history paper acknowledgements
(2010-03-29 06:19:17)
老大今年的Ancient History期末考試都是paper,秋季期末要求3頁,冬季要求7頁。
秋季那次一直寫到早上一兩點,記得那篇的acknowledgement: "thank my brother for keeping me awake at 2am."
冬季的論文剛剛看到,整整一個binder,裏麵有論文的閱讀材料,初稿(被改得麵目全非),二稿,終稿。 終稿扉頁上老大這麽寫:
“I dedicate this paper to Alexander the Great for embarking on a campaign that changed the world forever and caused Ancient History students all around the world to cringe in fear at the thought of writing a 7 page paper."