
To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay (6)-1

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To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (6)-1

The Explanation and Analysis of the Verses of Chapter 1 in EPHESIANS

“In Christ ” implies that: (1) We are united with Christ in life; (2) Christ is our living category ( Col 2:6 “continue to live in him.”). “Saints” refer to those being “set apart for God”. Unless we realize that we ourselves are saints, and how honorable and important positions we have in LORD with the indispensable value, we could not be the glorious members to build the glorious church. Living a life in the world, the believers should not wallow in the mire with the worldly people. They must keep themselves in Christ so that they could be worthy of the name of saints and sanctify themselves to live a life. For the true believers, not only they believe in LORD, but also they are willing to live a life to be one in Him.

Every believer has double status: according to the body, we are on the earth; according to the spiritual fact, we are on the heaven “ the faithful in Christ Jesus”! A normal believer should take care of both his worldly life and his spiritual life. Now although we walk on the earth, we should live a heavenly life by being in Christ. Many things are regarded to be right from the viewpoint of the worldly people, but we can not do them; because we are not only on the earth, but also in Christ. The believers should not ignore their responsibilities in this world; but they must also surpass this world, not be controlled by the world, but live in Christ. Whoever lives in Christ Jesus, no matter what he does, it is all for LORD. Therefore, he should try his best to do every work. The worldly life and things can’t hinder the believers to be close to Christ and united with Christ. Living in Christ is the secret of the believers to live a triumphal life on earth.

The peace of the Christians has nothing to do with the environment and things outside. We must not ask for peace outside God. There is only one source of peace in the whole world, that is, God Himself. All the good things of being spiritual can only be obtained through Christ.

God is the source of all the blessings. Apart from God, one can not get any true blessing. The biggest grace that God give us is Christ. Christ is all and is in all; Life, grace, blessing, glory, wisdom and knowledge are all hidden in Him. In a word, when we have Christ, we have everything; apart from Him, we have no good things. Christ is all the treasure and content of the spiritual blessing. Apart from Christ, everything is meaningless. It is not that we draw only a little from Christ to feed us; it is that we enter into Christ, let all of Christ flow through us. This blessing is not to be given to us in the future; the blessing has been given to us already long time ago. The problem is that you and I often don’t know enjoying it. Since the believers have enjoyed the first kind of spiritual blessing -- the rebirth through faith, after that, we should draw every spiritual blessing through faith. We receive all the spiritual grace and rights through Christ; we offer all our thanksgiving and prayers to God through Christ. Apart from Christ, we can’t have any spiritual activities.

The Christians not only is holy in status, but also should be holy in practical life. All the work of God are done “in Christ”. God do not do anything outside Christ. Christ is forever the standard and principle of the election of God. Anything does not belong to Christ, no matter how “good” it is, God won’t want it. It is because of being “in Christ”, that we could be close to Him “in his sight” and commune with Him. That is the special grace of God. “Being holy”-- being a saint is not only on status, but also should be holy in one’s practical life -- living a holy life. Since “in Christ” is the way we become holy in the practical life, we must keep us “in Christ” to live a holy life. All the authorities belong to God. God are not limited by time and space. One should not understand and determine the predestination and election of God based on one’s own will.

God look upon His grace and glories more than men’s own deeds. God want us to accept His grace in order to show His glories. The believers are the object of the grace of God. The more one disappears in God, the more glories of God will show. Therefore, grace is the reason; glory is the result. Without Christ, we are separated from God by our sins without communion. We must be “in Christ” to receive the grace, and God only give the grace “in Christ”. We are in Christ; that is what make us the object to get the grace from God. Christ is the purpose and meaning of God’s giving grace. If not for Christ, God do not need to give grace to men. This grace of God is called “glorious”; not only because it shows the glory of the One who give the grace, but also brings the one who receives the grace to be glorious. All thanks and praises should be to God so that all the glories be to God.

God give us Christ -- the Son He loves but gave away for us. Since God gave away the Son He loves to redeem us, the redemption is to save us to be as lovely as the Son He loves.

The basic principle that the believers to be one is, “in Christ”; Christ is the center and factor to truly be one. Outside Christ, all the artificial systems and methods cannot help “to be one”. Apart from Christ, there is no any other one or other thing can draw all things to be one. Christ is the hope and the end of all things. All the work of God in the universe is for Christ. The brothers and sisters can not be exactly the same. God does not want His children to be exactly the same. But He do want us to be unity in Christ. That is “under one head”. Just as the Son and heavenly Father is One and can’t be separated. The purpose of the redemption by God to save us, is not only for us to enjoy His grace, but is to let us share in the work of accomplishing His eternal plan, that is, making all things to be one in Christ. “To be one in Christ’” is the will of God for all things (Eph 1:10); it is also the will of God for the believers (Eph 3:6).

