (Lev 16:12). Therefore, although this altar was placed in the Holy Place outside the curtain, it can also be counted as the holy things in the Most Holy Place. What is more, when the author was writing this letter, this curtain of the temple was torn in two. Thus, whether the golden altar of incense is in the Most Holy Place or in the Holy Place, there is no distinct boundary. Therefore, after the author gave a brief citation, he did not talk about it rigorously according to the sequence of setting up the holy things (according to the sequence of setting up the holy things, in the Holy Place, the table and the bread is set up first, then is the lampstand (Exo 25:23-40;40:22-25); it is apparent that it does not rigorously accord to this sequence here.) Here, it talks about “the second curtain ” in verse (Heb 9:6,7) first to emphasize that the Holy Place has two rooms. It makes the believers see that as to the priests who serve in the tabernacle with these rooms, their work does not have perfect accomplishments.

The golden altar of incense is the typology of Christ --our mediator, who intercedes for us in heaven; by relying on His meritorious prayers (the incense), we could please God and stand in front of Him.

“the gold-covered ark of the covenant”:

The ark of the covenant is the most important holy thing in the whole tabernacle; it is also the only holy thing placed in the Most Holy Place. It is the typology of Christ, who is the Only Son of God, the only mediator for the believers, and the only Savior to the worldly people. According to the record here, there are three things in the ark of the covenant:

(1) “the gold jar of manna”:

When the Israelites were out of the Egypt, God commanded Moses to take an omer of manna in a gold jar and keep it in the ark of the covenant for the generations to come (Exo 16:32-33).

An omer of manna is the food of a day for each person (Exo 16:16). It is the typology that Christ is our daily need and satisfaction of the spiritual life. We should remember the grace of God everyday, and take His faithfulness as our food; Jesus Christ is our bread of life (Joh 6:25-59).

(2) “Aaron's staff that had budded”:

There was a time that the Israelites grumbled against Aaron to be the high priest. Therefore, God commanded Moses to get 12 staffs for the Israelites tribes and place them in front of the Testimony, and the staff belonging to the man God choose will sprout the next day. On the next day, when Moses took out the staffs of the 12 tribes, and saw that Aaron's staff, which represented the house of Levi, had not only sprouted but also had budded, blossomed and produced almonds. This proved that the priesthood of Aaron was indeed from God (Num 17).

The dry staff budded and produced fruit; it shows the resurrection. Therefore, Aaron's staff that had budded is the typology of the resurrection of Christ and proves that He is the only qualified high priest chosen by God. Therefore, we must trust in and obey Him.

(3) “the stone tablets of the covenant”:

It is also called “the tablets of the Testimony”, which is placed in the ark of the covenant. It shows that Christ always keeps the laws of God in mind; He observes all the laws for us and satisfies the righteous requirements of God, and makes us in Him can please God. As to the tablets of the Testimony, it is the one rewritten by God; for the first one was broken into pieces at the foot of the mountain by Moses due to the sins of the Israelites (Exo 32:19; 34:1,4,29; Deu 10:1-5).

The tablets of the Testimony rewritten and kept in the ark of the covenant, are to tell us that we should keep the laws of God in mind just as Jesus Christ does. Men can not obey the laws of God by themselves; only by relying on Christ who fulfilled the laws for us, we can do the will of God and please God.

Note that: according to (1Ki 8:9; 2Ch 5:10), there was nothing else in the ark of the covenant expect the tablets of the Testimony. However, here, it is said that this ark contained the gold jar of manna, Aaron's staff that had budded, and the stone tablets of the covenant. In (Exo 16:33; Num 17:10), it only mentioned that the gold jar of manna and Aaron's staff that had budded were kept in front of God, but did not say that they were in the ark. Here, it is said that they were contained in the ark; it might be because they were kept in the ark when the Israelites set out in the desert. The words in (1Ki 8:9; 2Ch 5:10) were written after the Israelites entered the Canaan when the temple was built up. At that time, the Israelites did not keep on moving as they did in the desert before; therefore, it was not necessary to place the gold jar of manna and Aaron's staff that had budded in the ark. Therefore, it is mentioned that there was nothing else in the ark of the covenant expect the tablets of the Testimony.

