有個醫學生實習內窺鏡. 為病人做腸鏡時, 從鏡頭裏看到一條巨蟒直向她奔來, 嚇得她啊的一聲就把鏡子扔了. 帶教老師拾起窺鏡一看, 厲聲說道,” 隻有兩個星期就要畢業了, 豈能被一條蛔蟲嚇成這樣!” 病人問:”為什麽這些藥片象毛毛蟲? 讓我怎麽吃!” 藥師答:”這都是為了防止小孩把藥當糖果吃.” 心髒起搏器 病人剛裝了心髒起搏器, 醫生解釋說:” 您的起搏器為太陽能電池型, 如果您感覺胸悶不適, 全身乏力, 說明電池能量不夠了, 您得立即到室外陽光充足的地方,去為您的起搏器充電.” Stool Sample 病人從家裏搬來一張凳子來到診所. 醫生問其為何, 病人答到:”You asked me to bring my stool sample.” Burning Urine? A doctor asked his patient,” Does your urine burn?” The patient answered,” I don’t know, I have never tried to light one before.” Midwife A wife was in labor, the baby was on his way. the husband said,” I think it’s time for me to call a midwife.” The wife replied,” No, no, no, I don’t think so, I’ll be alright in a few days.” 童謠 Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb; Mary had a little lamb……………………………………The nurse midwife was in shock! | |