It's an APEC blue. 形容短暫易逝,煙花易冷,不真實的美好。
例句: He is not really like what you think, it's just an APEC blue.
2. Beijing Smog: 形容揮之不去如影隨形的堅守和專一。
例句: The girl refused that boy who acted like Beijing Smog. 再接再厲
新詞"APEC Vacation":形容意料之外,從天而降的幸運。
例句:"You won $50000 from the lottery, that's really an APEC vacation!"
今天剛看到的。留下來,萬一我們被人認為太 out 了。這APEC怎麽被形容成虛無縹緲似的一種現象,為什麽?