


(2010-05-19 08:45:11) 下一個

另外評論一下同花順子轉載的長篇大論,文章列舉的很多不可不謂事實,但是由此由一個西人得出的結論明顯帶有惡意,套句陰雨的話說就是:Whatever he says is the truth, but not the whole truth。這類文摘要是出自同花順子的手筆,我會部分讚同,但是如果出自一個西人之手,我基本是否定。


這裏說說我上回帶學生回國交流所遇到的一些瑣事。對每個國際交流項目,學校都會安排幾次pre-departure briefing。主要是讓報名的學生提出問題,學生提了很多關於中國的問題,他們也的確問了很多有意思的問題,當然他們了解中國主要是通過美國媒體的灌輸,所以很多問題也就非常尖銳,我記得有幾個問題是關於毒奶粉跟食品衛生的。下麵是幾個有意思的問答(ZZ: 叫獸也會點Chinglish的噢,隻是在歸壇大家都會中文還講Chinglish就有點奇怪,我隻會跟不懂中文的人講Chinglish),希望同學們也enjoy:

Question 1: Are we gonna fly?
Answer: Yes, we will fly for more than 10 hours.

Question 2(same student): Is it cold in the sky?
Answer: Yes, it is very cold in the sky but we will sit in the airplane cabin not on the wing so you will feel very comfortable during the trip. (很驚訝居然還有沒有坐過飛機旅行的學生)

Question 3: I read a news about the food poisoning in China, do I need to worry about it during my stay in China?
Answer: I don\'t. The news you read was probably telling the truth, but I doubt it was the whole truth. Will you make a conclusion that Virginia Tech is a war zone because of the gun shooting?

Question 4: I am worried about crime in China. Should I get a cell phone in China so I could call somebody in case I am kidnapped?
Answer: Getting a cell phone is a good idea. But I don\'t think the cell phone will save you if you are kidnapped, most likely they will take your cell as well. But the crime rate in most part of China should be much lower than that of our area.
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