Heb 9:5 Above the ark were the cherubim of the Glory, overshadowing the atonement cover. But we cannot discuss these things in detail now.


This verse talks about two things above the ark:

“the atonement cover”:

The size of the atonement cover is the same as the ark in both length and width. It is placed on top of the ark and fits to cover the ark perfectly. Each year when the high priest does the sin offerings, he brings blood onto the Most Holy Place to sprinkle some of the blood of the sin offering on the atonement cover. It is the typology that the blood of Christ for the redemption has covered the accusation of the righteous law of God, so that to make those who come to God through Him receive the grace from God (Exo 25:11; 37:6; Lev 16:14).

“the cherubim ”:

Above the atonement cover were the cherubim who have their wings spread upward, overshadowing the cover with them. The cherubim are facing each other, and looking toward the cover (Exo 25:18-22; 37:7). The cherubim is a creation and is often under the throne of God (Eze 1, 10, Rev 4:6-9); the cherubim is the symbol of the descending of God.

“But we cannot discuss these things in detail now. ”:

This verse shows that what the author talks about are just a summarized list. To discuss these things in detail is not the purpose of the author here. The author only wants to illustrate the more important thing in the following verses, and make the believers understand that although the earthly tabernacle is precious, after all, it is earthly; it is absolutely incomparable to the greater and more perfect tabernacle in heaven (9:11).

B. The priests of the old covenant are restricted to enter the tabernacle (9:6-7)

The above verses briefly talk about the main holy things and their arrangements in the tabernacle of the old covenant. Here, it continues to talk about how the work of the priest serving in such a tabernacle is. From the restriction on those priests’ entering the tabernacle, it is apparent how limited the achievement of their work is. If even they themselves have many restrictions and many barriers to enter this material tabernacle, how can they make those who come to offer the sacrifices to God be able to approach God without any separation? Therefore, only from the restrictions to the priests of the old covenant, one can tell how limited the achievement of their work is.

Heb 9:6-7 When everything had been arranged like this, the priests entered regularly into the outer room to carry on their ministry. But only the high priest entered the inner room, and that only once a year, and never without blood, which he offered for himself and for the sins the people had committed in ignorance.


According to these two verses, one can get the following teachings:

(1) Only when everything had been arranged like this, the priests entered regularly into the outer room to carry on their ministry. This means that after the tabernacle has been erected completely, the glory of God filled the tabernacle, all the priests stared to do the work of serving (Exo 40:34-38).

We must prepare a holy heart, and let God live in our hearts first, then we can start to do the work of serving God.

(2) Only the priests can enter the outer room of the tabernacle to serve God.

In the like manner, only those who are called by God can do the work of serving God.

(3) The average priests can only enter the outer room of the tabernacle. They can not do the work of the high priest. They can only work within the permission of the will of God.

We also can only work within the permission of the will of God, and can not work at our own wills to serve God.

(4) What the priests of the old covenant serve in the tabernacle only belong to the materials and the regulations. They must serve in the visible tabernacle with all holy things prepared to worship God.

This teaches us that we should serve God in the new way of the Spirit, but not in the old way of the written code. We should not only worship God in the visible temple, but also serve God in the invisible temple with reverence (1Co 3:16-17; 1Co 6:19-20; 2Co 6:16).

(5) Only the high priest can enter the inner room of the tabernacle.

It is the typology that only Christ can enter the Most Holy Place in heaven, and sit at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven to be as our high priest.

(6) The high priest of the old covenant must enter the Most Holy Place once each year, and can not enter at their own wills. However, Jesus Christ accomplished the work of redemption once for all; and He entered the Most Holy Place in heaven permanently. Whoever come to God through Him, can approach God all the time. (According to (Lev 16:11-15), the high priest enters the Most Holy Place more than once on the Day of Atonement. Here, “only once a year” indicates that there will be one day a year, but does not mean only once on that day.)

(7) When the high priest enters the Most Holy Place. He enters by himself to redeem the sins for the believers.

The great merits of redemption were accomplished by Christ Himself. No one else can help on it.

(8) The high priest of the old covenant entered the inner room, and never without blood, which he offered for the sins of himself and the people. However, Christ with the mark of shedding the blood entered the sanctuary in heaven; it is to redeem the people from the sins, but He does not need to redeem Himself (Rev 5:6-9).