Only through “the Spirit of wisdom and revelation”, we can get the revelation from God so that we can know Christ directly, individually and truly. To know Christ is the highest wisdom. In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Without the enlightenment of Holy Spirit, it is impossible for men to understand the truth of God. The life of a Christian could be called the life to know more of God everyday. The more we know God, the more we can enjoy Him; not only enjoy all the grace of God, but also enjoy God Himself.

The spiritual growth is turning from looking at the possession we get in Christ to looking at the possession God get from us, that is, changing from self-centered to God-centered. A mature Christian will separate himself from being self-centered, and won’t pursue the gain for himself, but will work for God to gain from us.

Although the great power of God is indescribable, it can be revealed on the believers. The faith of men is the pipe of the power of God: how much is the faith, how much power of God will be revealed. The spiritual power is not added after it is used up; but is connected to the source of the power all the time. Whenever we disconnect from LORD, we will lose the power right away.

God want Christ to be the head of all things; firstly God want Christ to be the head of the church. As to Christ being as the head, God want Christ to achieve this in church first. Therefore, it is of great significance to let Christ be the head of the church.

Church is the body to show the life of Christ. Life is in the church; to show Christ is also through the church. “Church is Christ’s body”, therefore, church is not a chapel, is not a social group; church is the spiritual body of Christ. Through the church, Christ carry out the actions. The actions of the body are all controlled by the head; the actions of the church should be managed completely by Christ. The content of the church must be filled with Christ. In another word, the church must be filled with the rich life of Christ to show Christ to the fullness.

All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

EPHESIANS 1:1 “ Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To the saints in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus:”


“by the will of God”:

Paul became an apostle; it is not from his own will but by the will of God.

“an apostle of Christ Jesus ”:

This indicates: (1) He belongs to LORD; (2) He was sent by LORD; (3) He was given the authority to explain the truth; (4) He didn’t become proud, but would faithfully fulfill the mission that LORD had given to him.

“in Christ Jesus”:

implies that: (1) We are united with Christ in life; (2) Christ is our living category ( Col 2:6 “continue to live in him.”).


(1) The status of the ministry does not come from the knowledge on the Bible or capabilities, but by the will of God -- being called and sent by God.

(2) If we don’t know the will of God, we are not worthy of being the workers of God.

(3) For each one who serves God, he should put away his own thoughts and will, consider the will of God important. Therefore, his service is only to please God, but should not be affected by his or others’ likes and dislikes, or tastes.

(4) The words declared by the one who is sent should follow the commands of the One send him. The message preached by the worker of LORD should not come from himself, but should be given by God.

(5) When the ministry introduces himself, it should not be about his worldly position and title, but should show he himself did speak by the will of God.

(6) Since it is by the will of God for one to be the worker of LORD, one should be sure that God will be with him and help him to carry out the significant mission.

(7) After Paul was reborn, his name was changed to Paul, which means “tiny”. The servants of God can’t be conceited, must humble himself to serve others (Mat 20:26-28).

(8) Writing letters is a way to preach Gospel. It serves God through the work of writing. However, nowadays, many people overlook the work of writing.

(9) “Saints” refer to those being “set apart for God”. Unless we realize that we ourselves are saints, and how honorable and important positions we have in LORD with the indispensable value, we could not be the glorious members to build the glorious church.

(10) Living a life in the world, the believers should not wallow in the mire with the worldly people. They must keep themselves in Christ so that they could be worthy of the name of saints and sanctify themselves to live a life.

(11) This letter is to the saints-- “ the faithful in Christ Jesus”. Those who are faithful to LORD should recognize and understand well the will of God from words of God in this letter.

(12) For the true believers, not only they believe in LORD, but also they are willing to live a life to be one in Him.

(13) Every believer has double status: according to the body, we are on the earth (“saints in Ephesians“); according to the spiritual fact, we are on the heaven(“ the faithful in Christ Jesus”)!

(14) A normal believer should take care of both his worldly life and his spiritual life.

(15) Now although we walk on the earth, we should live a heavenly life by being in Christ. Many things are regarded to be right from the viewpoint of the worldly people, but we can not do them; because we are not only on the earth, but also in Christ.

(16) The believers should not ignore their responsibilities in this world; but they must also surpass this world, not be controlled by the world, but live in Christ.

(17) Whoever lives in Christ Jesus, no matter what he does, it is all for LORD. Therefore, he should try his best to do every work.

(18) The worldly life and things can’t hinder the believers to be close to Christ and united with Christ.

(19) Living in Christ is the secret of the believers to live a triumphal life on earth.

