
A-mao (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2009-10-02 06:36:13) 下一個

昨天吃完晚飯,老爸陪兒子在living room練琴呢,一場突然而來的傾盤大雨讓兒子擔憂地回頭看了一眼家裏的煙囪:“Dad, are you sure the rain won't get into the Chimney? "老爸說:”Don;t worry,a few drops can get through when there is a strong wind. No big deal.“

兒子突然若有所思:”Wait,dad. How come the Santa Clause  can go through the chimney. It is impossible. Our door is always locked. Dad, how did Santa Clause deliver my Christmas gifts?"

老爸知道再也沒辦法騙兒子了,就隻好坦白:“You know,it is always daddy and mommy's job because dad and mom love you so much. We did not tell you because we wanted you to have some fun and good memory about it."

兒子恍然大悟:”Ok. I kind of doubted it, but how about the letters from Santa Clause? You wrote all of them? The handwriting was different."

"Yes. I had to ask my co-workers to write for me so you could not recognize the handwriting."

俺家的"笨"兒子終於開竅了: “That’s right. The handwriting was always strange to me. How about the toothfairy money? It must be you and mom. I kind of thought in this way. I wrote a letter, asking for 20 dollars last time without telling you and mom, and I had never gotten anything. The letter was under my pillow for a couple weeks until I discarded it。。。。。。"



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