C. The gifts and sacrifices being offered in the tabernacle of the old covenant were not able to clear the conscience of the worshiper (9:8-10)

Not only the tabernacle of the old covenant is earthly, but also the achievements of the work of the priests in the old covenant are limited. In fact, to offer the sacrifices in such a tabernacle is not able to clear the conscience of worshiper. And the whole tabernacle and all kinds of regulations and offerings of the old covenant, are just an illustration.

Heb 9:8 The Holy Spirit was showing by this that the way into the Most Holy Place had not yet been disclosed as long as the first tabernacle was still standing.


“The Holy Spirit was showing by this”:

That is, the Holy Spirit uses those things mentioned above about the restrictions of the tabernacle of the old covenant and the work of the priests, to point out something that the Holy Spirit was showing. This verse shows that how to build up the tabernacle in the old covenant, is revealed by the Holy Spirit to Moses. Those who built the tabernacle were filled with the Spirit of wisdom(Exo 35:30-35). However, this does not mean that the tabernacle of the old covenant and the related regulations are permanent, for the Holy Spirit is not to build a permanent and earthly tabernacle. It is only to show the truth that the Holy Spirit wants to show us.

“the way into the Most Holy Place had not yet been disclosed as long as the first tabernacle was still standing. ”:

This whole verse means that: when the tabernacle of the old covenant is still standing -- the whole system of the old covenant represented by the tabernacle is still standing -- the way into the Most Holy Place had not yet been disclosed, and the truth of Gospel about appoaching God through the redemption of Christ is not revealed yet.

Heb 9:9 This is an illustration for the present time, indicating that the gifts and sacrifices being offered were not able to clear the conscience of the worshiper.


“This is an illustration for the present time”:

It indicates that the tabernacle of the old covenant with two rooms, is “an illustration” of the salvation from Christ now, and is what the Holy Spirit uses to show the truth of the redemption from Christ.

“the gifts and sacrifices being offered were not able to clear the conscience of the worshiper. ”

This explains one reason of the previous verse that “The Holy Spirit was showing by this that the way into the Most Holy Place had not yet been disclosed as long as the first tabernacle was still standing”. It is because the offerings can not take away men’s sins at all; of course, it can not make people come to God with confidence. As to those who sin and offer the gifts and sacrifices, although they are clean according to the regulations of the law after offering the sacrifices, since men can not stop sinning, they have to often come to redeem their sins with the goats and bulls as the sacrifices. It is apparent that this way of redemption can not rescue one from the power of the sins and evils, and can not clear the conscience of the worshiper. Therefore, the gifts and sacrifices offered in the tabernacle of the old covenant, except being as “a shadow of the good things that are coming”, actually have no power to take away the sins of men.

Heb 9:10 They are only a matter of food and drink and various ceremonial washings--external regulations applying until the time of the new order.


“external regulations”:

refer to external rules and regulations for the outward body.

“the time of the new order”:

It is also translated as “the time of reformation”; or “the time of setting things straight”. That is the time of the fulfillment of the redemption in the new covenant.

This verse can be as the conclusion of the above verses. The above verses talk about the tabernacle, the priests in the tabernacle, the sacrifices offered, and all kinds of regulations of washings and offerings; all of them are just the external rules and regulations applying until the time of the fulfillment of the salvation of the new covenant. Then, these weak and external illusions will be made obsolete; the more effective rules will be applied instead.

(2) In the new covenant, the blood of Christ has more complete accomplishments (9:11-14)

A. Christ came as high priest of the good things that are already here, and went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle (9:11)

Heb 9:11 When Christ came as high priest of the good things that are already here, he went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle that is not man-made, that is to say, not a part of this creation.


“When Christ came ”:

Since the previous verse gives the conclusion for the above verses that “external regulations applying until the time of the new order” . Here, it further explains that “the time of the new order” came already; for Christ -- with the tabernacle set up by God in men’s world as the “illustration ” and His typology -- became the flesh already and lived in men’s world (Joh 1:14; Mat 1:23). And He has rose from the dead and became our high priest to serve in the true tabernacle in heaven (8:2).

