


(2008-04-13 11:18:38) 下一個


我們要強調這次CNN的辱華事件,侮辱的不隻是在美國以及全世界的中國人,也侮辱了普通的美國人。那個CNN的小醜說美國進口的中國的商品全是"junk",我們就要告訴人們,大部分“Made in China”的東西全是oversea AmericanCompanies所設計製造,中國隻是其中一個加工環節。同事侮辱“Made inChina”的是“junk”也是在侮辱平時靠渥爾馬購物謀生的普通美國人。

個人已經發了petition,也向CNN發了傳真,同時也發到了NPR all things considered。但是更重要的是向FCC(Federal Communications Commissioner)發complain,指出那個小醜的言論是破壞美國的種族和諧,宣言種族言論,侵蝕美國的價值觀,希望聯邦政府幹預。也許沒有用,但是聲音大了會有效果的,還是要相信民主的力量。另外也可以向發信渥爾馬博得商界的支持。不指望每次抗議都有效果,但是不做肯定沒有效。

I am truly stunned and shocked by the recent racist and hateful remark against the Chinese people by the CNN news commentator Jack Cafferty.In Situation Room aired on April 9, Cafferty attacked the Chinese people with the highly despicable words: "They (the Chinese people) are basically the same bunch goons and thugs they have been in the past fifty years." (http://trans.cnn.com/TRANS/0804/09/sitroom.03.html)

Cafferty's hate speech has been recorded and uploaded to Youtube. So far, it has been viewed nearly ten thousand times. People from all around the world have left comments condemning his vile remark. I condemn Cafferty’s racist remarks.

Also, please do me a favor and tell him:

I know you are rich but it doesn’t necessarily mean you are smarter than most ordinary Americans who shop in Wal-Mart or buy products made in China. Most of these products are actually made by oversea American companies. Your racist and hate remarks are all TRASHES, not the products most Americans buy for their living!

To your colleague:
Please join us and condemn CNN for racist and hate remarks towards the Chinese people made by CNN news commentator Jack Cafferty. Today, theyinsult Chinese, Chinese Americans, and Chinese all over the world, tomorrow it could be you or other law-biding ethnic groups. JackCafferty is spreading hatred among our communities, destroying our nations moral value, he should step down as a news commentator for hisvery unprofessional, very unethical, and very unmoral statements. Shameon you, Jack Cafferty! Let's condemn this racist remarks and file a Complaint against CNN to Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

* How to file a Complaint against CNN to FCC.
* Here is the details of Jack Cafferty's remarks in CNN Situation Room.
* For more information, check the following link
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