2007 (124)
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早就和女兒說好,她的ACT考試成績出來,我們全家出去慶賀一下:兒子8歲生日;女兒的ACT成績是她準備用來申請所有大學的(女兒今天還要考一門SAT II, 不過,她說隻用ACT成績申請);最後當然是老爸掏腰包--誰讓老爸剛拿到拿到加班工資呢?
上星期一老爸就開始上網看女兒的成績。可ACT推遲公布時間到禮拜四。到禮拜三,女兒剛放學,就給老爸打來電話:“Dad, I heard that ACT just released scores. Would you please check for me. I am on the way to tennis club now.”
老爸連忙上網,查到成績,通知女兒:“Yes, you did much better than last time--your composite score is in the top1% range。。。。”
回到家,就和兒子討論去哪裏慶祝他的生日。小人兒一口咬定麥當勞:“I discussed with mom on the way home--McDonald.”老爸隻好和兒子商量:“How about Italy food this time? We can go to one of the best Italy restaurent in town.”
“Ok if you think better.”兒子還是鬆口了。女兒說:“I need to write an article about an restaurent for our school newspaper. This is a perfect fit.”
可惜老爸昨天預定,居然沒有了--知道這家餐館忙,但也沒想到提前一天就已經預定完了。隻好改計劃:今天和鄰居兩家一起去吃中餐。禮拜一兒子女兒不上學,晚上一家人去意大利餐館。“You better reserve earlier this time, dad......” 嘴饞的女兒連忙叮囑老爸。