May 12, 2007
今天要介紹的是這本今天晚上才剛剛看完的小說—The Book of The Dead By Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child.
“死亡之書”The Book of the Dead 其實曆史上倒是確有其事。原來這本古書是一本在古埃及時代專門講述死亡法則的書。書中有很多惡毒的咒語,用來防止陽間的人給陰間的人搗亂用的。埃及傳說中法老王有五個靈魂,其中一個靈魂叫 魃靈Ba-Soul。這個魃靈是在法老屍體被化為幹屍mummy以後,走動於陰曹地府和法老墓地之間, 作為和地府聯係交往的靈魂。這個靈魂每天在太陽落山之前一定要回到幹屍身上。如果有人偷人墓穴, 幹擾了魃靈的回歸的話, 法老就會真的完全死去, 永世不得超生。為了防止這種悲劇的出現, 在法老墓地的門上,均刻有從“死亡之書”中借用來的咒語,據說這種咒語相當靈驗,屢試不爽。
小說The Book of the Dead就是以這個背景為主線發展出來的。 本書可以算是我多年讀過的這類書中最好的一本, 我甚至覺得這本書可以和大仲馬的“基督山伯爵”相媲美。本書結合古埃及的墳墓文化包括法老王的詛咒,加上現代社會的科技和知識,編織了一個完美的電影的種種基本條件:給男性讀者予冒險,神秘,恐怖,性和未知;給女性讀者以詩情畫意,遊山玩水,還有溫柔但是崎型的愛。這個故事撲朔迷離,高潮迭起,既有被誣陷的FBI 探員在最戒備森嚴的美國聯邦極端罪犯監獄中聲東擊西,借屍還魂,成功逃脫的精彩,也有三百社會名流被惡魔困於法老王的墓地,被用現代科技的音響,激光成像,刀光劍影地配合古老而令人恐懼的傳說而控製大腦,令人自相殘殺的瘋狂場麵。這位魔王為了擴大傷害範圍, 找了PBS進行全球實況轉播。。。我不記得上次是什麽時候看哪本小說讓我如此流連忘返,廢寢忘食。。。
這本書不光是情節緊張合理,更重要的是文字品味不錯,字裏行間,可以看出兩位作者(Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child)的素質和修為,確實屬於少見的珍品,我想這本書如果被拍成電影的話,一定不亞於印第安納瓊斯Indiana Jones, 引起轟動。
Diogenes drew closer. “You have acquired the gift of experience—without the awful cost of age. You are young and vibrant. It may feel a burden to you now, but it doesn’t have to be. You can be free of it any time you choose. You can begin t live whenever you want. Now, if you choose.”
戴阿金尼拉近了一些。 “妳沒有以殘酷歲月的代價而得到了人生經驗這份禮物。妳是如此的年輕和精力充沛。 也許妳現在覺得妳的經曆是一種負擔, 但妳不必讓它強加在自己身上。 妳可以在任何時刻選擇自由。 妳可以在任何時刻開始自己的人生。如果妳選擇的話, 妳可以現在就開始。”
She looked away again.
“Constance, look at me. No one understands you—except me. You are a pear beyond price. You have all the beauty and freshness of a woman of twenty-one, yet you have a mind refined by a lifetime… no, lifetimes…of intellectual hunger. But the intellect can take you only so far. You are like an unwatered seed. Lay your intellect aside and recognize your other hunger—your sensual hunger. The seed cries for water—and only then will it sprout, rise and blossom.”
“康斯坦思,看著我。沒有任何人了解妳—除了我以外。妳是顆無價的珍珠。妳有著所有一個二十一歲女人所具有的美麗和清新,而同時妳卻擁有著一個常人一輩子才能積累到的頭腦和對知識和智慧的渴求。。。不, 幾輩子。 但是智慧隻能夠把妳引導到一定的階段。 妳像一顆沒有水份的種子。把妳對知識和智慧的饑渴放在一邊吧, 去認可自己其他方麵的欲望吧, 那個對肉體和情感的饑渴。那顆種子在呼喊著雨露—隻有適當的水份, 這顆種子才能夠發芽, 成長和開花結果。”
Constance, refusing to look back, shook her head violently.
“You have been cloistered here—shut up like a num. You’ve read thousands of books, thought deep thoughts. But you haven’t lived. There is another world out there: a world of color and taste and touch. Constance, we will explore that world together. Can’t you feel the deep connection between us? Let me bring that world here, to you. Open yourself to me, Constance: I am the one who can save you. Because I am the only person who truly understands you. Just as I am the person who shares your pain.”
“妳被禁錮在這裏—像個尼姑一樣默不作聲。妳讀過上千本書,深刻地思考過。但是妳沒有生活過。 外麵有一個另外的世界:一個充滿了顏色,味道和觸覺的世界。康斯坦思,我們將一起去探索這個世界。難道妳感覺不到我們之間的這種深深的根源? 讓我把這個世界帶到這裏, 給妳!康斯坦思,開放自己吧!我是唯一的能夠拯救妳的人,因為我是這個世界唯一真正了解妳的人—正如我是唯一的可以分享妳的苦痛的人。”
奉勸那些濫情的、貪財的,今生短暫的甜頭,換來以後的無盡痛苦,還是趁早回頭是岸! ^_^
看著那些陳舊的古董衣物和首飾,我的感覺和她老公的感覺一樣, 覺得有些陰森森的-- 自覺陽氣不足,不得不敬而遠之。看她的樣子, 有點兒像那個文學城上的奇女子古墓幽魂。。。她給我們做了一頓家常便飯,又津津有味地講起在她北京買古董的經曆。 她住在裏市區很遠的地方, 早上三點鍾出來買東西, 來往交易的都是個中英雄好漢。 聽她講, 好像個個都鬼鬼祟祟的,多少帶些鬼氣似的,聽起來很令人想往。。。
毅兄誇獎, 不過看評書不如自己看, 正如我不能替你吃飯, 你不能為我休息一樣。。。
Belgians find tomb of ancient Egypt courtier Sun May 20, 11:27 AM ET
CAIRO (Reuters) - Belgian archaeologists have discovered the intact tomb of an Egyptian courtier who lived about 4,000 years ago, Egypt's culture ministry said on Sunday.
The team from Leuven Catholic University accidentally found the tomb, one of the best preserved of its time, while excavating a later burial site at the Deir al-Barsha necropolis near the Nile Valley town of Minya, south of Cairo.
The tomb belonged to Henu, an estate manager and high-ranking official during the first intermediate period, which lasted from 2181 to 2050 BC and was a time of political chaos in ancient Egypt.
The archaeologists found Henu's mummy wrapped in linen in a large wooden coffin and a sarcophagus decorated with hieroglyphic texts addressed to the gods Anubis and Osiris.
The tomb contained well-preserved painted wooden statuettes of workers making bricks, women making beer and pounding cereal, and a model of a boat with rowers, a ministry statement said.
"The statuettes (are of) the best quality of their time. They are characterized by realistic touches and unusual details such as the dirty hands and feet of the brick makers," the statement said, quoting Belgian team leader Harco Willems.
Minya is 225 km (140 miles) south of Cairo.