07/08/06 141.5 pounds
Breakfast: fish ball + egg soup
Lunch: fish + spinach
Dinner: fish + spinach
Snack during the day: tomato + lettuce
07/09/06 140.5 pounds
breakfast: 5 egg white
lunch: salmon, tomato
snack during the day: tomato * 3
dinner: pork + green pepper
07/10/06 139.5 pounds
Breakfast: 4 egg white
Lunch: salmon + lettuce
Dinner around 5:00pm 1 piece of salmon
Dinner around 8:10pm 1 box of Tofu, LETTUCE
Tried to sleep around 1:00am, but I am too hungry to sleep.
我能明顯感到胃的不舒服, TWISTING. 明明上床前肚子包包的, 怎麽這麽快就空了呢?除了餓以外, 竟然沒有對澱粉的渴望, 這對我是極大的鼓勵, 我也是無主食不歡的人. 到2:40am, 實在挺不下去了, 睡不好, 第二天的工作也不會順利, 所以吃了一個擺煮蛋, 到3:10am, 還是睡不著, 又吃了小半碗羊肉+一個蛋黃. 香甜入睡到9:00am
07/11/06 139pounds
挺奇怪, 竟然又少了半磅, 我並不期望見得太快, 6月末, 我最重為144. 5, 我的短期目標:7月末134pounds. 我的最高目標125pounds但隻要我能把主食減少形成習慣, 那便是我7月的最大收獲.
Breakfast: 3 egg white
lunch: salmon
dinner: salmon at 5:00pm
7:40雙菇菜芯一盤 櫻桃7個肚子痛的厲害,
這周過去, 沒借口不鍛煉了, 鍛煉計劃:
must do:
Every Tuesday evening: mat Pilates
Every Wednesday evening: step 1 plus abs, after them, usually我會練一練胳膊, 伸展肌肉.
OPTIONAL: 周末, 黃昏戶外快走.
07/12/06 WED 139pounds
昨晚吃了很多, 以為會長一磅, 高興ING
breakfast: 2 egg white, 3/4 cup of coffee
lunch:3/4中等飯盒的香幹肉絲, 半顆LETTUCE
5:00pm snack:一把腰果
7:30pm dinner:一小片清蒸魚, 羊肉煮蘿卜一碗, 綠茶瓜子一小把, 櫻桃7
07/13/06 TH 139pounds
前兩天的飲食不太符合嚴格的無碳水化合物, 體重持平, 早上3:00, 又醒來, 胃裏有點餓得感覺, 6:00睡著了, 本以為今早會輕, but, not!, 但腿累, 最苦的感覺消失了, great!!!
breakfast: 3 egg white, 2cups of tea
lunch: 1 piece of 清蒸魚, half飯盒的羊肉煮蘿卜, 1/3顆LETTUCE
5:00pm snack:2把綠茶瓜子
9:00pm dinner:一小碗蝦仁韭菜雞蛋, 青椒肉絲.
07/14/06 Friday 138 pounds, I AM SURPERISED
9:20 breakfast: 1 stripe of chicken breast
11:00 egg white and peanuts
5:00PM, 提前溜走, 去作IPL美膚 $345
6:40PM. Tuna salad
真正的考驗在周末, 老公要吃飯, 要去餐廳吃飯, 以往兩個月, 都是周間我減下來的被一個周末就加上去了. 在家沒事就吃東西, 應該有計劃的做點事, 分散注意力, 上午10看牙醫, 下午看望生病的朋友, 買食物, 去home Depot, 一定要去gym 跑1mile. 瞧, 這麽忙, 沒時間不停頓地吃吧.
06/28/06 144.5 pounds
07/08/06 141.5 pounds
07/14/06 138 pounds
07/15/06 SAT 137.5lbs
10:40 breakfast: egg white
1:00 snack: 綠茶瓜子三把
2:30 lunch: steak at Applebee
8:30pm dinner: 菠菜一盤, 一盒涼拌豆腐
exercise: 既然周五的時候我已經在這發帖要去鍛煉, 所以我在心理上把鍛煉放在了我周六的top schedule, from 6:20-8:00pm, I run 1 mile at gym, speed: 3.6 incline: 0. time: 18mins, heart rate: 162
剛跑到0.1 mile, 我的腿又酸又痛, 到0.3miles時, 腿不那麽痛了, 我對自己說, 堅持到0.5Miles, 才好對自己有個交代. 放棄的太早, 隻能讓自己後悔, 無論是減肥還是美麗, 都是一個自律的考驗. 明星離我們太遠, 很難為她們的美麗打動, 但壇子裏的美女, 身邊走過的窈窕身影, 卓實為我的鼓勵, 女人不愛美, 要麽心態太小, 要麽心態太老. 我們可以選擇我們的身材, 氣質, 容貌, 選擇真的在我們手裏.
到0. 5mile, 腿痛全無, 我知道我可以完成周五的許諾, 說出來的承諾, 代表著自己的commitment, 自己的decision, 在愛情上有為如此吧. 這也是為什麽我堅持發帖, 我知道我的體重, 很難令大家產生共鳴, 但我感謝每一位點擊我帖子的人.
尤為感謝Puppies always replies her diet diary to mine, Puppies has 2-4 pounds less than me, she is running ahead of me, I will keep following her. Thanks everyone!
07/16/06 Sunday 138.5 lbs
WOW, 不會是昨晚的菠菜豆腐在我肚裏形成結石了吧!?體重怎麽長了1磅!!!
Breakfast: nothing, due to no food left
11:30am Lunch with friends at restaurant: 美式奶酪火腿蔬菜雞蛋
2:40pm, 就感到餓了, 草莓8/9粒. 早餐一定要吃呀, 肚子脹脹的, 無便便.
3:00pm, 吃了四粒清腸藥. 3:40pm, go to watch movie, devil wears prada, disappointed! Husband asked to see superman, which made me sleep :-)
6:00pm snack 綠茶瓜子三把
8:20pm:dinner清蒸魚, 西瓜1片!!!腿痛, 腿沉!
07/17/06 Monday 137 pounds
breakfast: egg white + 3 pieces of turkey ham + 1 cup of coffer with cream
lunch at 12:40: 1 box of tuna + 1 tomato
snack at 2:30 : half box of tuna + 1 tomato
dinner at 7:00 : 8 pieces of strawberries and tried to eat egg, but too bored, so changed mind and go to restaurant. 1/3 BBQ chicken + Greek salad + half piece of bread stick!!!!