
一紙問卷 (下)《在你的心目中, 什麽是世界上無價之寶?》 (圖)

(2012-02-08 15:21:30) 下一個
一紙問卷 (下)《在你的心目中, 什麽是世界上無價之寶?》

答案:愛 (love)

撰寫人: Blue.Crab


My answer is very simple and has only one word – love. There are a lot of important things in life. However, without love, nothing is meaningful.






作業難度不底啊。這兩天腦海裏在78個選象中取舍(生命,時間,愛,健康,信仰。。。)。 難到就沒有一個能包括全部的選象嗎?哈哈,想出來了, 我選:身心健康分布係數, 我把它叫身體加心理的非線性組合值。

身體健康是基本的,如果有殘疾,心理健康很高的話, 可以彌補,如霍金。

身體健康,而心理不健康,係數值絕對很低。如四肢發達,滿腦子壞水的人,生命和時間對他毫無意義, 生不如死。

心理健康包括我能想到的所有美好,如:珍惜時間, 愛人,愛己,愛美,感恩。。。

次係數越高越好,每個人都不一樣。 我的選象就是一個:the most invaluable thingin the world is:追求自己最高的身心健康分布係數。







答案: 需求被滿足珍惜擁有



Some people may say the most invaluable thingin our life is family, friends, love, health...some others may say as long asI've a piece of roof on top of me, three meals a day, I'd be happy, so the most invaluable thing is to satisfy a being's basic needs.

With the above said, inevitably, the word "satisfaction" comes to my mind. Everyone's wants and needs are different, hence, the most invaluable thing in my life is "to be satisfied, to know how to appreciate what I have in my hand", it could beall gone by tomorrow.

答案: 堅定的理想信念



對於我來說,要想造就一個成功的人生,下麵幾條當屬必須: 1)善於捉拿機遇;2)堅定的理想信念;3)頑強的承受能力;4)具才華洞世情.

而如果我必須從這四條中選擇一條的話,那麽我以為"堅定的理想信念"當是最珍貴最不能失去的. "堅定的理想信念"是履行使命,達到目標的精神動力,是立身做人的精神支柱。

信念能助人克服困難,戰勝挫折,向既定的目標頑強努力,向更高的目標繼續忠實前進; 信念也能使人在受到威脅遇到困境時,不放棄自己的做事做人準繩,做一個頂天立地無愧自己良心的人.





這是一個很大的哲學題目。我想我是否應該如此理解它的含義: - 對我來說,而不是對別人來說。。。- “Would be”是虛擬語態的假設,“is was” 就感到實在一些 - “Life” “world” 的範疇不同,想來答案也會不同。









Nothing is permanent in the existence. Everything is constantly moving, changing. I am only a miniscule happening in the vast existence.I come from nothing. I will fall back to nothing.When I am in touch with the nothingness, the source of my creation, my life will be totally different.

答案:執著的感情Lasting Affection



If my life would end today, there is only one thing that I’d be able to take it with me to my grave and still be contented; I’ll choosewithout any hesitationlasting affection. People may puzzle about my choice; I don’t blame you since affection is an intangible thing not to mention leaving a door wide open for individual interpretation. But to me, affection has been the very true force that lead me onto my quests to this far and predictably down on the road that I will farther embark.  

In my mind, lasting affection is the most magical and magnificent creature that I want to embrace and endow  until my last breath. Simply put, it includes love and devotionamplifies trust and loyalty and elevates care and sacrifice. 

It’s an undisputed fact that each of us is capable to love someone, yet can each of us be able to devote our energies and capacities unconditionally and perpetually without asking for returns from thebeginning to the end?

Romantic love alone may fall short to answer this simple question. As most of us who have experienced love may know, passion may dazzle us in the beginning, but oftentimes when physical attractions between lovers wear off; In many cases, the sizzling craving would fizzle, replaced with boredom and lassitude. But on the other hand, the deep affection toward the person we love, no matter if it is true romantic love or kinships is able to answer the question leaving no doubts at all.

If I can give an example to illustrate my belief:  Lasting affection is something that crosses between the devotion that showed in the way that  Mencius’ mother loved his son  and the faithfulness from Romeo and Juliet,in which even death didn’t set their souls apart.

