
New Yorker:Apple Store at Fifth Ave between 58th and 59th St

(2006-09-06 19:04:21) 下一個

This store probably, in my opinion, the most architecturally ingenious design among all of the Apple's stores in the world.   From outside it is a distinctive hollow 32-foot tall glass cube made by over  500  sheets of glass. After you pass the entrance you would see an inspirational   glass cylindrical elevator occupies the center of the space. At anytime of the day light and ambiance would broadcast throughout the structure to spur your imaginations.   Rumor has it,  Steve Jobs , the CEO of Apple, was the architect and financier of this glass building. Personally, I like  Steve Jobs a lot, I think he is one of  most  visionary ,innovational and resilient  CEO in American modern history and a textbook of cases study that  how a company would be led  by someone to  survive and succeed in cut-throat global business world .   

I also admire the guts of Apple to open a store at   most posh neighborhood, along with high-end of boutiques such as Guccis, Luis Vuittons, Tiffany, Godiva … and to stand there  with  the big guys like Bergdorf Goodman, FAO Schwarz , GM and Trump Towers ….   And this apple store does more,  it opens 7 days and 24 hours. After the store was opened on May this year and it has become instant hit in New York City.

I like this apple store because it is not far from where I live, I can step into store at any time of the day to sample some video games on 24 inches super monitor, beat that. I particularly adore the consonance and translucent affects caused by the collide among geometric shapes - cube, rectangular prism and cylinder.  It is the combination of power, lines and lights done in  an aesthetic expression.

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縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 mapleinfall: Thanks for your understanding of my position. I do appreciate your goodwill and sincereness.
mapleinfall 回複 悄悄話 沒關係的:) 你有拒絕的自由, 我也有表達願望的自由嘛,有願望不說出來, 多痛苦, 嗬嗬:)
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 mapleinfall: I am Sorry for disappointing you in two fronts;

1). Correction, I am not qualify as a teacher. As you may see that I, myself, is a learning student and struggling to improve my English as well. Put this way, if you allow a blind leads a blind, the result would be a tragic (:.

2). I have made my decision to use English to write my blog at the moment I joined WXC. The reason was that I’d like to make an attempt to prove that English can be beautiful and powerful as its counterpart -Chinese to depict whatever in writer’s mind.

Please forgive me for my "refusals".

豆沙小月餅:I am glad that my writings about New York City were able to assist you to enjoy attractions a bit more .
I think that by large, travel experiences we gained might be categorized in two ways; “been there done that” or “exploring in depth”. Both of these two can benefit us and enhance/highlight our senses of appreciation for culture, art, life style and all other accomplishments of humankind.

However, if you dropped SoHo from your attraction lists that could be a pity (:.

豆沙小月餅 回複 悄悄話 縱然平行,

我的小本本上記下的都是你這個New Yorker告訴我們的tips,讓同行的朋友驚訝不已。他原以為我對紐約一點概念也沒有。嘿嘿。沒想到最後都是聽從我的計劃安排。


mapleinfall 回複 悄悄話 繼續學習英文中:)。。。不知能不能向老師申請,課間休息十分鍾時, 給我們寫一篇中文美文放鬆一下我們勞累的大腦,知道你的中文文筆比英文還好, 嗬嗬:)