EPHESIANS 1:2 “ Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”



is the good things that God give people to enjoy freely. The biggest grace one receive from God is God Himself.


does not refer to the peaceful and smooth environment, but refers to the tranquil and steady mood in one’s mind. In another word, the peace results from the redemption that one received from God that leading to the harmony between God and man, and also among man. Grace is the source of the peace, peace is the fruit of the grace.

“from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”:

God is the God of all things; and also our Father. God is the source for grace and peace. We can only enjoy Him through the redemption by LORD (in Christ).


(1) Just as Paul was a prisoner himself(Eph 3:1), but he still cared about others. Even when we are in pain, we should ask for grace and peace for others.

(2) “grace” is a gift. One can’t get it in their own way because one can’t have merits worthy of the grace.

(3) Grace is the first; peace is the second; this order can not be changed. It is impossible that one want to get the peace of God without asking for the grace of God first.

(4) The peace of the Christians has nothing to do with the environment and things outside.

(5) We must not ask for peace outside God. There is only one source of peace in the whole world, that is, God Himself.

(6) All the good things of being spiritual can only be obtained through Christ.

EPHESIANS 1:3 “ Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. ”


About the blessing given by God: (1) source: “God”; (2) realm: “heavenly realms”; (3) nature: “spiritual”; (4) type: “every”; (5) how: is given “in Christ”; (6) when: “has” blessed.


(1) The average believers only want to get blessing from God. But they never think of that God is also pleased to get the “blessing” (praising) from our mouth.

(2) We originally are not worthy of the blessings of God, but we get “heavenly every blessings”. God is worthy of all the blessings (praises) from man, however, He seldom get the “earthly” blessings.

(3) When we believers praise God, we often stay at the stage of praising for the blessings of the worldly things given to us; but do not know to praise for the heavenly spiritual blessings that we have got.

(4) God is the source of all the blessings. Apart from God, one can not get any true blessing.

(5) The blessings given by God is heavenly and one can not find it on the earth.

(6) One must have the spiritual insight to know and to enjoy this spiritual blessing.

(7) The worldly blessings make one love the world and forget God; the spiritual blessings make one love God more and grow up more spiritually.

(8) Since there is “every” blessing, therefore, it can meet with our every need in all kinds of circumstances.

(9) The biggest grace that God give us is Christ. Christ is all and is in all (Col 3:11); Life, grace, blessing, glory, wisdom and knowledge are all hidden in Him. In a word, when we have Christ, we have everything; apart from Him, we have no good things.

(10) Christ is all the treasure and content of the spiritual blessing. Apart from Christ, everything is meaningless.

(11) It is not that we draw only a little from Christ to feed us; it is that we enter into Christ, let all of Christ flow through us.

(12) This blessing is not to be given to us in the future; the blessing has been given to us already long time ago. The problem is that you and I often don’t know enjoying it.

(13) Since the believers have enjoyed the first kind of spiritual blessing -- the rebirth through faith, after that, we should draw every spiritual blessing through faith.

(14) Whatever we need in our spiritual life, God supply them all to us abundantly.

(15) Nowadays, many praises are mixed with the gradients of exalting man. Hope that every praise is for God only and all the praises and glories be to God’s name.

(16) We receive all the spiritual grace and rights through Christ; we offer all our thanksgiving and prayers to God through Christ. Apart from Christ, we can’t have any spiritual activities.

EPHESIANS 1:4 “ For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. (In love) ”


As to the election of God: (1) meaning: “choose” but not “take”, implies that select us and set us apart from the worldly people, it is not a random action; (2) when: “before the creation of the world” , we are chosen already; (3) how: “in him (Christ)”, we are chosen; (4) goal: make us “be holy and blameless in his sight”, not only being holy in status, but also being holy in practical life.

“in love”, the love of God is the reason that we are holy, and it is also the original motive for us to be willing to pursue a holy life.


(1) One did not choose God, but God chose him. That is awesome beyond understanding (Joh 15:16).

(2) The election of God, is not an accidental grant, but a predestined action. In another word, our salvation has been expected by God before the creation of the world.

(3) The election of God is an action from God’s power and authority; it is completely according to His will, sight, pleasure and needs to choose people.

(4) The election of God is absolutely not aimless. God choose us “to the praise of his glorious grace” (Eph 1:6).

(5) All the work of God are done “in Christ”. God do not do anything outside Christ.

(6) Christ is forever the standard and principle of the election of God. Anything does not belong to Christ, no matter how “good” it is, God won’t want it.

(7) The work of God is not to reach an ideal, but a work out of an accomplished goal.

(8) Although we are not holy and live in the uncleanness, God look at us in Christ as being holy and blameless.

(9) It is because of being “in Christ”, that we could be close to Him “in his sight” and commune with Him. That is the special grace of God.

(10) “being holy”-- being a saint is not only on status , but also should be holy in one’s practical life -- living a holy life.

