艱難跋涉 孩兒們被父親釋放出來後,要經過艱難的跋涉,才能到達目的地, 其中無數都會因為體力不支而在中途夭折. “天哪,太累了! 還有多遠才能到輸卵管啊?” 一個小弟在問他大哥. “路還遠著哪! 父親今天讓咱們繞道而行. 我們才剛剛經過了扁桃體!” 動物保護乎?? 偶然看到一條標語: Save A Cow, Eat A Vegetarian !! 乍看以為是動物保護協會的廣告;仔細看明後才知道是一家肉牛場的口號. 一項有趣的統計預測 最近去參加了一個會議, 公布的一項統計預測我覺得貼在這裏比較合適: In the U.S. more money spent on breast implants and Viagra than Alzheimer’s disease research. By 2030, there will be a large number of American’s wandering around with huge breasts and erections who may not be able to remember what to do with them. 譯文如下: 據統計,美國人花在豐胸和偉哥上的錢遠遠超出用於如何根治老年癡呆症的研究. 到了2030年,將會有無數的擁有豪乳的或挺著硬邦邦的小弟弟的美國人,卻記不起如何去用它們。 造句 A maxican was taking English test at the immigration office, the officer asked him to make a sentence with the words green,pink and yellow. He thought for a long time and finally said: "The phone green,I pink up and said YELLOW! " 有句長沙話最貼近英文 英語"No way" 頂多隻能譯成"沒門兒",而長沙話說"冒路!" | ![]() | |