
After A Day of Hard Work

(2012-03-19 16:26:57) 下一個

After A Day of Hard Work 

Each of us is  certainly a different being.   If you throw in some other common variables such as gender, ethnic, cultural, age, and personality, the deviations among us can be even more staggering.  Taking relaxation for an example, my friends and I have this absolutely disparity when it comes to détente ( rest) so that sometimes I wonder if  I were alien from the outspace. 

Time to time, people ask me a seemingly simple and harmless question “What do You do After a day of stressful work ?” To prevent self-crimination, I’d often try to answer it as diplomatic and ambiguous as possible because I am afraid that my real answer could be offensive to them. I’d usually say something  that can be interpreted multi-ways, yet safely. things like  “Well,I don’t know,  it all depends on the day.  I may like to do nothing, read a book, or watch an action movies, etc;  they all sound good to me.”  So far the answers work like a charm without an issue. 

But the truth is that what I’d really like to do after a day of hard work, brave ridicule to say,  is to hold a girl in my arms and sit quietly on the couch, listening to some softmusic with my eyes closed. For a moment, I’d like to block everything around me, except savoring the sweet fragrance from her hair, feeling her soft,warm and tender skin under my hands, letting the drifting notes and moving tempo of music carry me away out the windows and flying above the clouds in the sky …

I hope my way of rest would not be considered as selfish or eccentric to you guys. Well, even you do think that way, please dismiss me as an immature dude, okay. Apparently  I am not alone to think similarly.  Listen to this video clip below , and you will see what I mean. J J 



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縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 腫饃辣? 你是不是裁縫掉了剪刀 —— 光剩下尺(吃)了。:))

我覺得,兩人忙碌一天,如果可以靜下心來,在音樂中,共同度過一小段貼身的時光穿越,應該比吃更健康,更溫馨。 尤其是, 在她的生理周期前後這樣做,她就不大會無緣無故,毫無理由的找我麻煩。:(

蘇鄉門地 回複 悄悄話
"For a moment, I’d like to block everything around me, except savoring the sweet fragrance from her hair, feeling her soft......"

I see, nothing else except having a lovely girl to cuddle and snuggle with :)) that sounds reasonable when someone is in love~~ but are you postive there isn't anything else besides girl&music can make you relaxed, content and free from your day stress? How about some 八寶飯? 哈哈