(11) We can “be holy”. It is absolutely not achieved by us only. It is all because of the grace of God to make it possible.

(12) Holiness is the result of the election of God. It is not the reason for the election of God.

(13) Since “in Christ” is the way we become holy in the practical life, we must keep us “in Christ” to live a holy life.

(14) All the authorities belong to God. God are not limited by time and space. One should not understand and determine the predestination and election of God based on one’s own will.

EPHESIANS 1:5 “ (In love) he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will--”


As to the predestination of God: (1) reason: “in love”; (2) how: “in accordance with his pleasure and will”, we receive the grace. It is not because of ourselves, but it is because of the pleasure and will of God; (3) meaning: “predestined us”, God chose us before the creation of the world; (4) result: “be adopted as his sons”, we have the title of the sons of God and the inheritance through Christ.


(1) Whoever chosen by God, is predestined by God. The predestination of God indicates that the election of God can’t be changed. Because God have put a mark on us.

(2) Since the predestination of God is from the love of God, the predestination of God won’t be unfinished half way, He will make us achieve the goal.

(3) All the blessings and portions that God give to us are from the holy and unconditional love of God to us. Now, all that we work for God should be from the pure loving of God, then it will be valuable.

(4) God predestined us, not from the reluctance, but “in accordance with his pleasure and will”. He predestined us, not because we are lovely or perfect; He love us who are not lovely!

(5) The will of God can’t be changed, absolutely won’t be reversed, must be achieved finally. Therefore, His predestination on us must be fulfilled.

(6) For God did not predestine us to be slaves but to be the sons to enjoy all the riches of God. That is the biggest blessing given to us from God.

(7) God predestined us, not only to let us be adopted as His sons and get the life of God, but also to let us be the sons to inherit the heavenly possession.

EPHESIANS 1:6 “ to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given to us in the One he loves. ”


“glorious grace”:

“glories” show God Himself. When the glories of God show, the whole universe will praise. “glorious grace” describes we the men receive God Himself through Christ such that God show through us. In another word, God show in His grace.


(1) This verse follows the verse of (Eph 1:5). That is, God chose and predestined us to be adopted as his sons so that “to the praise of his glorious grace”.

(2) God look upon His grace and glories more than men’s own deeds. God want us to accept His grace in order to show His glories. All thanks and praises should be to God so that all the glories be to God.

(3) The believers are the object of the grace of God. The more we enjoy God Himself, the more we show God and the glories of Him. Therefore, grace is the reason; glory is the result.

(4) It is God who give us the grace so that we can enjoy Him; it is us who show the glories of God so that He can enjoy us. Thus, God and men can enjoy each other.

(5) The more one disappears in God, the more glories of God will show.

(6) Without Christ, we are separated from God by our sins without communion. We must be “in Christ” to receive the grace, and God only give the grace “in Christ”.

(7) We are in Christ; that is what make us the object to get the grace from God. Christ is the purpose and meaning of God’s giving grace. If not for Christ, God do not need to give grace to men.

(8) This grace of God is called “glorious”; not only because it shows the glory of the One who give the grace, but also brings the one who receives the grace to be glorious.

(9) In the work for God, there is no place for men to get the glories. If any serving can please God and open the door for the work from God, such a serving will surely let the glories of God be praised.

EPHESIANS 1:7 “ In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace ”


This verse is about redemption by Christ: (1) price: “through his blood”, blood is the evidence of being punished; it shows that the Son God loves bore the punishment of sins for us. (2) meaning: “we have redemption” , it tells about how we are redeemed by the price of LORD Jesus’ blood from the condemned status that we should be punished for our sins by the judgment of God. (3) result: “the forgiveness of sins”; the basis for the forgiveness is redemption; without redemption, there won’t be the forgiveness. (4) reason: “in accordance with the riches of God's grace”, shows that the abundance of God’s grace make Him prepare the redemption for us.


(1) God give us Christ -- not someone God do not love to give away, but the Son He loves, and gave away for us.

(2) Since God gave away the Son He loves to redeem us, the redemption is to save us to be as lovely as the Son He loves.

(3) The basis for the forgiveness is redemption; without redemption, there won’t be the forgiveness. And “forgiveness” is the result of “redemption” of the sinners.

(4) We didn‘t do anything to exchange the forgiveness. We are redeemed in Christ “through his blood”. In another word, all that we enjoy are based on the foundation He has accomplished.

(5) The blood of the Son satisfies the requirement of righteousness of God. In another word, the redemption and forgiveness are according to the principle of righteousness of God. However, we receive the redemption and forgiveness in accordance with the riches of God's grace. God’s righteous punishment fell upon the Son He loves; God’s grace are given to us!

