
A-mao (熱門博主)
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(2015-03-20 20:16:37) 下一個
昨天老板把試驗室的人召集起來,先讓學校的攝影師拍好照,作press release的準備;再給我們開了個小會,說找好了律師,要正式辦一個皮包公司了。雖然專利能不能拿到還不知道,但公司的運作還是要的。老板從沒辦過公司,都是律師指示作什麽,他就照辦:先分配專利的所有權。俺居然拿到了4.5%的share。。。

ARN-509, A Next Generation Anti-Androgen: From Discovery to Clinical Development
Richard Heyman, PhD,Aragon Pharmaceuticals
October 26, 2012—Castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) is defined by tumor growth, even with lowered blood levels of testosterone, which is a male androgen hormone. This form of prostate cancer is marked by resistance to drugs—such as leuprolide, gosereline or casodex—that either lower the amount of testosterone in the blood or the persistence of the androgen receptor (AR) signaling. (Androgens can fuel prostate cancer progression; AR binds to testosterone in the cytoplasm and ushers it into the cell’s nucleus, allowing it to give “instructions” that trigger changes in transcriptional signaling that drive tumor proliferation. Currently there are several anti-androgen drugs on the market to treat advanced prostate cancer. By definition, anti-androgen drugs bind to the AR protein and block its function.
A novel second-generation anti-androgen drug, ARN-509, was discovered by PCF-funded researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York and UCLA and the compound has recently entered Phase II clinical trials being conducted MSKCC and 13 others across the U.S.
Aragon Pharmaceuticals, based in San Diego, has licensed the ARN-509 and is conducting the studies in men with CRPC to determine safety, tolerability and anti-tumor activity of the drug. Preclinical data show that this second-generation anti-androgen, ARN-509 is more efficacious in models of CRPC, thus making it a potentially more effective anti-androgen drug than first-generation compounds. Early results from the Phase I portion of the study showed that about half of patients receiving ARN-509 experienced PSA declines of 50 percent or greater during the trial period.
During a discussion at the 19th Annual PCF Scientific Retreat Dr. Richard Heyman of Aragon discussed the preclinical work in rodents—e.g., robust tumor regression in CRPC mousemodels and low brain tissue exposure and better results compared to a standard drug used to treat CRPC—that led to the human clinical trials now underway.
He spoke of the excellent safety profile seen to date in Phase I clinical trials and the establishment of the recommended Phase II dose. In addition, PET imaging of men with CRPC receiving ARN-509 demonstrates robust AR blockade after four weeks of treatment.
To date, approximately 100 men are enrolled in the Phase II study with robust PSA responses in three individual cohorts of the CRPC patients. The drug at the established recommended dose continues to be well-tolerated. During the Q & A session that followed the presentation, Dr. Heyman was asked if they would be doing trials of ARN-509 in comparison to Xtandi (also a 2nd generation anti-androgen) in the future; he responded that his company is exploring all the options.
PCF Funding: Charles Sawyers, One of the key scientists behind the discovery of ARN-509 has received major PCF funding over the span of many years.
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網戀無罪 回複 悄悄話 阿毛,真知道有個博士老中(台)賣了自己生物公司和專利一千二百萬。是通下水道的一種菌。一次首付大概幾米,後幾年每年付。但是他不老老實實按收入交稅,被查到,狠狠地被罰了 :)