
One Day A TIme (圖)

(2006-08-06 17:43:18) 下一個

The clock said 5:25 AM when I woke up. It was Sunday and I didn’t know why my body clock didn’t take advantage. My back still hurt. Sighed ….  What I only could say was “it is life, deal with it”. 

I put on running shoes and took a bottle of spring water from refrigerator.  Trying to avoid the nosy door man, Jim, but I failed at the lobby.  He popped out his head from the counter and greeted me with mysterious smile pasted on his oily face. “Running again? Be careful there!”  “I will” I replied while grinding my teeth. This guy really gets on my nerve some times.  

Have you ever wondered about these door men in Manhattan? They are worse than CIA or FBI in terms of checking you out. They know when you are out and when you in, whom you are with, what activities you do, what food you ordered and who send you mail. No wonder Homeland security enlisted them to help it to spy unusual activities  they are really good at it for being pervasive.  

The temperature was 70 degree outside and many runners had already there at Central Park, so did those dog walkers. After five days horrendous heat wave hitting New York City a hint of cool morning breeze was really a treat.  You have to give credit to New Yorkers. No matter how tough the weather would be there are always die-hard people in Central Park to carry on their morning routines as usual. 

I ran first two miles and took off the t-shirt as it was hurting my back with my motion. A red hair girl dressed with black sport-bra and black runner short passed me and then turned back her head smiling at me with mercy.  I knew what her was thinking, the sunburn I got yesterday at my back must make me to look like “steamed Lobster”.  I continued my pace and tried not to glace her bouncing knockers. “Show off!   I don’t need any stimulus at this point. OK". I didn’t smile back to her.  

I finished 5 miles regiment and felt better. On the way back one amusing thought crossed my mind. How about to start up a “Break-up anonymous Org?   A picture came to my mind, a group of heart-breaker  sit in a  circles at  a room, a guy stands up to do his introduction “ Hi,  my name is  @@@@@@ I have not communicated with her in any form and shape for N weeks since we broke up. I have not been knee-jerking”.  “Wow, good job!” the rest of breakers in the room cheers up.  I laughed out my silly imagination. 

"Good morning New York".  It is a brand new day and I am happier already.

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浦江客 回複 悄悄話 "失戀陣線聯盟", 我快笑死了. Wow, good job!

I think, dares from true friends and a new relationship, if possible, are the most effective way.

北鶴: You stole my son's favorite line: sharks are friends, not food!
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 北鶴: You are right, I should give him a break. Thanks for stopping by. I'll spend time to read your blog soon.

Good Blogging!
北鶴 回複 悄悄話 Come on, give the doorman a break! He is just doing his job- being nosy is a way of ingratiating, haha...

Like your writing.

"Break-up Anonymous" reminds me the scene in Finding Nemo-"Hello, my name is Bruce, fish are our friends"!
豆沙小月餅 回複 悄悄話 Things will be getting better, I believe. And I have my own recipe...you know, too much excercise is gonna kill me, I don't like jogging, even 1 mile...But I have to climb up and down the hill every day.

I have already been baked under sun in NJ where was hit by heat waves a couple of days ago...can I take it into account? Hehe

Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 豆沙小月餅: It is very hard or impossible to find a single cure which fits everyone's bill in order to cope with this sort of depression. Further If one person wants to go down "south" he or she does not need any excuse to do so.

I made up a recipe which may help heart breakers to recover in most cases

Five parts of time,
Three parts of healthy mindset
Two parts of determination
mixed with cares from true friends and baked under

Just kidding.

落花飄零: I'd agreed that time may be the most effective weaponry to heal this kind of "wound". Thx.
豆沙小月餅 回複 悄悄話 這個聯盟,並不一定會促進傷口盡快愈合,很有可能在心理上帶來更多副作用,比如浮躁怨懟甚至放縱。

落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 i like the idea "失戀陣線聯盟", but i am wondering if this will do any good, we need to handle this by ourselves anyway, no one can help. time will heal.