EPHESIANS 1:8 “ that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. ”


“ with all wisdom and understanding. ”:

God’s grace are bestowed to us by both the preparation with wisdom and the arrangement with understanding.


(1) The more one digs into God’s grace, the deeper it is; the more one takes God’s grace, the more abundant it is.

(2) Many believers take God’s grace and there seems only a little. The problem is not at God, but at us -- who did not enjoy, take and understand the grace well.

(3) The grace given to us from God is the best. Because He give the grace to us with all wisdom and understanding. God know what kind of grace fits us the best and the proper time to grant the grace to us.

(4) God give us grace with “all wisdom and understanding”. When we enjoy His grace, we should also take it with wisdom and understanding -- asking God give us “the Spirit of wisdom and revelation” (Eph 1:17).

EPHESIANS 1:9 “ And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ,”


“according to his good pleasure”:

God has a pleasure, that is, He made us the object to receive His grace in the Son He loves. Therefore, there is redemption, which He planned in Himself.

“the mystery of his will ”:

God has a will; it is a mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, and can not be understood by men themselves, but is now disclosed to the saints. “To be one in Christ’” is the will of God for all things (Eph 1:10); it is also the will of God for the believers (Eph 3:6).



(1) God do not want us to be foolish; God like us to understand what His will is. (Eph 5:17).

(2) God’s will can be known by seeking LORD, it is not obscure and is not difficult to understand.

(3) If we put away the worldly wisdom and pride, and search for the spiritual wisdom humbly (Mat 11:25-27), we will get the wisdom that comes from heaven (Jam 3:17), also know God better and well on the way of truth.

EPHESIANS 1:10 “ to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment--to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.”


“to be put into effect”:

that is, the plan God made according to His people’s good (Eph 3:9).

“when the times will have reached their fulfillment”:

that is, after the end of the predestined period in God’s eternal plan, and at the time that the new heaven and new earth start.

“all things in heaven and on earth ”:

God make all things in the universe become unity under one head, become one system like our body; this is the purpose of the work of God for ages and generations.


(1) God do everything according to the predestined time precisely without any mistake. Therefore, we should wait for the time of God.

(2) The basic principle that the believers to be one is, “in Christ”; Christ is the center and factor to truly be one. Outside Christ, all the artificial systems and methods cannot help “to be one”.

(3) Apart from Christ, there is no any other one or other thing can draw all things to be one. Christ is the hope and the end of all things. All the work of God in the universe is for Christ.

(4) The brothers and sisters can not be exactly the same. God does not want His children to be exactly the same. But He do want us to be unity in Christ. That is “under one head”. Just as God Himself are three person but is One and can’t be separated.

(5) The history is not meaningless and aimless. Everything in history steps towards the glorious goal of God and the achievement of His will.

(6) The purpose of the redemption by God to save us, is not only for us to enjoy His grace, but is to let us share in the work of accomplishing His eternal plan, that is, making all things to be one in Christ.

EPHESIANS 1:11 “ In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will,”


“In him ”:

God give us the blessings all “in Christ”.

“in him we were also chosen”:

In Christ, we were also chosen to be adopted as the sons of God.

“who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will”:

God’s plan has been through thinking and considering.


(1) The rebirth of every believer is not a temporary idea of God and has been considered carefully. Therefore , as the children of God, we must cooperate in God’s work to carry out His plan on us.

(2) Although we look at us as nothing, God look at us in Christ as the preciousness; even are willing to have us as His possessions and become His joy and satisfaction.

(3) Since we have become the possession of God and belong to Him, God will take the responsibilities to protect, manage, take care of us until He fulfill His purpose on us.

(4) The purpose of the redemption from God to us, is that we share the inheritance in Christ. This inheritance does not refer to the savings in bank, the material pleasure, or the worldly possession, but refer to an eternal glory that far outweighs them all, never fade away, and never become less.

(5) The reason that we could get this possession, is all because of the close relationship between Christ and us. Whenever we are in Christ through faith, and unite ourselves with Christ in life, we will get this possession.

(6) Since this possession is “in Christ”, only that we live in Christ, we will enjoy it and know the riches of this possession.

(7) Christ is the possession of God. All the holy riches and source are stored in Him.

(8) God is a God “who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will”. In all things God works for His will (Rom 8:28). Therefore, understanding God’s will and living a life according to His will are the precondition for us to enjoy the good of all things.

EPHESIANS 1:12 “ in order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. ”


“who were the first … in Christ”:

refer to those initial believers who believed in LORD, including both Jews and Gentiles.

“to hope”:

the portion of this hope does not only refer to the spiritual hope in this life, but also refer to the redemption of our bodies in future that we shall see LORD face to face and enter the glory.


