longhairr2008-01-26 15:40:02回複悄悄話
Thank you, 素月. Hehe...I don`t take blog as a task. I just hope to get more time to 娛樂 ya....writing is also something as 娛樂 for me. But now hardly to start although I have something which I like to write about. Even started, no time to finish. Not a good feeling of not completing something. :)
素月-2006-2008-01-26 08:50:57回複悄悄話
take it easy,寫博是娛樂,不是工作,不要給自己加壓力。
longhairr2008-01-13 13:34:28回複悄悄話
Don`t worry. If a day could have 48 hours, our life could last based on days instead of hours. :)
Thank you, 素月. Hehe...I don`t take blog as a task. I just hope to get more time to 娛樂 ya....writing is also something as 娛樂 for me. But now hardly to start although I have something which I like to write about. Even started, no time to finish. Not a good feeling of not completing something. :)
Don`t worry. If a day could have 48 hours, our life could last based on days instead of hours. :)
現在是真的難得偷閑呀...那天能閑多點就更好了. :)