“as high priest of the good things that are already here”:

It is also translated as “as a High Priest of the better things that have come and are to come.” (A.M.P.) Christ is the high priest of whom the high priest of the old covenant is as the typology. The typology of all the good things of the old covenant has been fulfilled in Christ. Furthermore, the good things that have come and are to come that God give men, are given to us in Christ (Col 2:9-10).

B. Christ entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption (9:12)

Heb 9:12 He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption.


The high priest of the new covenant -- Christ, not only entered the greater and more perfect tabernacle; what is more important is that He has “obtained eternal redemption”. Since those high priests in men’s world need to enter the Most Holy Place once a year to do the sin offerings, it shows that the period of efficacy of their work of sin offerings is at most one year. However, Christ “entered the Most Holy Place once for all ” (7:27) and has “obtained eternal redemption”. It shows that what He offered is complete with nothing more to add, and can continue to be effective permanently. The reason that it has such an accomplishment is because, what this high priest offered is not the blood of goats and calves, but His own blood. None of those high priests serving in the tabernacle on earth is qualified to offer their own blood to redeem the people; on the contrary, they themselves are the same as the people that they need to offer the blood of goats and calves for their own sins. Only this holy and prefect high priest can offer His blood to redeem the people from their sins and “obtain eternal redemption”.

Note that: Christ is not continually redeeming our sins in the heaven forever, but accomplished the redemption for us once for all on the cross and became our high priest permanently in the heaven. The accomplishments of His redemption once for all last forever.

C. The accomplishments of the precious blood of Christ are incomparable by the blood of goats and bulls (9:13-14)

Heb 9:13-14 The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean. How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!


In the old covenant, the sin offerings with the blood of goats and bulls are the most valuable offerings. If the anointed priest or the people of the community unintentionally sin, he must bring to the LORD a young bull without defect as a sin offering for the sin he has committed (Lev 4:1-3,12,13). When a leader or anyone sins unintentionally he must bring as his offering a male goat without defect (Lev 4:22,23,27,28). Besides these goats and bulls as the sin offerings for those who sin unintentionally, the high priest brings a red heifer without defect or blemish and that has never been under a yoke; slaughters and burns it, and then gathers up the ashes to make the water of cleansing. Whoever touches unclean things (such as the dead body or a grave), will be purified by the water of cleansing being sprinkled on him(Num 19). Even the blood of the goats and bulls and the water of cleansing made by the ashes of the heifer can purify the bodies of people; would not the blood of Christ -- the Son of God, be able to purify the uncleanness of our bodies and souls? Therefore, only by comparing the lowness of the goats and bulls and the honor of Christ, it is obvious that the accomplishments of the blood of Christ are incomparable with that of the blood of the goats and bulls. Here, it talks about 5 characteristics of the accomplishments of the blood of Christ -- the sacrifice offered by the high priest of the new covenant:

(1) “through the eternal Spirit” :

The sacrifices of the old covenant were offered through the priests in men’ s world. However, Christ is both the priest of the new covenant and the “offering” of the new covenant. How He offered Himself? He offered Himself through the eternal Spirit. He was born through the pregnancy from the Holy Spirit; was guided by Holy Spirit and overcame the tests; did marvelous deeds by relying on the power of Holy Spirit (Mat 1:20;4:1; Joh 3:34); and He obeyed the Holy Spirit completely and offered Himself in His entire life, until the death on the cross.

(2) “offered himself unblemished to God”:

The reason that our offerings nowadays can be holy and pleasing to God, is because our offerings are cleansed by His blood and become holy and pleasing to God (Rom 12:1). He is originally perfect, holy, pure and blameless. Those goats and bulls without defect, are without defect superficially. However, regarding Christ, no matter on the spirits or the virtues, He is unblemished and without a defect. Such a “sacrifice” without defect, is the truly qualified lamb to take away the sin of the world; and is completely satisfied with all the requirements of the righteous law of God.

(3) “cleanse our consciences”:

The blood of the goats and bulls could only let people count as being purified according to the external regulations of the law, but can not change people’s mind and cleanse the conscience. However, the blood of Christ can completely cleanse our conscience and take away all the accusations of the conscience and renew one with a clear conscience to God, and let one show the kindness of Christ to others.

