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So long I wished for this moment,
Sad and lonely I went,
From profile to profile looking everywhere,
On Internet I was hoping to find you there,
I was feeling abandoned and rejected, what a pity,
Until you finally answered me,
Now my heart is overwhelmed with joy, every single day,
You are my sunshine ray,
Being with you, holding you in my arms,
You are oh so warm,
Caressing your neck with my lips of fire,
Feeling you tremble with desire,
Like a beautiful sky of blue,
You are my wish come true,
I want to make you happy forever,
With all my love
- Dan on Oct. 7, 2008
附上W博士的美妙翻譯 :)
長久的等待 使我暗淡使我寂寞
網絡中我期待 你在那裏等我
直到終於 你回複了我
現在的每一天 快樂都在我的心中蕩漾
和你在一起 擁你入懷
感受你 在愛中輕輕顫抖
你是我虔誠的夢 成真
用我全部 全部的 愛情
Thank you very much. Sorry, I almost overlooked your replies here. Last time when I saw your words under the recent post, I was happy and went to your blog reading for quite a while. I guess that's why I forgot to check whether you left more than that..hehe..
I'm glad to know that MM likes my story. Best wishes to you and your family as well. :)
很喜歡. 你的翻譯, 精確美麗, 熱烈深情。
I am very happy for Longhair MM and Dan.
I read your love story and really enjoy it.
Wish all the best to you two,
長久的等待 使我暗淡使我寂寞
網絡中我期待 你在那裏等我
直到終於 你回複了我
現在的每一天 快樂都在我的心中蕩漾
和你在一起 擁你入懷
感受你 在愛中輕輕顫抖
你是我虔誠的夢 成真
用我全部 全部的 愛情
Dr. W, long time not see you here. Nice to see you today.
Someone gave a task to translate this poem into Chinese so that Dan can recite it in Chinese someday. Could you help me on translation? :)
看海MM, you can feel my passions and love or his? I guess from this poem, it's his. :)
Thanks, A Bei. I was touched indeed. :)
I am so touched right from this title.
Keep it up, Dan! You are a very very lucky man :-)
feel happy for longhair and Dan...
bless both of you...
不敢了,不敢了, 下次MM告訴我哪壺是開的吧,我就提那壺...嘿嘿...
thanks. You are right, now I have some many babies in my life...small ones, and big one. :))
because you have got a cold again...hehe...do you find sb else to have a cold with you this time? :)
How come I came late for this one???
Enjoy the beautiful life with your babies.
It is a nice peom, isn't it? :)
Life is beautiful indeed. JJ yourself have showed us that by your words and your stories as well. Thank you. :)
To be frank, I used to think he should be good at peoms than those analysis essays. However, he surprised me last time. Then, he surprised me again this time, but with joys.
I joked with him that he had learnt a lot from lyrics since he likes music a lot.
You LD doesn't have to say those three words because he has expressed them to you by actions all the time. Am I right? :)
Ger told me a little bit more about you. Now, I understand why we have many thoughts in common...hehe....Hug Hug!
Your comment of "Don't hope.. just know it.." is so so correct...you see, Dan applied it to his reply.
Very nice!
I am really touched after reading your love story. It makes me feel that life is beautiful, soooooo beautiful!
Please say hi to Dan. :-)
I would like to say that what happened to us is quite different from the movie, although there is some similitude.
Both Neo and I were awaken (kind of) from this dream, an apparent reality.
A reality that blinded us from the real world. But unlike the Matrix “real world”, the one I discovered was wonderful… And best of all in this “real world”, I share my life with this amazing woman.
I can say truly: I don’t think I’m the one for her, I know I am!
I will have to find someone who can write such a peom for me! Well done Dan! you deserve longhair just like she deserves you!
Eyre: now it is your turn, get your big bear to write something like this! :)
All the best, best and best to longhair and Dan.”--ZT
Tears in my eyes for the grace and joy of love
All the best, best and best
to longhair and Dan.
Hehe, knock,knock:-)
This remind me of the words Morpheus once told Neo:" Don't think you are, know you are...."
Don't hope.. just know it.. you two will have a much better destiny! :-)
Best wish to Longhair and Dan:-))
I love her (Longhair), as Neo loved Trinity.
I'm the chosen, one as Morpheus and the Oracle predicted. Hopefully, we will have a better destiny...
of course, I am Agentsmith, I am always right on time...haha:)
Longhair: you are a lucky lady! happy for you and RR:)