(1) The purpose of God to give us the grace is for the praise of his glory (Eph 1:6,14). Therefore, the Christians should take it as the center of their life to show the glory of God. The believers who care about “God’s glory” on everything, are the children who please God.

(2) All the believers who are in Christ, have the hope of glory.

(3) All of our glorious hope are in Christ. Therefore, those who know the riches in Christ, will know this hope of glory Col 1:27).

(4) Those who are in Christ first, have bigger responsibilities in front of God. Because God will show His glory through those who have the new birth first; in order that when others see, they will give the praises to God.


EPHESIANS 1:13 “ And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,”


“the word of truth”:

God is the truth. Nothing is true in the universe except God. The word of God is the word of truth. We should tell others the truth of the universe -- God and let others find Him and receive Him.

“the gospel of your salvation”:

Even though one obtains everything on earth, it will be worthless and meaningless; only one receives God, it is real. That is the Gospel to save people.

“marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit”:

Hole Spirit entered us through our faith in Christ. The Holy Spirit is promised by God and is planned and arranged by God.

“marked in … with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit”:

implies that: (1) Holy Spirit is a mark that we belong to God. We are protected, taken charge of, managed, controlled by God; (2) At that time, the seal with characters or drawing show the characteristics of the owner. The seal of Holy Spirit shows that we have the likeness of God and are like God; the worldly people could see God from us.


(1) From this verse, we know that: (1) Faith comes from hearing the message (Rom 10:17); (2) The word of truth can save people; (3) Christ Himself is the word of truth; believing in the word of truth is believing in Christ; (4) One received Holy Spirit at the time of believing, and does not need to wait for a while to receive Holy Spirit.

(2) Since the believers have been marked with the seal of God -- Holy Spirit, we should live in accordance to Holy Spirit and let Holy Spirit manage, be in charge of, control and inspire us, and we should trust in the help, teaching, and protection from Holy Spirit.

(3) “heard Him” and “ believed in Him” , from two aspects, show the responsibilities of people in preaching and taking. People are saved through the cooperation of the objective method (Gospel) and the subject method (faith).

EPHESIANS 1:14 “ who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession--to the praise of his glory.”


“(Holy Spirit) who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance ”:

God have prepare the possession on the Heaven for us. Holy Spirit in us is as the proof, the pledge and the deposit.

“until the redemption of those who are God's possession”:

We are the possession bought by God. Ever since we were reborn, Holy Spirit works in many ways to change us until the redemption of our bodies. (Rom 8:23)

“to the praise of his glory.”

the glory of God immerse us and when the glory shows, the glory of God will be praised.


(1) As to the dwelling in Holy Spirit, on one hand, He is as the “seal” , proves that we are saved and belong to God; on the other hand, He is as the “deposit”, guarantees us to receive the inheritance.

(2) Holy Spirit is as the “deposit” guaranteeing us to enjoy the riches of God. It is us who are actually the debtor; however, God constrain Himself as if He is the debtor so that He will lavish His rich grace on us.

(3) Holy Spirit is the “deposit” as the “sample” so that we could taste Heaven in advance.

(4) In the work of God, it is not for men to get the glory; it is all for the praise of His glory.

EPHESIANS 1:15 “ For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints,”


The believers of Ephesians have faith in LORD, and have love for the saints. Faith keeps the proper relationship between God and us; love keeps the proper relationship between others and us.


(1) LORD Jesus is the object of our faith, and also the source of our faith. The more we know LORD, the more faith we have. In the meanwhile, only by living in LORD, one will have the true faith.

(2) A true Christian must keep the balance -- having faith in LORD, having love for others.

(3) Here, what mentioned first is faith, and then love, it is because true faith is the foundation of the true love. If we don’t have proper and true faith in LORD, we won’t have proper and true love for others.

(4) Love come from faith; faith is shown from love. Faith is in one’s mind and no one can see it, but faith can be shown from the love.

(5) Our love starts from “your love for all the saints”; then we will have love for all people (2Pe 1:7).

(6) If the believer only has love but without the support of the proper faith, it is a love without foundation.

(7) Paul did not call them “all the believers“, but “all the saints” . It shows that the believers in LORD Jesus should be as holy as the saints.

EPHESIANS 1:16 “ I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.”


(1) Paul gave thanks to God for the good spiritual situation of the believers of Ephesians. It shows that he admitted that it is not his credit, but it is all because of the grace of God.

(2) The common problem of men is, asking for grace always more earnestly than giving thanks for the grace. However, Paul’s thanksgiving to God is sincere.

(3) “have not stopped” shows that the thanks and cares of Paul are earnest and sincere.

(4) Paul gave thanks, not for his own good, but for the spiritual grace for others.

(5) The saints of Ephesians have faith and love already; but Paul still prayed for them. It implies that faith and love need to be deepened.

