
A-mao (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2008-05-18 12:04:40) 下一個

寫完最後一張捐款支票,老爸看了一下銀行戶頭的balance, 拿起女兒打印出來的大學一年兩萬八千的費用清單,告訴老媽:我們有足夠能付女兒第一年的學費。看來,我們得大量減少往退休金賬戶存錢了。一向不過問家裏賬單的老媽擔心地問:能支撐下去嗎?。。。

吃晚飯的時候,老爸就開始了家庭財經會議:“So, everybody, I looked our financial situation for next 5 years, it is going to be tough, but manageable. Dad and mom will have to stop saving for retirement, and transfer the money to J.J.'s college cost. We are going to cut some of our budget, such as J.J.'s piano lesson and dinning in restaurant. Mom recently changed job and took the option of hourly-pay so she can work extra hours. J.J. will have to share more responsibility at home for mom, so mom can have more time to work. J.J. will also take part-time job in college and full-time job during summer break. It is dad and mom's priority to get J.J. out of college debt-free. Little brother's job is keeping working hard in school. We may have to compromise some of our joy, but not our family value. ”

“So we are still supporting grand parents in China, right?”女兒看著老爸剛剛打點好,準備寄給奶奶的藥物包裹,問老爸。

“Of course, it is my obligation.”老爸回答。

“Then, are you and mom expecting me to support you when you retire, and brother when he is in college?”女兒開老爸的玩笑了。

“It is different to my mom and grandma and grandpa in Shanghai. They had no chance to save for their retirement. For your mom and I, if we had to depend on you, it would be a failure for me. So I will take care of my own retirement. I do hope you can help your brother out by the time he goes to college. However, how much is your decision. Don;t worry the long-term future yet. The best you can do for the next few years is working hard. If you can finish the college in 4 years ( 5 years program) or work hard to get some scholarships.”老爸告訴女兒。

兒子說:“But, dad, I still have a Subway award coupon from school. It is free. So I can still go to restaurant for it, right?”

“Sure, sure. If you keep earning this type of coupon, you are honored to go. Mom will take you there for this type of award. If you work hard now, you may earn a free college ride in the future.”老爸讓兒子寬心。

“You have to be the No.1 to get college free, right? J.J did not get it. It is pretty hard, I guess.”兒子問。

“They are many No.1s, No.1 from your class, No.1 from your school, or even from your school district. So, you have to keep working hard.”老爸給兒子解釋。






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