
A-mao (熱門博主)
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Daughter grows up in one week

(2007-03-06 06:30:03) 下一個
A close friend passed away suddenly one week ago, leaving 3 kids and a incapable wife behind. Though it is a tragedy, we did take the tragedy as a lesson for our daughter, going through the personal finance issues, the love between family members, friendships and how to make friends, her responsibility as a big sister.... When I sent one thousand dollar check out today, I discussed with her and explained to her why I am doing so. She understood very well and felt very sorry for the 3 kids she met a few times.

As a teenager sister, she began to care more for dad, mom and herbrother. Whenever dad and mom both are on the phones, she rushes fromher room to take care of her brother downstairs, playing game together.When dad and mom feel tired, she comes to ask what dad and mom need, offering a drink....

Raising a kid with a heart can start from little things. Even my LP was surprised that our daughter suddenly becomes more caring. This is a good surprise when such a bad mood is around our house and life at this moment.

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