EPHESIANS 1:17 “ I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. ”


“the God of our Lord Jesus Christ”:

the work of God are accomplished through Christ. He sent Himself to become a man. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among the worldly people.

“the glorious Father”:

the glory shows God. The glory of God is shown through Christ’s life of resurrection and is shown from the inside of the believers. Therefore, He is the glorious Father.

“the Spirit of wisdom and revelation”:

“wisdom” is the capability to understand that is given by Holy Spirit; “revelation” is the truth revealed by Holy Spirit.

“so that you may know him better.”:

God give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in order that we can know him more and better; know His will and His plan and all that mentioned above better. “know him better.” is not to know with brain, but to know in mind through the experience in life.


(1) Our comprehension can not reach the mind of God. Therefore, we should pray to God to let us know Him better.

(2) The knowledge of brain only echoes the views of others, is the hearsay and the second-hand knowledge. The work of Holy Spirit bring us into the first-hand knowledge.

(3) Nowadays, many people use their brains to study Christ and the church, but few look upon the revelation of God in the prayers.

(4) The most valuable prayer, is to ask God to let us know Christ and the church better.

(5) To know the riches of Christ, it is completely up to “the Spirit of wisdom and revelation”. Because it is not up to men to invent it, but up to God to reveal it. Therefore, we can only be humble and ask for it from God.

(6) Only through “the Spirit of wisdom and revelation”, we can get the revelation from God so that we can know Christ directly, individually and truly.

(7) Why most of the believers are short-sighted, poor in spirit and lack of power? The problem is mostly related to lacking of the Spirit of wisdom and revelation.

(8) God bestow men wisdom and revelation. The core purpose is to let one know that the fullness of Christ is the church.

(9) The secret to “know him better” is not to rely on men’s smartness, but is to rely on the wisdom and revelation from Holy Spirit. God is so rich and wonderful, using up our whole life, we can not know Him and experience Him all. Therefore, we need Him to give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to open our spiritual eyes and enlighten our mind.

(10) To know Christ is the highest wisdom. In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Col 2:3)

(11) Without the enlightenment of Holy Spirit, it is impossible for men to understand the truth of God.

(12) When Paul prayed, he not only paid attention to the content of attitude of prayer, but also paid attention to the One he prayed to. Therefore, he said that “asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father”

(13) Simply know God as “the glorious Father” is not enough. When we know God as “the glorious Father”, we should know the glorious grace He grant better so that not only the saints themselves will be holy and righteous and receive the glory, but also will build up the church together so that His glory is praised.

(14) A professional won’t stop learning, because he knows that he must keep on making efforts continually to refresh him with the new knowledge and catch up the times. In the like manner, a Christian should do the same; the life of a Christian could be called the life to know more of God everyday.

(15) The more we know God, the more we can enjoy Him; not only enjoy all the grace of God, but also enjoy God Himself.

EPHESIANS 1:18 “ I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, ”


“the eyes of your heart ”:

refer to the mind, understanding and the inner sense.

“the hope to which he has called you”:

“called” refers to the deeds of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit mentioned above in the verses of (Eph 6:3-14). “hope” refers to the glory of the future and the joy in the new heaven and new earth; it is too big for us to comprehend it now that we can only comprehend it after we enter the glory.

“inheritance in the saints”:

God set apart us to be the saints; not only we will inherit the possession, but also we ourselves will be the possession of God.

“the riches of his glorious inheritance ”:

God show His glory through us in the universe. His glory is greatly glorious.


(1) Many Christians only heard of the riches of the spiritual things, but do not really know the rich glory of it. Therefore, they are often attracted by the world and pursue the material pleasure and are indifferent to the spiritual things.

(2) Only when our eyes of hearts are opened, and Holy Spirit enlightens our mind, we can really know God and the spiritual things, and start to have the desires to pursue it.

(3) If we really see the glorious hope in the calling of God, our hearts will be attracted and desire for God who called us and will get rid of the worldly bindings.

(4) The spiritual growth is turning from looking at the possession we get in Christ to looking at the possession God get from us, that is, changing from self-centered to God-centered.

(5) A mature Christian will separate himself from being self-centered, and won’t pursue the gain for himself, but will work for God to gain from us.

(6) Since God take us as His possession, as long as we have a willing heart, He will take all the responsibilities to change us, beatify us and enrich us.

(7) Paul asked God to let the believers “know him better” (Eph 1:17) firstly, then he asked God to let the believers to know His calling and inheritance. However, many believers reverse the order, only look upon “His“, but not “Him“.

(8) The eyes of the flesh have important influence on one’s step; in the like manner, the eyes of hearts have important influence on the spiritual road of the believers.

(9) The revelation of God is in our spirit; the enlightenment of God is in our mind. When God give the revelation, we might not get it; once there is the enlightenment, our mind will understand what God reveal about.