(4) cleanse us “from acts that lead to death”:

“acts that lead to death” refer to the conducts of those whose spiritual life is dead; and refer to the acts that lead to death, belong to death, are under the law of sin and death without the power of life, are not pleasing to God, come from the body of death, and make people lose the communion with God. Although the blood of goats and bulls can exempt one from the death penalty of the body temporarily, it can not exempt one from acts that lead to death. However, the blood of Christ not only can rescue one out of the death penalty of the eternal fire, but also can cleanse one’s conscience from acts that lead to death, through the law of the Spirit of life set one free to be away from the law of sin and death (Rom 8:2).

(5) “so that we may serve the living God!”:

God is spirit, and His worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth (Joh 4:24). Therefore, the defiled and sinful spirit and mind is the hindrance that blocks the people from worshiping and serving God. God is the living God. Those who are still under the devil who holds the power of death, can not serve the living God. Now, the blood of Christ can cleanse one’s conscience that used to be sinful, take away the acts that lead to death, make one share in the nature of the living God (2Pe 1:4), so that we have a honest spirit and clear conscience, and live in accordance to the guidance of the Holy Spirit to serve the living God.

(3) The blood of Christ is the basis to establish the new covenant (9:15-22)

The previous verses have proved how the blood of Christ is more effective and complete than the blood of the goats and bulls offered by those priests in men’s world. Here, it continues to illuminate that such blood with complete achievements of redemption, is the basis of establishing the new covenant by the mediator of the new covenant -- Christ. Although both the old and new covenants were established through blood, the old covenant is established through the blood of the goats and bulls and does not have complete accomplishments, while the new covenant is established by the better blood of Christ, so that “those who are called ” can receive the blessings promised.

Heb 9:15 For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance--now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant.


“For this reason ”:

refers to what is mentioned previously: He through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! Since He became the mediator of the new covenant, His blood is the basis to establish the new covenant, and also the basis that He became our mediator of the new covenant . Since the blood of Christ has such complete and permanent accomplishments, the new covenant established by the blood of Christ (1Co 11:25) replaced the old covenant (Heb 8:7). And Christ -- the mediator of the new covenant, also replaced Moses -- the mediator of the old covenant.

By comparing this verse with that of (Heb 8:6,7), it is obvious that what is talked about here continues to explain the verses of (Heb 8:6,7) that Christ is the mediator of the better promise, and gives the reason why the new covenant replaced the old covenant. It is because the new covenant not only has better laws -- the laws that are put in the hearts of men, the more greater and perfect tabernacle -- which does not belong to this world, and the superior high priest -- who rose from the dead; but also has the better blood -- the blood of Christ, with all these as the basis to establish the covenant.

“now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant. ”:

This verse shows that the sacrifice offered in the old covenant with the blood of the goats and bulls did not take away men’s sins after all. In the old covenant, those who redeem their sins with the blood of the goats and bulls , are actually through the blood of the goats and bulls which is the typology of the blood of Christ to redeem the sins. Therefore, Christ’s shedding blood and death, not only redeem the believers in the new covenant, but also redeem those in the old covenant who believe that the blood of the goats and bulls which is the typology of the blood of Christ can redeem them.

“those who are called ” refer to “those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance” (3:1) and “who have been called according to his purpose. ” (Rom 8:28). Note that “may receive the promised eternal inheritance”; this gives the reason why “(the new covenant) is founded on better promises” (8:6). That is, in the new covenant, one can receive the promised eternal inheritance. This promised eternal inheritance is “an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade--kept in heaven for you”(1Pe 1:4) .

Heb 9:16-17 In the case of a will, it is necessary to prove the death of the one who made it, because a will is in force only when somebody has died; it never takes effect while the one who made it is living.


Here, “a will” is also translated as “a testament” (K.J.V.) or “a will and testament” (A.M.P.). It is originally the same word as the word in verse (9:15) -- new covenant (agreement, testament). There is a special meaning that the Bible uses the “covenant” as “ a will”. There is a little difference between a “covenant” and a “will”. The “covenant” is made by two parties and requires that both the parties obey it; the “will” is made by only the one who gives the will, and is inherit freely by the one who receives the will after the one who made it dies. Here, the Bible compares the portions and blessings of the new covenant of Christ-- the promised eternal inheritance to a will, so that to explain the reason why Christ died for us. If Christ did not die, the portions and blessings of the new covenant to the believers is like a will that the one who made it is still living, and his will can not be put into effect. It can not benefit those who will inherit the possessions, and the will can still be changed. However, Christ died so that the blessings and portions of the new covenant can be given to us as if the one who made the will dies; his possessions can be inherited freely by the inheritors, and the will that he gave will never change. Therefore, Christ must shed the blood and die so that the new covenant can be put into effect. In another word, since the new covenant is based on the blood of Christ’s death, it is proved to be more sure and effective than the old covenant.

