(2007-12-15 16:56:50)
鑒於我們無法負擔私立大學的高昂學費,必須依賴大學的經濟資助,女兒學校的counselor建議我們不要申請大學的early decision,以免萬一大學計算資助時出錯,而我們又沒有辦法申請別的學校(Early decision往往是bound.)。所以,女兒沒有提前申請任何私立大學。為了有一所大學墊底,女兒還是決定提前申請本州的州立大學。好在州立大學提前錄取不是bound的,所以,女兒可以等到其它學校的通知後作最後決定。
女兒對醫學,science,工程沒有興趣,用排除法,所剩的選擇就不多了。州立大學的Business School還算不錯,尤其是accounting專業相當有名,在全美排名一直在前5名。性格上,女兒是那種專心於detail的孩子,所以,我們就決定申請大學的Business School。州立大學以工程和商學院錄取分數最高,但我們估計女兒應該沒有太大問題。
昨天下班接女兒,女兒一見老爸就興奮地喊起來:“Finally, I have a college to attend!”老爸知道女兒被大學錄取了,就和女兒一路聊天,打聽其他孩子的情況。由於是5點才公布,女兒就知道兩位朋友的情況。大多數孩子都是和女兒一樣,把州立大學當“墊底”的,還在為最後其他大學申請作最後準備。
談起了女兒的好朋友E,她也被州立大學錄取。不過女兒說E這個學期選修的課太tough,把數學課程裏最難的微積分和統計課都選了,上個半學期的成績不理想,在和她媽媽生氣呢。女兒說:“Dad, you meet E's mom every weekend in Chinese school. Would you please chat with her a little bit about it? E is working really hard right now. You know how hard it was for me. ”
老爸隻能點頭說ok。女兒又說另一個朋友也和媽媽有矛盾,說Asian parent 就知道push。老爸哈哈一笑,“Did I do that to you?”
女兒說:“You are the most americanized Asian dad, as far as I know. When I had a bad score or grade, you did not simply blame me. Instead, you worked together to help me find a way to improve. I am going to nominate you as the most americanized parent in our Asian-American club, and we want to interview you about your thought about americanization......”
看來,老爸這些年的細心沒有白費。雖然女兒並沒有她的幾位同學考得好 (SAT和ACT), 老爸多花了不少冤枉錢,至少女兒還是懂得欣賞老爸的方式。得到女兒的認可,該是作父母的最高獎賞了。
Haha, "finally have a college to attend." What a relief, huh....
CMC (CA)is due tomorrow. She is working on the applycation now.:(. I just can not believe why kids always want to drag on until the last minutes.
Thanks! I tried to guide her into biology since she is interested in it, but she does not want to go further. :(. Like me, she hates to see blood, so no interest in medicine. Business or economy is her interest at this moment. We have a lot of discussion at home about investment. She wants to start once she is 18 and can open a roth IRA account.
Hopefully I don't have to file my tax return after she get a CPA. This state university has a high rate of CPA after 5 year accounting program.
Thanks! However, I am still troubled by my son--boys are totally different from girls. A lot to learn for me ahead. I hope I can handle my son as smoothly as I did to my daughter.:).