EPHESIANS 1:19 “ and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength,”


(1) The power of God has been revealed on Christ, in the same way, it can be revealed in the believers.

(2) Although the great power of God is indescribable, it can be revealed on the believers. The faith of men is the pipe of the power of God: how much is the faith, how much power of God will be revealed.

(3) In terms of objective fact, we are raised from the dead already; but in terms of the subjective experience, we still need to recognize how great this power of resurrection is.

(4) The spiritual power is not added after it is used up; but is connected to the source of the power all the time. Whenever we disconnect from LORD, we will lose the power right away.

EPHESIANS 1:20 “ which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,”


“which he exerted in Christ ”:

The power God exerted in us is the same as what He exerted in Christ.

“which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead ”:

The fact that God raised Christ from the dead shows that His power is : the power to rule and conquer, the power that can exert at any time and always.

“in the heavenly realms”:

God use the great power mentioned above to exalt Christ to the highest place.

“seated him at his right hand”:

that is, seat Christ on the position with highest honor and greatest power and authority.



(1) One who has the authority but without power can not accomplish the work; one who has both the authority and the power, but do not work does not help.

(2) Nowadays, if we really believe in the power that exerted in Christ to raise Him to heaven, we will also be exalted and surpass everything on earth; not only we won’t be bound by them any more, but also can control everything.

EPHESIANS 1:21 “ far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.”


“far above all”:

“all” including all things; “far above all” means that LORD surpass all the created.

“rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given”:

Generally speaking, these refer to angels of all kinds of different grades and ranks; from a narrow view, these refer to the devil and the evil spirits; they block the passage of the will of God (Dan 10:12-13). When LORD Jesus exalted to heaven, the road is opened in the air and above all of these.

“but also in the one to come”:

not only surpass those in space, but also surpass those in time.


(1) The authority of Christ is far above all the authorities. The church shares in His power together. No wonder the gates of Hades will not overcome it. (Mat 16:18)!

(2) The great power of resurrection reveals the authority of God. Therefore, after the resurrection, LORD Jesus said "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”(Mat 28:18). If we really have this vision, we won’t be afraid of any enemies, or any difficult circumstances.

EPHESIANS 1:22 “ And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church,”


“placed all things under his feet ”:

God not only let Him to surpass all, but also make everything obedient to Him.

“appointed him to be head over everything for the church”:

God give Christ as the head to the church. He is the head of the church, and also the head of all things.


(1) God want Christ to be the head of all things; firstly God want Christ to be the head of the church.

(2) As to Christ being as the head, God want Christ to achieve this in church first. Therefore, it is of great significance to let Christ be the head of the church.

(3) Christ being as the head of all things is to let the church share in this position.

EPHESIANS 1:23 “ which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.”


“(church)which is his body”:

church is the body to show the life of Christ. Life is in the church; to show Christ is also through the church.

“the fullness of him who fills everything in every way”:

Christ originally fills everything and is extremely big. It is not enough to have one person of Word become flesh to fill Him. No matter in terms of time and space, the church is the biggest, so let Christ fills her. Therefore, the church is the fullness of Christ.


(1) If Christ without the church, then: (1) nothing to fill: for church is who He loves; (2) nothing to show His fullness: for church is the instrument He fills; (3) nothing to fill all things: for it is through the church to fill all things.

(2) “church is Christ’s body”, therefore, church is not a chapel, is not a social group; church is the spiritual body of Christ. Through the church, Christ carry out the actions. The actions of the body are all controlled by the head; the actions of the church should be managed completely by Christ.

(3) “church is Christ’s body”, indicates that the outward of the church is the details with actions and work to show the riches inside.

(4) “church is Christ’s body, the fullness of Christ”, indicates that the content of the church is Christ, is purely spiritual, is the source and characters of the outward actions.

(5) The content of the church must be filled with Christ. In another word, the church must be filled with the rich life of Christ to show Christ to the fullness.

(6) Church is not only Christ’s body, but also the fullness of Christ. Therefore, church should neither emphasize the outward activities only, nor pursue the inward spiritual content only; church should let these two sides coordinate and cooperate with each other. And that will meet with the will of God.

(7) Church must show Christ. If the church does not show Christ, it won’t be the testimony as the body of Christ.

(8) Wherever God’s great power of resurrection is exerted, Christ will be exalted (Eph 1:20); wherever Christ is exalted, Christ will show His fullness; wherever show the fullness of Christ, there will be the church with its practice.

(9) God is complete and perfect. However, due to Satan and the fall of man, men fall short of the glory of God. Now God will fill it through church so that to show His perfection to the fullness.


1. Jiale Huang: “Christians’ Digest of the Scripture Analysis Series”.

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