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(2007-01-31 21:49:37) 下一個



>1 1/2 liters of milk


>1/4 kg of corn dough


>1 sugar cup




>a chocolate bar


>and u have to boil the milk with the cinammon, then u have to put tthe

corn dough, the chocolate and the sugar and stir frequently unil everything

is dissolved, the problem is that i dont know where to buy the corn dough

because is the thing that is used to make tortillas in mexico, so in mexico

is very easy to find but here, i am not sure.. the other thing u can do is

to buy the same product that karla bought that is a bag that contains

everything ready for make this beverage, the brand of this thing is Maizena

and karla bought it in the indian store in the chinatown, this thing

contains a powder thing that u just need to add to 1 liter of boiling milk

and stir it until is completely dissolved, u can add some sugar if u want

it to be sweeter, thats the easy way i think

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心似琉璃 回複 悄悄話 我還沒試過,但我朋友說一喝完就暈頭轉向醉了,立刻睡著。
紫色蝴蝶 回複 悄悄話 好像卡路裏不低啊,但是項嚐試一下,問好!