Heb 9:18 This is why even the first covenant was not put into effect without blood.


Since the new covenant is established by the blood of Christ’s death, and is put into effect because of the death of Christ and is unchanging forever. Therefore, when God established the old covenant -- the shadow of the new covenant, He also established with the blood so that the first covenant is proper to be the typology of the new covenant.

Heb 9:19-21 When Moses had proclaimed every commandment of the law to all the people, he took the blood of calves, together with water, scarlet wool and branches of hyssop, and sprinkled the scroll and all the people. He said, "This is the blood of the covenant, which God has commanded you to keep." In the same way, he sprinkled with the blood both the tabernacle and everything used in its ceremonies.


These verses recall the situation when Moses passed on the old covenant in the desert of Sinai (Exo 19 and 24). The purpose to recall is to prove that the words in verse 18 are sure: “the first covenant was not put into effect without blood”. Although this event is well known by the Hebrew believers, the author still likes to cite the words in the Bible to be as the evidence of his words. It is obvious that the author before he was inspired to write this Bible respects the Bible very much, even though he himself was also writing the Bible, he regards the words in Bible having the supreme authority and power, and are the most powerful basis and standard for his words and conducts. Therefore, nowadays, whoever is used by God to proclaim the truth of the Bible must also be the one who respects and admires the Bible ultimately, and also likes to cite words from it.

According to the brief recall in these verses, besides proving that the old covenant is established by blood indeed, it also makes us know that the old covenant is surely the typology of the new covenant:

A. Moses proclaimed the laws and commandments to the Israelites; it is the typology that Christ proclaimed the revelations and teachings of God to us (Deu 18:18; Joh 8:27-28).

B. Moses through the blood of the goats and bulls made the covenant of the law with the Israelites (Exo 24:6,8); it is the typology that Christ through His own blood established the new covenant (1Co 11:25).

Heb 9:22 In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.


C. Moses used the blood of the calves to cleanse the tabernacle and the instruments inside, for “without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness”. It is the typology that Christ through His own blood purify us from the sins, evils and uncleanness (Rev 1:5). And it shows that only the blood of Christ can cleanse our sins and evils. It is because only Christ bore our sins in His body (1Pe 2:24).

(4) The blood of Christ purified the “the heavenly things themselves”(9:23-28)

Heb 9:23 It was necessary, then, for the copies of the heavenly things to be purified with these sacrifices, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.


“the copies of the heavenly things to be purified with these sacrifices” refer to “the tabernacle and everything used in its ceremonies” mentioned in the previous verse. Since the tabernacle and everything used in its ceremonies are as the copies of “the heavenly things themselves”, and need to be purified by the blood of the calves. Then “the heavenly things themselves” need to be purified by the better blood. However, what do “the heavenly things themselves” refer to ? And why they need to be purified by blood? This is the most important problem in this verse, and has two explanations:

(1) “the heavenly things themselves” refer to men’s spirit:

Moses cleansed those thing which are copies of the heavenly things through the blood of the goats and bulls so that they are proper to be used in the tabernacle on earth. It is the typology that Christ through His own blood purified men’s spirit, made them holy according to the heavenly pattern, and can be used as the instruments of God. Men’s spirits are certainly the spiritual things. Since Christ entered the sanctuary in heaven, what He cleansed are those originally heavenly things -- men’s spirit, to make them belong to the heaven.

