We were driving on our way to Washington DC for Cherry Blossom Festival last early April. The SUV's radio was playing Bryan Adam's song "
Everything I Do I Do it for you"
Look into your heart - you will find
There's nothin' there to hide
Take me as I am - take my life
I would give it all - I would sacrifice Emma and I both sang along shouting with top of our lungs jolly.
Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you Without warning, she turned off the radio before the song could end.
"Which Disney Princess would you like most?" She asked me with her serious face.
"Can I pass this question?" I replied her question with a question sheepishly.
"Why can you answer it?" She asked with her charming smile and sweet voice. Obviously she expected a better answer than dodging.
"Because … " I tried to do a speedy goggle search in my brain to find a diplomatic word to respond.
"Because of what?" She continued pressing on but her tone was soft and curious.
"I'd grant you ANY wish you'd want for trading your answer" Emma propositioned, her cheeks were lit with rosy flush and her eyes were shining.
"Sweetie, you are killing me. Your offer is so attempting, but, "I stopped short, as my body was starting to respond her tantalizing words while my brain was resisting to cave in.
"All right, I'd let you go this time."
She stopped her questioning and pulled my right hand to her face and buried her cheek in it. (That was one of the reasons I loved Emma. She always gave me the “wiggle” room and never stepped on my “tail”.)
"Thank you so much for your kindness, Sweetie" I had an urge to kiss her but I couldn't since I was behind the wheel in 65 miles per hour on New Jersey Turnpike.
Let me refresh your memories in case you forget or you are not familiar with the Princesses in Disney cartoon movies. There are about seven of them, Ariel (
The Little Mermaid), Aurora (
Sleeping Beauty), Belle (
Beauty and Beast), Cinderella (
Cinderella), Jasmine (
Aladdin), Pocahontas (
Pocahontas) and Snow White (
Snow White and Seven dwarfs). Each of these princesses has a great personality and they are all beautiful as well.
So you may want to know who would be my favorite “Princess” model. This time I'd let the cat out. "Envelop and drum please, the winner is Princess Belle (Beauty and Beast) ".
You may have anther question, what was the matter with me and why I couldn't answer Emma’s question then. The fact is that I could have done but my answer would hurt her feelings there. To make a long story short, she loves Cinderella and she loathes his father for running away when she was one year old. My favorite Princess model, Belle, loved her father so much that she would trade her own life for his father’s freedom. That was why I didn't want to upset her and I didn't want to lie either. Therefore, the best way I could do was to not answer.
Let me give the reasons why I pick Princess Belle as my “Princess” model.
1) She is loyal, loving daughter who is willing to sacrifice for his father. For instance, when her inventor father is imprisoned by a monstrous beast. She offers herself instead in exchanging to release her father while knowing cruel consequence. She must remain in the lonely and enchanted castle for the rest of her life. In my opinion, if a daughter loves her father that much it is very likely that she would love her husband in similar way.
2) She is brainy and an avid reader. I think that the girls who love to read a lot would be inclined to be more intelligent, more romantic and adventurous and aware of her own wants while being sensitive to others in trying to reach her goal.
3) She is very kind soul and has the strength of self worth and generosity to give and forgive.
4) She is beautiful and she can sing well.
5) She can be a tender lover and a nurturing mother figure at same time. In the scene of dinner, Belle is able to transform from a beautiful "babe" to a patient, instructive mother to assist Beast to eat with good table manners without hurting his ego.
6) She is able to see things that others could not see, there is a good heart from the appealingly coarse, boorish and unrefined type of masculine beast.. Moreover, she is not afraid of facing tremendous difficulties to achieve her objective to help Beast to open his heart and to learn how to love and to be loved.
7) She has good taste and keen eyes for man who would be gentle and manly. I also suspect that she knows at the very beginning that Beast is a handsome prince even though he looks beastly.
Nevertheless, I have one complain about Belle. She only changed her wardrobes a couple of times in entire story. I am not sure about her personal hygiene, though . :)
a) I have not watched all of the seven Disney Princess animation movies even though I am familiar with the stories based.
b) My “Princess” idol is just my personal taste for dream girl and is not necessarily right or wrong.
you are dreaming... haha
2) She is brainy and an avid reader. I think that the girls who love to read a lot would be inclined to be more intelligent, more romantic and adventurous and aware of her own wants while being sensitive to others in trying to reach her goal.
7) She has good taste and keen eyes for man who would be gentle and manly. I also suspect that she knows at the very beginning that Beast is a handsome prince even though he looks beastly.
Can I post a few of your articles in my blog? I have "Digest" sections for my favorite writers and articles.