
A-mao (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2008-09-09 20:00:04) 下一個

兒子手裏又有了近40塊錢。上周末,老爸就和兒子商量:“Hi, son, do you want to put your cash into you bank account to earn some interest? Seems you have a lot of cash now.”

“How much should I put in, dad? I have more than 30 dollars. But I don;t want to put the pennies in. I want to collect pennies from now on.”兒子說。

“It is up to you. Whatever you decide is ok. I just stop at the bank office on the way to your Gongfu class.”

兒子數了數他的錢,拿了24塊出來,給老爸:“Dad, I can put 24 dollars. I want to have 10 dollars at hand in case I need it.”

“You do the deposit this time. I will show you how to fill in the deposit ticket. Bring your record book.”老爸讓兒子自己拿著錢出門。


銀行裏,老爸教兒子填單:賬號,名字,數量。填好了,兒子排隊,遞上recod book,錢和deposit ticket。Cashier一邊在兒子的record book上寫記錄,一邊友好地和兒子開玩笑:“Wow, you are rich!”接過cashier遞過來的receipt和糖,兒子高高興興地出門。

回到車上,自然是大大咧咧地隨手一扔,把receipt和record book扔到老爸的車裏,上他的功夫課了。回到家,老爸提醒了幾次,才不情願地拿著recod book,放回自己房間。

過了一個禮拜,老爸上網一看賬戶,兒子的24塊錢沒到位。把兒子叫過來一看,財迷的臉就拉下來了:“What, the bank lost my money? I want my money back!”

老爸問:“Do you have any proof that you put money into your account?”

“Yes!”兒子趕緊把他的recoord book找出來給老爸。

“Sure. The cashier wrote on your record book. However, this may not be the best proof. Do you have the receipt?”老爸明知故問。

“I put in your car, I remember.”兒子開始著急了。

“I kept it for you this time. You should keep your receipt in your record book next time. Without it, it is much harder to convince the bank that you put money in since anybody could write on your record book.”老爸告誡兒子。父子倆於是去銀行對賬。


到了銀行門口,老爸說:“Son, you have to talk to the bank people. It is your money, and I will be with you. You can even pretend that you are not happy since they lost your money”

一向生人麵前話不多的財迷兒子看在錢的份上,隻能硬著頭皮上了。 一進門,receptionist笑容滿麵地打招呼,兒子卻打斷人家的話:“I put 24 dollars into my account last Saturday. But you lost my money.”一臉委屈的樣子, 遞上自己的record book和receipt。

“Really? I am sorry. Let me check for you...en, I could not find the 24 dollars. Let me check with the cashier. Please wait.”

五分鍾也沒有找出來。“I am sorry. We have to figure this out on Monday. The cashier who handled your deposit is not here today. Please write down your name, email address and phone number. I promise we will figure it out next week and let you know. ”又給了兒子一顆糖,兒子才不自在地出門。


今天老爸接到銀行的電話,告知是cashierc出錯,把錢放進了別人的帳戶。老爸接兒子回來的路上,把銀行的話轉告兒子。同時要求兒子:“See, you get a good lesson this time. You need to be more organized. You can write a good story about this, and send it to your sister. If you do so, I will give one dollar as reward..”



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