
Mirror Image (圖)

(2006-08-31 17:30:23) 下一個

Every morning,  running or not  I'd  take  a quick shower  and  then do  the guy thing  - shaving in front of  the mirror .  I'd like these few minutes of private moment to face to face with myself. There are two identical matching smiles or face-makings yet there is only one mind and one soul.  

I'd often ask my reflection in the mirror a short question "what do you want?" I'd answer it silently in my thought. Interesting enough, the question has been the same but the answers have changed through the years.  At the beginning, my answers were lay between to have wealth, babe, and fame. Nowadays, approaching 30 years old my answers begin to detour quite a bit. It  is not that  to be rich and famous  have lost the lures completely, it is just I want something  much more than that in my life , I want to be  a kind, warm , caring   and stron–inside-out man.  

I know I don't have to try to prove that I am a man any more. The testosterone and masculinity are here. What I really wanted is to be a REAL man.  A man possesses a kind, warm, caring   heart  which  makes people surround him to not only  feel these qualities  and also to reflect and radiate  these  incoming  positive energies as well. I want to be strong not by how many miles and how fast  even how many opponents I can run,  endure, and surpass, I'd  want to be strong  enough to admit errors and correct them at once, and I want to be strong enough to  allow others to feel safe, respectful and trustworthy when they are with me . And I want to be strong enough to have an always learning mind.  

Yes, it would be strong and tall as snow covered mountain peak, yet as resourceful and kind as the forest in the middle to give abundance and shade.

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縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 mapleinfall: Thanks for your confidence on me ;).

BTW, Welcome to practice English at my blog, your are no alone, me too. :))).
mapleinfall 回複 悄悄話 豆沙小月餅 說的很好呀, 我們需要的隻是智慧,勇氣,和時間。

Well, I said that, because I read your this article and know you do, or if not now, you will deserve a princess' s heart..
I am practicing my English whenever I come here.:)
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 豆沙小月餅: I appreciate your understanding and well-wish. To a larger extent I’d like to be a person would could face himself in the mirror without guilt and shame for years to come. I am not sure if I am able to succeed but it is my plan and I’d like to make efforts on it.
豆沙小月餅 回複 悄悄話 以人為鏡,可以正吾身。



日當三醒吾身。無論是dream girl,還是自律甚嚴的理想中的自己,都會慢慢實現的。

縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 mapleinfall: Thank you for kind comment. I guess, it is a two way lane, though. I’d need to be good enough to deserve a princess’ heart.
mapleinfall 回複 悄悄話 哪位“公主“如果能得到你的心,會是世界上最幸福的人之一的,嗬嗬