(2) “the heavenly things themselves” refer to the “true sanctuary” in heaven:

Since the context uses the tabernacle on earth as the typology of the true tabernacle in heaven, and in this chapter, it always compares and discusses the earthly and heavenly tabernacles, also the “the copies of the heavenly things ” refer to the earthly sanctuary. Then why the true sanctuary in heaven also need to be purified? The explanation is:

A. Here, “but the heavenly things themselves (be purified) with better sacrifices than these”; it is the comparison with the earthly tabernacle cleansed with the sacrifices of the goats and bulls. The purpose is to illuminate that the blood of Christ is better, which is not only effective on earth, but also effective in heaven. The priests from men’s world enter the earthly tabernacle and need to bring the blood of the calves; while the high priest in heaven entering the true sanctuary in heaven, certainly need to bring the better blood--the blood of Christ.

B. Moses used to cleanse the tabernacle and everything in it with blood according to the command of God (Exo 29:12; Lev 8:5-19; 16:14-15; 2Ch 29:22); it does not mean that the instruments themselves have sins, but teaches people to understand that the original one does not please God, only through the precious blood can please God.

C. The sanctuary in heaven need to be purified by the blood of Christ. It does not mean that the heaven itself has sin; it is because although the men commit sins and evils on earth, their cases are recorded and stored in heaven and is presented in front of God. However, since Christ has “obtained eternal redemption” and “entered heaven ”, his blood makes our sins no longer be presented in front of God. This results in purifying the heaven.

Heb 9:24 For Christ did not enter a man-made sanctuary that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God's presence.


This verse continues to explain the reason that the blood of Christ is better. It is because after He shed blood and died for us, he did not enter “a man-made sanctuary ”, but entered heaven itself. Now He appears in the presence of God on our behalf, so that we can come to God by the merits of His shedding blood all the time to get the spiritual blessings such as mercy, forgiveness, grace and help, cares and promises and so on.

Heb 9:25-26 Nor did he enter heaven to offer himself again and again, the way the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood that is not his own. Then Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. But now he has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself.


Another reason that Christ must shed blood and die, is because His better blood not only was brought into the non men-made true sanctuary, but also He offered Himself once for all, brought His blood and appears in front of God to accomplish the work of the redemption; He does not need to bring his blood again and again to come to God. Those high priests from men’s world, bring the blood of calves into the Most Holy Place every year. However, they can not offer the goats and bulls slaughtered last year, but need to slaughter the goats and bulls again as the sacrifices and bring the blood into the Most Holy Place. This high priest in heaven entered the true sanctuary in heaven and brought His own blood. If His blood also only has the temporary effect, and can only redeem the sins of people of one year or one period as those high priests on earth that need to slaughter the goats and bulls to bring the blood whenever they enter the Most Holy Place, how many times did He need to suffer and shed blood ever since the creation of the world? However, the blood of Christ is far greater than those of the goats and bulls, and has permanent achievements. Therefore, He only “has appeared once for all at the end of the ages” and accomplished the work of doing away the sins, and serves in the true sanctuary forever.

Heb 9:27-28 Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.


The above verses use it as a parable that the high priests bring the blood and enter the Most Holy Place, to explain the reason that Christ need to shed the blood and how greater and more effective the blood of Christ is. In these two verses, it uses a general rule to explain that it is the predestined will of God that Christ shed blood and died; just as it is from the predestined will of God that “man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment”, and is the rules that can not be denied and overthrown. Therefore, It is also from the predestined will of God that Christ shed blood and died and will “appear a second time”, and are the facts that people should accept and can not overthrow.

In these two verses, it talks about the destination from God from two aspects:

(1) From the aspect of the destination of men:

A. in this present age:

“man is destined to die once”. Ever since Adam sinned, all the descendents of Adam, are “dead” spiritually, and also are sure to die from the aspect of the body; this is destined by God (Gen 1:17;3:19). Since “man is destined to die once”, is the destination that men can not overthrow, we should take the time of this brief life to seek the significance of life and those everlasting things, so that our death in the body is not a death in sins, but a death in Christ. Then we can rest from the labor of this life and obtain the eternal blessings (Rev 14:13).

As to those who are faithful in God, there are some exemptions about the destination that “man is destined to die once”. In the times of the Old Testament, there are Enoch and Elijah who were caught up to God without being through the death (Heb 11:5; 2Ki 2:1-11); in the times of the New Testament, those saints who are still alive on the Second Coming of LORD, will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air (1Th 4:17).