I think that I am really a lucky guy. My life have been consummated with such affections that bestowed by my family and the girls loved and loves me. Without that core, it is absolutely impossible for me to overcome the hindrances laid on my path and to reach the place I stand now. For that, I am eternally grateful because today I am happier, stronger and more resilient than ever before. More importantly, I’ve begun my own rewarding and enriching journey to express my own affections towards those people I love deeply with my devotion, passion and loyalty. 

To summarize my reason to pick the most invaluable in my mind:  Lasting affections enable people, without an expectation in return, to offer their mostsacred recourses to others in the depth and distance that love alone falls short to measure.

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閱讀 ()評論 (7)
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複蘇鄉門地的評論:

I have to agree with you although your prince’s answer is kind of simple, he deserves to be praised for his sheer affection and loyalty. He is right, without his king and queen’s pure affections and sacrifices, any video game consoles, ipad 2, iphone 4s or other things he owns would be rendered pointless.

In my mind, the deep affections that parents express to the children are great and preiceless, nevertheless, if a spouse can deploy and extend the same level of deep and unconditional attachment to his or her other half, then that would be even more significant and splendid. Granted such devotion may be anti-nature not to mention to be very hard to do that, nevertheless I believe it can be done since affections can grow deeper and wider if there is a need and a calling from one’s heart.
Have a great V-day!
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複九月獨處的評論:

As instructed, I have added his answer and reason to the post. Sorry for missing out his response. :(

I am not sure that you’d return to read my comments. However, it is my sincere hope that you will enjoy your time off from the day-in-day-out grills in the city and put more energy and undivided attentions into your priorities, plus spending some quality time with your love ones at home.

In my opinion, you have done a great job to rally morals in this city. It does not matter if you come back or not, people will miss you for your diligences, intelligence plus a dose of fine bohemian spirits. :))

A great V-day to you!
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 回複盈袖2006的評論:

AJ, did my answer and reasons really shock you or you are just biased and hold favorite view towards me since I was your brother in this city ? :))

FYI, not all the people on the street are bad guys, though. In fact, most of us are regular guys who like what we are doing in terms of taking some risks and making some “killing/profits” for living the similar ways as anyone else is out there.

Thank again for your encouragement and compliments, I will try keep the human spirits alive and in the meantime, to be humble and affectionate for people I love and care.

Have a great V-day!

盈袖2006 回複 悄悄話 回複蘇鄉門地的評論:
盈袖2006 回複 悄悄話 Ad, I have to confess I'm a bit shocked by your answer. Holding a career in the investments, one is more likely inclined to believe in fluctuation and constant changes in this world, thus the necessity to follow these twists in order to survive or success.

Yet, it seems your shoes are unbelievable dry after wandering so long at the beach.I have to applaude a loud BRAVO to you.

In fact I can partly understand you because I believe in people's nature and I myself am a stubborn nut about affection and devotion no matter how many time being hurt or losing profits~~

Good for you, man. May you harvest from your honesty and loyalty, being lifted to a higher level of fine spirit.

To tell you truth, I do enjoy the guys' answers because it leads me into a different world, however, I enjoy your wonderful pictures a lot more, esp that lovely cat with unfinished dinner in her mouth in sound sleep. I have to say, that's my dream...
九月獨處 回複 悄悄話 讓先生訂了order to go,這樣我今天可以不要做晚飯,哈哈,一回家第一件事就是來看縱然君的博文~~然後按照自己的意思改了改,搬回我的blog了~~再一次謝謝你的熱情和努力付出,還有蘇姐姐的鼎力合作~~


"what is the most invaluable thing in your life or in the world?"
Nothing. Nothing is permanent in the existence.
Everything is constantly moving, changing.
I am only a miniscule happening in the vast existence.
I come from nothing. I will fall back to nothing.
When I am in touch with the nothingness, the source of my creation,my life will be totally different.
蘇鄉門地 回複 悄悄話
哈,有意思,執著的感情! 嗯,想來有很多種,但按我個人理解,隻會有一種,不計回報,無償奉獻,最經得起時間檢驗的,即骨肉舔犢之情,父母對子女的感情。

