(2006-11-10 07:21:34)
3個星期前收到parents-teacher conference通知時,PTA也征求願意作volunteer的家長,幫他們看管書攤。俺想,反正要去學校一趟,就多花兩個小時也無妨。這不是,昨晚就去參加兒子的parents-teacher conference,順便又去賣了1個多小時的書呢。
前麵的家長和老師聊得興起,把俺的時間占了1/3呢。進去和老師一談,2分鍾就可談完:“Your son is doing great. He and 3 other boys are working together at 2nd grade level in reading and math. You see the report card, all are S+. Indeed, he's done all for the 1st grade by my standard.”
不行,哪能就這麽容易地讓老師胡弄過去!“That's great. However, I noticed at home that he's very emotional recently. I wonder whether there are somethings going on in the school. Does he get along with other kids well?”
“Really? He gets along with other kids very well. Indeed, I gave him and the other 3 boys a research project, which is above the grade level, a few days ago, asking them to work together to figure out a list of questions. They did well, even at the beginning they did not know how to work as a team.”
“I need to talk with his after-school program teachers, maybe something is going on there. I am always concerned his social skills, and we paid a lot of attention in preschool and daycare on this. You know, his birth date is just one month behind the cut-off line for school. We were very happy that he got more opportunity in the class to help other kids since he's the oldest kid. I would appreciate a lot if you can assign him more duties in the classroom so he can work in a team or help other kids.”
“That's a good thought. You know, my brother was the youngest in the class. He suffered a lot and became mature in college. It's good thatyou are paying attention on this.”
“We learnt the lesson from my daughter, who skipped a grade in middle school. It hurts her a lot. That's why we are monitoring my son closely. I appreciate a lot if you pay more attention on his social skills. ”
聊了近十分鍾,才告辭出來,去學校的gym看書攤。PTA的chairwoman教我怎麽算錢--這美國的稅是無孔不入的,在學校買書也不能少。一個計算器,一個記錄本,就和PTA的財務主管坐在一起當起了cashier。買書的父母孩子真不少。一個小時也賣出幾百塊錢呢。等人少的時候,才有機會和財務主管聊天,知道這是PTA的主要資金來源:PTA從網上買來老師推薦的書。網上買,有折扣。再按書本上的零售價買給家長。這中間的差價就是PTA的盈利。老師會給孩子推薦一些書, 也給家長一個list,上麵是老師的classroom裏想要的書。家長可以買好,再捐給老師。為鼓勵家長捐,在每本書的封麵後寫上捐書人的名字。昨晚看到不少家長捐書。
到8點多,人漸漸地少了。我也把兒子老師的wish list拿過來,挑了兩本書,讓一個學生在書攤上幫我找出來。付了錢,也放到donation的大箱子裏。
回到家,把捐書的事給兒子說了:“You know what I did today? I just picked up 2 books from your teacher's wish list, and donated to your classroom. I put your name on the book as the donor.You can read the books next week.”
“Really, you put my name on the book? I will find out next week and read them。”