B. in the coming age:

“and after that to face judgment”; since God destined man to die once, indeed everyone dies once; thus, since God destined man to face judgment after the death, man certainly will face the judgment after the death. Since men know that they can not escape the death by their own way, but if they cherish the illusion that they will exempt from the judgment after the death, this is completely self-deceived and self- misleading. The present age that God give to men is to let men take the chance of the present age to gain the coming age. However, whether men can make best use of the chances granted by God to seek the eternity so that God will take them over to the eternal life, or let them go to the eternal fire? It will be clearly judged after the death. This judgment after the death, let all the hidden or exposed sins and evils before one’s death, and all the fake good deeds or faith, can not stand. Therefore, if we do believe in the judgment after the death, we will surely seek the true faith in the present age and show the true faith and true good deeds.

(2) From the aspect of the “destination of Christ”:

Heb 9:28 so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.


A. at the end of this present age:

“ so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people”. Note that the word of “so” in this verse shows that the destination that Christ took upon Himself and bore as a burden the sins of many once for all, is also destined by God, same as the destination of men in the previous verse that “men is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” . This destination is not a requirement from God to men, but a great sacrifice of God to men; therefore, it is a amazing “destination”. Although God destined that “man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.”, God also destined that Christ was offered once for all to bear the sins of many (Luk 22:22; 24:25; Act 2:23). Therefore, people should take the time of the present age to accept the accomplishments of the redemption of Christ so that they can escape the judgment after the death.

“take away the sins of many people”:

It has two implications: on one hand, it shows that although the sacrifice of Christ can take away the sins of many people, however, not all people’s sins have been taken away. Only those who trust in the merits of His precious blood, their sins were taken away by Him. Therefore, in the Bible, it is said “the sins of many people”, but not the sins of all the people. On the other hand, it shows that the sacrifice of Christ is far above the sacrifice of the goats and bulls. It is because the sacrifice of the goats and bulls can only temporarily take away the sin of one person or a group of persons as the shadow of the things to come. However, the sacrifice of Christ has permanent achievements and has the accomplishments to take away the sins of many people.

B. in the coming age:

“and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.” Here, it talks about 3 different points between the Second Appearance and the First Appearance of Christ:

The Second Appearance of Christ is:

(1) in the future:

The First Appearance of Christ is the historical fact; but His Second Appearance is in the future. This “future” is not a faraway future, but is a unknown yet near future. Although we do not know when He will come (Mat 24:36), but we know that He will come soon (Rev 22:20). Also according to His First Appearance, since according to the destination from God, He indeed appeared to take away the sin of many people (Luk 1:31,35;2:11; Joh 19:36,37; Act 2:22-36); it can be known for sure that He must appear the Second Time according to the destined will of God.

(2) to “those who are waiting for him”:

The First Appearance of Christ is for the worldly people and to be as their Savior; However, His Second Appearance especially concerns those who have faith in Him already, that is, those who are waiting for Him. “waiting for” indicates to be prepared on everything to meet Him and hope that He will come soon.

(3) not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him:

The First Appearance of Christ is to bear sin of many people; but His Second Appearance is not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

“salvation”: Since here it is said that it is not related to sin, it is apparent that this salvation is not to save them from sins, but refers to the salvation of the body of the saints in the future (2Co 1:10).

The salvation in the past refers to the forgiveness of sins and the experience that one became the child of God through the rebirth, and became a new creation in Christ through faith -- “"I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life. ” (Joh 5:24). “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! ” (2Co 5:17).

The salvation at present refers to the salvation received by those who were reborn though their faith in LORD already, being tested in life or spiritually at present -- “for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance. ” (Php 1:19; Act 5:19;12:11; 2Ti 4:17; Jud 23). “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? ” (Rom 7:24; Heb 2:18). The salvation is by relying on Christ in us to be one in Christ and to be holy and complete (Eph 3:6; 1Co 6:16-17; Php 1:21; 2Co 13:5; Gal 2:20; Col 1:28; 1Ti 5:23; 2Ti 3:17).

The salvation in the future, that is, the salvation mentioned in this verse, indicates that all who are saved are caught up to meet LORD and to be with LORD forever in the glorious body, and completely experience the complete salvation of LORD (1Th 1:10;5:23-24; 2Ti 4:18; 1Pe 1:5).


1. Zhongdao Chen: “The Lectures on the Bible Studying of the Letters in New Testament”.

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